The Beginning

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  • Dedicated to Brady Vaughn

Who would have known I'd be here right now. Just when it seemed like everyone's back was against me, I am the one who ended up on top. I was never a popular girl. They never sang me praises and the guys never gave me a second look. Standing at 5'6 with my caramel complexion and amber eyes I knew better than to doubt my looks. How could I not though when no one ever payed me any attention? I thought about it like this. I succeed in school, I have  a good job, I better myself, and the rest will come along right? So I wait for life to happen. I was content with the aspects of my life as of now even if I am going threw it alone. I didn't really expect anyone else to be proud of me for following my dreams. When dreams were my reality and their's still weren't coming true.

 It has been 3 trecherous years since Ive moved out of my Dad's house and I dont have time to deal with my parents. They ARE loving, supportive and understanding but only if what I am doing is something they approve of. I was tired of not being heard, I was sheltered so much that i didnt know how to use my own voice. So I left. Any adult or teenager could understand how hard it is to live out on your own at such a young age but I did it. It was/is not easy.... Somethings I regret and others I dont but no one else is gonna look out for me so I did what I had to do.


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