Chapter 8

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*Brad's POV*

I slouched into my seat, pushing my earphone in further listening to Arctic Monkeys Arabella. Sinking into the music I sighed, I hated flying with a passion, rolarcoasters was pain but this was hell. I turned my head seeing Connor fast asleep, I smirked. Having tried to close my eyes and sleep hundreds of times i stopped after not being able to drift off. I glared out the window, wondering how Shannon was, if her dad was ok. It killed me inside knowing I had hurt her, I had been so stupid. Trying to wipe the thought of her out of my head I looked down at my phone, flicking through some apps. Shannon came to mind again as I came across a little game she made me get when we went boarding, I smiled at the thought of her. I remember her clear that day. She wore high waisted shorts that only her could pull off.  Her beautiful hair handing over her shoulders, down too her spine. My grin growing bigger then I hesitated to a sigh, I wonder how Connor was coping, he hadn't spoken for the last 3 days that we was in LA. My gut turned as realised how much of a mess a created.

my eyes flickered open, seeing the same seats infront of me. The same snoring noise that came from Connor. I unlocked my phone seeing I had only slept for fifteen minutes. I remembered that i was supposwd to send a photo to Dean that I took of the beach, I clicked on camera role just double checking I had it. Running my fingertips through my hair a shock came to my eyes as a couple photos caught my eyes. I hadn't noticed Connor had woken and was watching me out of his tired, weakend eyes. As i selected each photo one by one they was all of me and Shannon on the day we had met, Connor must of taken them after I told him not too. I swore under my breath, god I missed her. I felt a hand on my shoulder, I turned to see Connor smiling.

"I hate to say this but..."I cut him off.

"I lost an amazing, beautiful girl..yeh I know."I mumbled but loud enough to hear. As the conversation drained out I looked back at the pictures.

"You know it's not too late." Connor spoke, I turned my attention too him.

"What do you mean 'it's not too late'?"I replied, staring at him while biting my lip.

"Well she only lives outside of Birmingham."He suggested.

"Oh thanks Con that narrows it down alot!"I said sarcasticly.

"We could ring up and ask the hotel?" He asked. I laughed hard.

"Yeh and be arrested for stalking people..."I joked.

"Yeh but if we explained it, get joe to ring up plus they must of seen us hanging around with them."He spoke, then he sighed. "Isn't it worth a try?"

Connor was right, we wouldn't know unless we try. I just hope that these photos would be my last memories with her.

*Shannons POV*

My hand clutched tight Into his, it never let go. For the 48 hours I have been next to my father's bed side I have never let my grip go. I hadn't even notice I had fall asleep with my head resting gently on his right arm. As my eyes opened to the small box room that I have been in for what seems like weeks came into full vision. I turned my head sharp to look at my dads face. I hated seeing him like that, lying there in a coma. I had sat and read to him for the first couple of hours I was there. As the silent room made me extremely uncomfortable I turned round hitting the Cd player, one of mine and my dad's favourite blues song came on. I rested my head on his chest, listening to his cold heart beat. I jumped as the door creaked open.

"Sorry." a deep husky voice whispered, I turned back to my dad. Pushing back a loose bit of hair that hung in his eyes. I got up out of my seat, turning the music down. I smiled up to my brother, he leaned down kissing my head.

"Where's Erin then?" He said trying to brighten the mood.

"Making phone calls, I think she went shopping for clothes aswell for Rio."I spoke while I prepared the bowl of water and the cloth that was by the door. I placed the cloth into the water turning to face Dan, he mumbled something under his breath, I rolled my eyes.

"You know you don't have to go to Rio?"He spoke.

"Ye but I have to." I spoke stern, he sighed. "I want to."I said again correcting myself just for his sake.

"But don't you think it would be better staying here." he suggested for the 100th time, I shook my head.

"I can't stay here and watch him fade away.." I paused turned to look at my dad. "I just can't,  and it's not what he would of wanted us to do." I stated my decision final. Dan stepped forward.

"I think your not just going because of dad, I think it's because of that dick of a boy you met on holiday." he moaned.

"Fist of all he's not a 'dick' second of all I just took it a little bit too serious.."I admitted. facing away to the wall.

"Don't blame this on your self, trust me forget him.."He groaned. "if he was a true gentle man he would be running to come and find you right now.." He stopped to look around the room.

"And do you see him anywhere? .. NO." He ranted, I rolled my eyes smirking at my brother.

My attention turned to the hospital bed as a loud bleeping sound, I ran to the bed screaming for a nurse but nobody came. The tears fell as my dad started moving about in his bed. My brothers arms pulled me back as doctors rushed in. The room drounded out, I felt my body calapse onto the floor, I felt my body shatter around me.  I screamed his name over and over again but he could not hear my voice. All I could hear is the large bleeping sound equoing throughout the room.  The tears fell hard onto the floor, the cold stone chilled my legs raising the hairs on my there. neck. I couldn't leave his side, I didn't want to leave his side whether I had to do anything to get there.



thank you for reading, so how was this chapter? what's going to happen to her dad? will brad find Shannon?  comment what you think... If you liked It please add to your library and vote. p.s sorry if it was short:(

also thinking of making a trailer comment if you would like to see that

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