You Really Think...

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He cracks open a cola and sits in the parking lot of the gas station, the orange neon sign shining down on him as he types on his phone, lost in his world as he chugs his soda in a matter of seconds before cracking open another one, as if a machine using them for fuel he gulps down the next.

"Ah," he grins, "sweet sweet caffeine."

He pops a third can of pop and proceeds as if such an absurd level of caffine is normal.

"What's up Shawn?" A young woman with a muscular, beefy build, brown eyes, long black hair, a calm yet stern look in her eyes, blue sneakers, jeans, dark skin, and a red t-shirt greets as she notices Shawn on her way into Infinite Gas.

"Not much," Shawn replies now drinking his soda at a more reasonable pace, "how you been Ally?"

"Pretty good," Shawn smiles, "preparing the next entry for the story. You?"

"Buying myself an energy drink," Ally explains, "got practice after school tomorrow but kinda blew off a project so I'm gonna have to pull an all nighter."

"Putting off is one thing," Shawn smiles, "not doing it is another."

"Yeah totally," Ally smiles.

"What subject is the project for?" Shawn inquires.

"Biology," Ally explains, "why do you ask?"

"You got your laptop?" Shawn asks, the inoccent joy appearing in his eyes as he stands up energetically, smiling enthusiastically.

"Yeah why?" Ally inquires taking out her laptop.

"Pop a squat," Shawn smiles, "it's, what, presentation on chemical reactions? I can have it done in an hour."

"Why are you like this?" Ally inquires, "how can you handle biology class and writing so naturally and then can't talk to anyone without Johnny?"

"I talk to you," Shawn nervously avoids the subject, "just lemme do this project for you."

"I can handle myself," Ally sighs, "dude you're so over bearing sometimes."

"I know I know," Shawn sighs, "sorry. I just wanna help. I mean, we've been friends for what, two years? You're like a sister to me, you know that. So you want me to help or nah?"

"Help sure," Ally replies, "but don't do it for me."

"Sure," Shawn smiles, over enthusiastically grabbing the laptop, "OK so first we need to look at balancing the equations and explains how water plays a vital role in these reactions."

"Hey don't just swipe my laptop!" Ally exclaims taking it back.

"Sorry," Shawn apolgizes handing it back, "OK so let's get go work."

"You have way to much caffeine," Ally sighs, "you need to calm down a bit first."

"Three cans is nothing," Shawn chuckles opening a foruth, "trust me. Soda is my blood. This is nothing compared to how much I chug on a regular basis."

"Well I frankly wanna take a break after getting outta school," Ally explains, sitting next to Shawn, "so tell me about the next entry."

"Take a look," Shawn smiles handing Ally his phone.

The entry reads, "no one can ever know what I've done here. This secret, this crime, must be hidden from all. I quickly dash down the street, bumping into a young woman who's gaze I know. She is none other than a great detective, Shelby Winterbane, a powerful frost mage as well. I'm overwhelmed by fear of being busted. 'What are you doing?' She inquires, 'at this late hour Mr. Smith?' 'Oh,' I quickly lie, 'just getting some fresh air. Now I must be going. Goodbye.' I dash away, sweating bullets. Not only could she learn what I've done but frankly, she's really cute, but I must lay low. It was for the greater good but no one can know..."

"Pretty cool man," Ally smiles returning Shawn's phone.

"Thanks," Shawn smiles back, "I hope they like it. Needed to add some tension after the end of the last entry. You know? Add someone who could actually catch the protagonist."

"Yeah I get that," Ally smiles, "old Smith's in trouble now isn't he?'

"If he gets caught it's all over for him," Shawn smiles, "some secrets are best left as secrets."

These words cause Shawn to turn away in a somber and depressed fashion as he sighs, "can I ask you something?"

"Sure what's up?" Ally inquires.

"Let's say you're born with a condition," Shawn sighs, "like, mental condition. Not like down syndrome you're still smart and all but... not normal."

"Shawn are you gay?" Ally inquires slightly agitated, "cause that's not even a bad thing and frankly I'm a little offended-"

"Being gay isn't even an illness," Shawn shakes his head, "and there's nothing wrong with it."

"Oh," Ally replies, "well I'd go to therapy and get help."

Shawn shakes his head and continues,  "let's say this condition is something you can't fix. Like, even work on. It's just there, forever. How would you react?"

"Is everything OK?" Ally inquires.

"It's for a character," Shawn lies through his teeth.

"I..." Ally sighs, "I dunno. How bad is it if people find out I have it in this?"

"Literally the end of your life and everything you love," Shawn shrugs.

"Well chances are if it's a mental condition I'll get caught eventually," Ally sighs, "so, I dunno. I'd probably sink into a depression honestly. Not sure I could live with everything I love being a ticking time bomb. Not sure I would if you catch my drift."

"So you really think I should die?" Shawn holds back tears as he mutters.

"You OK?" Ally inquires.

"I gotta take a piss," Shawn replies getting up, "I'll be back in a few then we can do the project."

"Alrighty dude," Ally smiles to hide her concern, she only made out a couple words of what Shawn mumbled, should and I, but something about those words and the context doesn't mix well together and don't sit right with her.

Shawn enters Infinite Gas as Lucy and Abigail run by, Ally blowing her girlfriend a kiss, causing Lucy to blush and smile back.

In the restroom, Shawn cries as he speaks to his reflection, "she thinks I should die? Is that really what she wants? God I'm such a bother to everyone like this aren't I? I'm dead fucking weight."

Shawn stares at his reflection wiping his tears and proceeds, "I'm not ready to die yet, but if it's what she wants...."

Shawn shakes his head, "no. I can be useful. I'll help her with her project and be useful. I'm useful. I'm useful!"

Shawn collects himself and exits Infinite Gas and sits next to Ally with a forced smile looking over her shoulder and rubbing his hands together. Despite the subject at hand, there is no spark, no joy in his eyes. Only a sense of worthlessness and a desire to prove he can be valuable to others as Shawn smiles, "so, let's get to work."

Their Story (Only Up To Chapter 15)Where stories live. Discover now