Before The Game

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"You left me with tears streaming down my face,
You decided to follow her fate.
I know we'll meet again someday,
But that day is not approaching." This is the verse of a poem she writes as class starts. Johnny sits next to her playing with a folded up paper football goal, flicking paper triangles into it with mild amusement as the bell rings, prompting both to put away what they're doing as the teacher begins to speak. However, it's review over the Great Depression so nobody really listens.

"You gonna play at the game?" Abigail inquires.

"Yeah I'm the captain of the team," Johnny reminds, "and with Ally running our plays we can't lose. You thinking of going?"

"Yeah I'll probably hang out with Lucy yeah," Abigail replies, "I mean sounds fun so why not?"

"Hey I heard Shawn's gonna be there too," Johnny adds, "why not see if he wants to tag along?"

"I would," Abigail sighs, "but he seems to be avoiding me?"

"What do you mean?" Johnny inquires as the teacher drones on and on about rag soup and debt.

"I mean," Abigail sighs looking at her feet, "no, that isn't quite it. I'll talk to him he doesn't seem to mind but he always seems intent on ending the conversation as quickly as possible."

"Oh," Johnny replies, "he's... shy, but I think he wants to be friends with you."

"What makes you say that?" Abigail inquires.

Johnny thinks back to the conversation he had with Shawn Tuesday in the restroom.

"What do you mean you wanna hug her?" Johnny asked, a little confused by the statement.

"I mean I wanna hug her," Shawn turned away, almost ashamed of admitting what he did, "is that weird? Is that creepy?"

"I mean if you ask permission first no," Johnny shook his head, "but like, where is this coming from dude?"

"I don't know," Shawn sighed, "I just... I guess I like her? Is that what it is? Maybe I just like hugs? I don't know."

"Who doesn't like hugs?" Johnny chuckles.

"I mean like," Shawn sighs, "I feel touch starved, all the time. I just wanna hug someone."

Johnny gave Shawn a brotherly one armed hug as he smiled, "that help any?"

"A ton thanks," Shawn smiled back, "but I just wanna hug her. Yet I'm so scared of her finding out about my condition. You know?"

"Well I think that fear's stupid but I get it," Johnny shruged, "I think you should try to talk to her, but don't force yourself if you're not ready. OK?"

"Got it," Shawn smiled, "thanks dude."

"Anytime bro," Johnny smiled back, "anytime..."

"Let's just say I have a feeling," Johnny tells Abigail back in the present.

"Alright," Abigail shrugs, "well I'll give it a shot."

"Hey pay attention," the teacher snaps his fingers, drawing attention back to the lesson and ending the conversation as he drones on and on about how World War 2 ended the Great Depression...

At the end of that greatly depressing lecture, Johnny and Abigail part ways to go to their next classes, as Shawn exits his class, typing on his phone obsessively, not taking notice that Abigail has just turned the corner causing him to bump right into her.

"Sorry," Shawn apologizes, wearing his hood over his face, turning away from Abigail, "you OK?"

"Yeah I'm OK," Abigail replies, "hey you going to the football game?"

"Yeah actually," Shawn replies, "maybe I'll see you there."

"Took the words right from my mouth," Abigail smiles, "yeah."

"Cool," Shawn shrugs, still writing even during the conversation. His desire to tell tales all consuming.

"Whatcha writing?" Abigail asks.

"Next entry," Shawn smiles, his enthusiastic energy returning, "wanna see?"

"Yeah sure I got a minute," Abigail smiles.

The entry reads, "OK... somehow I ended up getting coffee with the one girl who could ruin my life. I don't know, she's cute OK? She smiles as I enter the cafe, sitting at the small brown table with her. 'How you been Smith?' She smiles. 'I've been well,' I reply, just handling some... business. How's your investigation going?' 'Quite well,' she smiles, 'only... I know who did it, but I care about him...' She sighs and looks at me pleasingly, 'say it isn't so Smith. Say it isn't so!' I sigh and lie, 'I'm offended. You think I killed him? I thought we were friends! Trust me, I didn't do this.' I mean I did, but if anyone finds out, especially her, it's all over for me. 'You promise?' She inquires with hope in her eyes. I smile and lie through my teeth, 'of course...'"

"Hot damn!" Abigail exclaims, "that's good stuff!"

"Thanks," Shawn smiles back, "it's what I do."

Shawn puts his phone away as Abigail proceeds, "so you into football?"

"Nah," Shawn shakes his head, "couldn't care less about the game itself. I'm only going to support Johnny and Ally."

"Oh," Abigail shrugs, "well to each his own I suppose."

"Yeah," Shawn admits, "I don't like sports much. Find them boring. Find a lot of stuff boring to be honest. I tend to get really caught up in things, like writing and stuff."

"I've noticed," Abigail chuckles, "You always get really enthusiastic when you talk about books."

"I've been working on that," Shawn turns away shamefully, "people notice that sorta thing and I don't like it."

"I don't see much wrong with being passionate about writing," Abigail explains, "it's part of who you are."

"Sometimes who I am is the only thing I wish I could change," Shawn shrugs.

The warning bell for the next class rings.

"We should get to class," Shawn reminds, "see you at the game?"

"Sure," Abigail smiles, "see you then."

The two part ways, Shawn continuing to type on his phone, thinking about Abigail and his condition. He likes spending time with her. He likes seeing her smile. He wants her to be happy. He takes a deep breath and reminds himself...

It's all over if she finds out about his condition...

Their Story (Only Up To Chapter 15)Where stories live. Discover now