The next time Part 1

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The next day was nothing like i expected it to be.

After getting dressed for the day I headed to the kitchen. I thought that I would have the house to myself since Thrash would usually be gone by now, so you could imagine my reaction to the many voices i heard as I passed through the hallway.

"Leanna" he spoke as I stopped in my tracks

I could certainly say I was afraid of him right now. I knew what he was capable of but to see it first hand was unbearable. Watching one of his matches couldnt even compare to the massacre that occured last night. When I stepped into the kitchen he was already in there presumably waiting for me to wake, I was trying to avoid him but it was obviously impossible. I knew that he would never be violent towards me although I couldnt stop my mind from wondering.

He was leaning on the counter drinking from his mug. Suit and tie he had a fresh cut and shiny dapper shoes. I was throroughly impressed at his smooth transition fom a monster to mister.

I wasnt ready to make eye contact so I walked past him making my way to the table for my awaiting breakfast,

" Why are you still here?" I asked innocently

" Why am I still in MY house?" He shot back

" I just assumed that you would be gone. Your always gone by this time" I answered looking at the clock

" Im not going to the gym today I have a few meeting and a press conference later. I was waiting on you to join me."

Now this was new. Never had I been allowed within fifty feet of him outside of this house. He says its only to keep his personal life private. So I have no other choice to respect that. As a celebrity you are always critized and speculated so I could understand. We have a complicated situation and thats noone's business but our own.

I stood from the chair " It's going on 9:00 a.m. You know how long it takes me to get ready you should have told me sooner" I scolded him

He chuckled "Relax. I'm leaving out now. You dont need to be ready until 3, thats when the car has been scheduled to pick you up."

As he spoke I couldnt help but notice him getting closer I sat across the room for a reason. I was uncomfortable with him right now because I was still shaken up. I kept my head down pretending to be occupied picking at my plate.

" I have a few people coming over to get you ready 11" as he leaned closer to me for a hug but I tensed up dropping my fork in the process


"Thrash" quivering

" You dont- Look at me Lee. You dont need to be afraid of me." he faces was painted with hurt



"Ms. " I corrected

She smiled at me curtly, knowing she was only trying to push my buttons.

I was sitting infront of the vanity with a fresh face of make up as I waited for Rosa to finish my hair. I was itching in my seat to get a glimpse of the dress that was picked for me. Since this would be the "debut" of our relationship his publicist was sure to send help to ensure the image I was projecting was complimentary to T's.

" I dont understand why you cant just except the fact that your marrying him" She questioned " Only an ungrateful person like you would hate something like this. He is a great catch! He's got stacks on top of racks in money, a legitemate job, he owns all the finest and he clearly cares for you. I dont know any other man on this earth that would take care of anyone financially for no reason. You owe him this. Its time you settle down before you end up in a grave or in a jail cell, you owe this to yourself"

No one else besides Rosa knew of my little facade.

For 3 years I was a crook. I manipulated and scammed for their money. I did robberies and embezzled people. Drugged plenty of people into signing over all of their precious belongings so that I could live a better life. that was up until I got caught by Thrash Alexander with my hands in his cookie jar or in other words- his safe.

We had been friends for many years. and you know how that saying goes " boy and girls cant be best friends". We girls spend all our times running to guys shoulders to cry on in our times of need then continue on our way and it always ends up with someone being in love but the other is too blind to see it. I was the blind one. He was in a relationship which was the stem of my denial. Thats why I thought it was okay to talk to him about my problems because his heart was with someone else or so I thought. Not only that but how could he love someone like me? I was horrendus, I was the scum at the bottom of the earth and I didnt deserve anyones love or friendship.

"I got lucky that his love for me over powered his anger that night ya know? I thought he was going to kill me for sure."

" Leanne I thought we were over this" curious

" Oh thats not the problem, the problem is that he had another episode last night. My mind kept flashing back to that night. It always does when he gets that way. He is a monster one minute then the next he's like Dr. Sues it scares me to death" I didnt get a response and I understood. Their was nothing left to say.

Now please dont get me wrong I was a good person but I did bad things to good people. I was at rock bottom. I know that isnt a good excuse but I just need you to understand why I did it. I came from a wealthy family but once I left their estate they turned their backs on me and left me with nothing. They told me it was to teach me a lesson but I knew they thought I would I would come crawling back but I refused.

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