Chapter 4

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I was surprised to see Gul since she had planned a seven day holiday with her boyfriend Lalit in Goa.

We had been friends for quite a few years.

"Hi! What a shoc- errr, I mean, umm, a pleasant surprise," hugging her, I replaced my alarmed expression with a smile, before facing her again, "Hey Gul, where is Lalit and what about your trip?"

She avoided the question and waved her hand in the air. Looking me over thoroughly she said, "Hey, you are looking beautiful. Going somewhere? A date?"

"Uhh, n-no, it's nothing. Come inside."

She smiled and carrying her large bag almost half her height, entered the apartment in her usual mesmerizing dance style, landing herself on the sofa. I couldn't shake the feeling that something was wrong. Her overly jovial behavior and disregard for the question concerning her love life, was something that couldn't be ignored. I was sure something happened between the couple.

Observing my worried facial expression she laughed and teased, taking me into embrace, "What? Relax."

But her words deepened my frown, to which she added giggling, "Aww! Come here, let me take away all that tension of yours."

"Cut the crap and tell me what's the matter Gul," I crossed my arms over my chest, pulling a straight face.

She giggled then imitated my gesture and attempted copying my voice and accent in a serious tone, "Cut the scowl and tell me who the man is, Nik."

Nik. A distorted version of Anika. For me.

But for her. A cool, short name.

Typical, dramatic and funny Gul.

In spite of my pestering her she didn't utter anything, rather bombarded me with her questions, "Who is he? I guess Ketu. Or is it anyone who was interested in you, in the past? Say something. You are impossible Nik."

The whole time she interrogated, I sat tight lipped. Then I started my round of questions, "That's unfair, first answer my questions, then I will answer yours. What happened to your seven day trip to Goa? Where is Lalit? Had there been a fight between you two?"

Rather than answering Gul emulated my gestures as well as my silence. "Grrr! Just don't imitate me. I am dying of curiosity. Great! Don't tell me," huffing, I sat beside her.

When I realized she will not let me ask anything, resigning I excused myself and proceeded to kitchen to get some water.

Leaning my back against the kitchen counter, I poured water in a glass, peeking at the phone screen.

8:30 pm

I had to inform Ketu that I wouldn't be coming. Keeping the half empty glass on the slab, I typed a message and lifted my thumb for touching the send symbol, when without warning Gul cried a 'Boo'. The phone slipped out of my hands. My thumb touched the phone screen somewhere and I conjectured that the message was sent.

This prankster would give me a heart attack one day.

"Hey, I heard that you were presented something nasty by a school boy," Gul explored with a mischievous grin, coming in front of me and sitting on the kitchen counter.

"Oh God Gul! You scared me. And who told you that? I mean, yeah, that kid Hrithik gave me some garments and said he likes me."
Tapping my foot on the kitchen tiles and retrieving my phone from the kitchen floor, I enquired, "You know him. Did he tell you that?"

Hrithik, a boy in ninth grade regularly came to the parlor for purchasing ice creams. His parents were both doctors with extraordinarily high earnings and clearly explained the substantial amount of pocket money he received.

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