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Thrash and I were sitting in a small cafe having lunch when I heard my phone ringing. I knew better than to answer it at the table so I let it ring as if it was going unnoticed.

I was messing over my plate while taking in the format of the place. The cafe that sat on the main floor of an office building , was a quaint little area, and I was loving it. The building overall had an open layout that I have always adored. The windows throughout the room were set as if they were walls the way they sprouted from the ground and ran all the way up til it touched the ceiling. There were no need for lights because it had natural light from the rays of the sun, and it also helped that the room was filled with vibrant colors of white, yellow and green.

There was so much noise the room I could not help but to get consumed within myself like I always did around large crowds. I had terrible anxiety when it came to being social and Thrash knew that, but it was not going to stop him from dragging me along to these different meetings trying to show me off as if I was a new toy. I don't say that to mean that he is degrading me, it is just a known fact that he is a flashy guy. He let it be known that he always had the finest of the fine without ever really confirming or denying his net worth, after all we did live in a middle class neighborhood, but I know from experience his account has way more figures than that.

I felt a slight tap on my thigh causing me to look up and be greeted by 2 sets of emerald eyes. Javier and Carter Ramirez. The father and son duo were internationally known for having stake in popular fortune 500 companies around the world and investments in many small businesses around the United States. The elder Ramirez and my father are great friends, when Thrash found out that I was so close to the pair he practically begged me to set up this meeting. HE has been interested in opening a couple businesses but he only had a vision of what he wanted but he needed the brains of Stockton Unlimited to make it into reality with their management. Little did Thrash know that Carter and I had a history or that the Ramirez family also had a hand in bad doing bad business and linked with many powerful cartels. They were the ones to introduce me to the fast life that I was living. Carter and I had a special bond that no one understood or dared step in the way of. So when he started including me in all his families affairs they had no choice but to accept me.

I stood up greeting The Ramirez men with tear filled eyes and a lightning bolt smile. I wanted so badly to jump into their arms but I knew better than to act such a way in front of Thrash. Javier gave me a fatherly hug with a kiss on a cheek, but when it came to Carter I was afraid to meet his eyes. I leaned in for a side hug but was pulled into a strong embrace when he noticed my dismay. He had a tight grip on me and I couldn't help but to surrender into his arms as I took in his knee weakening scent that tugged at my heart until I heard a cough from behind.

"okay Carti" I whispered

He slowly released me but kept an intense glare in his eye. I cut my eyes at him then turned away.

As Thrash pushed my seat back in I could feel how rough he was being. I gasped, quickly recovering and looking up to the smirk on his face.

A warning.

"So Mr. Stewart what brings us here today? I heard about your proposal a while back but then things got quiet, what's the word on production" Mr. Ramirez spoke

"I want to open a warehouse with finest suits money can buy. Custom Taylor made suits, Versace, Armani, Tom Ford, hell I will even do cheap suits too. I wan to give these men something represent themselves in besides Jogging pants, Khakis, baseball tees and scratchy linens. Even start my own line at some point. I'm still working on some contracts, and scouting locations. It's hasn't been the easiest task between my training, the actual fights, and my endorsement deals... but that's why I have come to you guys for help."

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