Chapter 10

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Philip's POV

'Hi Philip' her smile makes me sweat profusely now.

'How are you Susan?' Her cheeks give out her uneasiness and she looks at her apron. I want to grab that face and bite those cheeks.

'Fine, yourself?' her eyes peek at me and I stare lovingly at her. Her eyes look more beautiful today and her lips painted in pink. She's wearing make up!

I rehearsed my lines so many times on my way here, and I seem to have forgotten everything. All I see is her pretty face. If you know the heart eyes emoji or the drooling mouth emoji, that's me right now! No jokes.

'I am fine thank you. A large chicken burger please.'

'Anything else?' Yes, I'd like you, on my lap please.

'Yeah. What are you doing after work?' Shit, she was asking anything else for food!

She chuckles. How dare she?! But I can't help but smile at her. I scratch the back of my head at my foolishness. I knew I would end up making a fool outta myself...

'I am going straight home..why?' She prints my order. She's not looking at me, does that mean she doesn't want me?

'I can drop you home. At what time are you ending? I need to catch up. I have to ask her out on a date. Which God knows how I will. I don't wanna end up asking her out on a message. That's a big no no.

'10 pm. Michael will drop need to worry..' Michael? Fucking who? Why is he dropping my next-to-be girlfriend at home at this hour? I hope he is not a pervert. There is no way I'm letting a stranger drop her.

'Who's Michael?' I demand. I'm boiling in jealousy now.

'Our chef here, he drops me every night' she adds.

Every night???! I run my hand in my hair in exasperation. A man, I don't know his fucking last name, how the fuck he looks, drops my future girlfriend at home. EVERY NIGHT.

She's examining my face now, I made it too obvious that it upsets me. Fuck, now I must look like a creep to her.

'He's married and got kids. If that matters anything.' Pheww I let out a sigh of relief. But still, I need to meet him. He could be married and still ogling her. You never know. I am not taking any chances.

'Okay, well I am dropping you home tonight, 10 sharp, I'll wait for you outside.' I flash my teeth at her and earn one of her shy smiles.

'Thank you. Can you message me your number, I will give you a call when I am done?' she asks sweetly.

I lean in closer and tell her 'When you hand me my burger, beautiful'

She opens her mouth in protest. 'Well you are the one wanting to drop me home....'' Smart mouth..

I lift up my hands in defence mode. She giggles. 'I'll be sure to bring you your burger.'


Minutes later, I see her walking with a tray in my direction. Holy fuck!! She's wearing a skirt. Every part of me is commanded to her attention. She is literally trying to kill me. Fuck. Those curvy long legs. I want them wrapped around me. It takes all manner of control not to reach and touch those legs. Her hips swaying gracefully as she walks up to me, I can't help but stare like a hungry dog.

'Do you have a pen?' I ask her, swallowing the drool.

She hands me one and I write down my number on a handkerchief and hand it to her.

'Call me tonight baby.' And we both end up in a fit of giggles. Cliché, I know. I can't help but stare at the extra jiggle in her ass as she walks back to the counter. I am grateful she stays behind that counter. That skirt is way too short to be walking around a restaurant. I don't like the idea of men ogling her legs. They belong to me only.


'Hello Susan, I'm already here. Waiting outside. Come'

The glass door slides open and I see her, walking shyly towards me. I open the passenger door for her and she smoothly gets in.

'How was your day?' I ask her, trying to ease the atmosphere between us.

'Good, school was okay, and there weren't many customers. Yours?'

' I hung out with Ryan today and some of his friends. Ryan is one of my classmates, he's attending Hepsburn University, so we hangout often, we hit the gym together' I glance at her, catching her eyeing my jacket. She immediately shifts her eyes away when she notices me. I grin. Mean, but her reflex actions have me smiling. She has no idea how cute she looks when she embarrasses herself.

'You look beautiful today in that outfit.' I compliment her, making her blush harder. She mouths a thanks to me, her eyes glowing with happiness.

'Are you free this weekend? Do you want to go on a date with me?' There I said it. Pheww. I hope she heard it. Maybe I said it a bit too fast. I hope it was comprehensible?

'Date?! With me?' She widens her eyes at me.

'Yes, I want to take you out.' I stop the car a few metres before her house. 'I know this is all too fast, and I barely know you, but I really want to get to know you and see if we can move to another level...'

'okay' that's all she said. Relief washed over me. It wasn't much but at least something than a no.

'Great, let me know when you are free.'

She unbuckles her seat belt and reaches for the car handle-

'Don't I get a good night kiss?' I blurt out. She smiles and moves closer to press her lips against my cheek and whispers a thank you that sends my heart bungee jumping.


Susan (Tanesha Awasthi) Are you guys excited for Philip and Susan's first date?

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