Chapter 9

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Philip's POV

I'm at Pizza Hut chilling with some friends of Ryan's when my phone buzzes in my hand. It's Susan.

'In the mood for some burgers tonight🍔? '

She saves me from the clothes and shoes and make up conversation. Out of the three girls I'm sat with, none of them has real lashes, eyebrows or boobs. Even their hello wave is fake. I'm not sure how Ryan is able to handle this. Every time I scooted away to draw some space between me and Tessa, she would move too.

'I might be hungry for a burger yes 😉' I send her.

 I assume she's working tonight and wants to see me. I look down at my clothes, definitely not my best.

'Ryan, I need to go. Something urgent has come up. I'll see you later man' I wave him off. Good luck with those Ryan. I pray you don't turn crazy. Now, I need to see her.

I step into the shower and squeeze an enormous amount of shower gel. I want to make the subtle impression that I am the guy for her. I wonder if this is achievable from shower gel and cologne? Not enough Philip.

Good looks? She will probably think I'm a womanizer.  But I am not. I might have had a number of one night stands, but I have not cheated in any relationship.

I put on a white shirt and a leather jacket and apply some perfume. I look at myself in the mirror, damn my beard needs some trimming here and there. Should I go to a barber then visit her? Wouldn't it too obvious I am trying to impress? I discard the idea and get into my car.

I have secretly admired her for 2 months now, at first I didn't want anything to do with a relationship. I didn't approach her, maybe I was waiting for her to. But she never did more than staring at me. Lately I've been having inappropriate dreams about her, and found myself thinking about her more and more. I wasn't expecting to, but it happened.

I'm parked in front of a restaurant for a torturous 10 minutes, biting my nails. I look at myself in the mirror, I'm all good but my heart feels thirteen. How do I ask her on a date?

Will she say yes? My heart would stop if she says no. What if she does? I run a hand in my hair. I am a total mess-and I have not seen her yet. I mutter a silent prayer, please make this go well.

I check myself a last time in the mirror and check out my teeth. Good to go.

I swing the door open with my wet palm, the bell goes off announcing my arrival. I have a urge to say 'Honey, I'm home' but I don't. I laugh at the fool I have become for her. My eyes search for her behind the counter. She's there, wearing a yellow top, talking to another girl. I don't know why I thought of her amidst a sunflower garden. Her name always made me think of pretty big sunflowers.

I make my way to the counter, praying that the conversation lasts some more so I can surprise her. Like magnetized to me, she looks in my direction and gives me the most beautiful smile. My heart pumps faster. I cannot help but grin at her.

As I get closer, I catch a hint of make up on her beautiful face. Did she get ready for me?

'Hi beautiful'


Hi guys, thank you to those messaging me with your views on my book. I highly appreciate it.

I have added pictures of Susan (Tanesha Awasthi) and Philip (Ben Dahlaus), let me know what you think?

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Love you guys

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