Chapter 20

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Susan's POV

'You mean feed you as in feed you like a toddler?' I stare at the sexy man in front of me grinning with all his pearly whites. It's adorable how one minute he can be all mature and taking car of me like a grown up man, and the next minute he is like a kindergarten kid. 

I reach for the pile of fuming spaghetti and dig in with a fork. I can feel Philip's eyes on me, but I'm not sure if he is looking at me or the food. I twist them neatly around the fork and move it to Philip's mouth who is already open. He happily chews on it like a starved kid and places his hand on my thing, his new favorite place to rest his hand. I feed him few more times before a mischievous idea pops in my head. I deliberately take my time to pick up the spaghetti which makes Philip tap my thigh, urging me. Such a kid. I stifle a giggle and press my lips to stop myself from laughing at him. After eternity and a sexy groan, I move my fork to feed him, only to see pouting pink greasy lips. Gulp.
As naughty as I am, I make him open his mouth, but don't feed him by pulling the fork away from him. Once. I earn a frown. Second. Nearly missed it.He glares at me, but I see amusement in his eyes. I gotta be more quick. Third. I don't get the chance to pull as a strong hand pulls me closer. Mission failed.

'Try. Be. Naughty. To me now.' he challenges me in between munching. I feel myself heating up under his proximity and stare. His hand is firm on my back, as if waiting for me to make the next move. I grab his free left hand and place it on my thigh, surprising him. I try feed him again, playing innocent, making him think I'll actually feed him, but quickly pull my hand away again. He groans again but I let out a laugh, mocking him and loving the way I am currently controlling him. The expression in his eyes changes within the blink of an eye and next thing i know, my legs are parted and he stands in between them, claiming my mouth with fervor. He holds my face between his hands, thrusting his tongue and exploring the recesses of my mouth. I tug at his shirt, urging him closer to me. I match him kiss for kiss, something inside me yearns for more than these kisses, but a voice tells me it is too soon. You don't want to end up like the last time.
Suddenly we hear the door click , and we break our kiss.

'Fuck.' Philip curses under his breath before running a hand in his hair while I try to even my breathing. We next hear soft thuds on the wooden floor approaching the kitchen. Philip who is now standing next to me calls out for her sister. An annoyed Hayley pops her head  in the kitchen, wearing a scowl on her face.

'What?' She snaps, but quickly offers an apologetic smile when she spots me next to her brother.

'I didn't know we had company. Hey.' She merely nods her head at me before frowning at her brother. I blush a shade darker when she eyes my face again.

'Hi Haley, What's up?' I manage to add in.

'Hales, you've met Susan before, she's hanging at our place tonight.' I offer her a smile.

'Sure. Enjoy.' She dismisses us and vanishes in her room, shutting her door with a small thud. I look at Philip quizzically. Is she mad or is that her normal behavior?

'Ignore her, she must be in a bad mood.'

'O-okay..come I'll feed you.'

'You will?' Philip raises a brow at me.

'No mischief this time. Come.'


'Would you stop wiggling so much? I feel Philip hand tighten around my waist.

'Sorry.' I toss again to make myself comfortable on the couch. My head rests on the left arm of Philip who lays comfortably behind me, watching Netflix. His front is pressed to my back in a spooning position and I can feel his muscles. His head is resting on a cushion while his chin is touching the top of my head. I feel the heat radiating from his body to mine, my heart is pounding at an alarming rate at this proximity, but the man looks unaffected! How?

I toss slightly again, tugging left arm under me-

'Are you doing this on purpose so I get a boner?' Whoa what?  I freeze in my position. I wasn't wiggling my butt to get his attention! It was getting comfy. That's all!

'No..j-just getting comfy. S-sorry.' I stutter

'I'll try believe you. Now move all the times you want and when you're done, I don't want you to move again.' he orders me and pulls his hand away. I shyly peek up at him and toss again a few times until I feel a hand slap my ass.

'Ow!!' I turn and glare at Philip who is eyeing my ass. Shameless man. But I love it at the same time. I want him to spank me again, until we are both all hands and tongues.

'What was that for?'

'Stop moving.' He grins at me and hugs me once again, pecking the top of my head. What did I do to be seeing this day? I mentally thank Cupid when I feel his thumb rubbing on my tummy. Fuck! This is getting worse. I  need to walk with spare panties now. Please do more! We stay in this position for God know how long until I stop feeling the left side of my body.

'Do you know I've never like this cuddling position? Until now.' he whispers in my ears, sending chills down my spine. His voice is low and husky. I'm sure if you look up the definition of sexy in the dictionary, Philip's name will be there.

'And can I know what made you change your mind?' I ask slowly as my body starts heating up even more.

'You, of course. You are so soft-' he half squeezes me in a tight hug. I wiggle from his embrace and turn myself to face him. All sorts of emotions crowding my heart. It's like then sun finally came out after so many days of gloomy skies. 

'I've missed you a lot. I t-thought you were done with me-t-that you-u didn't want to talk to me anymore...and I know it was all so confusing because we h-had such a great first date-'

I barely have time finish before I feel a mouth crashing on mine and a hand pressing my body. His left hand cradles my neck and keeps me in place when he deepens the kiss while his right one roams and fondles my waist, pushing me into him. I feel him getting hard and I become a puddle of goo in his embrace, the closeness and scent of him making me dizzy. I want you.
My mind is on overdrive. I want him to touch me, to kiss me and never stop. I want him to make love to me..

Just when I think of making things to further by pulling his shirt, he stops the kiss and stares at me. Fuck.

'I missed you too. I'm sorry I didn't make you part of it, baby. I just didn't want to mess things. I promise it won't happen again.' And we kiss again, pouring all our feelings into it, sealing the promise with a kiss. 

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