The English Patient

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I have a big bed; one that's big enough for Mariam, Ashley and I to veg out in whenever we have sleepovers

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I have a big bed; one that's big enough for Mariam, Ashley and I to veg out in whenever we have sleepovers. It's probably the reason that I'm so used to waking up with my arms wrapped around another person and their face practically in mine. However, when I woke up this morning, Joshua Archer was in my bed, leaning over me with a shit-eating grin on his face. Groaning, I turn over and bury my face in my pillow.

"Why are you here?" I mumble into the pillow. Knowing that it was intelligible because not even I understood what I was saying, I lift my head just enough so that I can ask the question again. "Joshua, you're in my bed at seven fifteen on a Sunday morning. Why?"

His hand went to my hair, pushing the strands away from my face. Swatting him away, I hear him laugh earnestly. "You're not very nice in the morning, are you?" He questions, even if it sounds a little like a comment. He begins to push at my legs, forcing me closer and closer to the edge. Unwilling to go overboard, I move so that I'm straddling Josh before slowly moving to the other side of the bed. "I think you were quite comfy there. Get back up there, cowgirl."

"My NFL playing father is three doors down that hallway out there," I remind him, hoping that it would come across as threatening. Dad hates it when there are boys in my room which is probably why he's never allowed boys in my room. I've had to sneak them in, instead, although I'm starting to wonder how Josh managed to get in. When I'm hit with the realization that it could be down to my dad, I sigh. "He let you in, didn't he?"

 When Josh shrugs his shoulder and his grin stretches even wider on his face, I roll my eyes and slide out of bed, heading for the ensuite bathroom so I can shower and get ready for the day ahead. Since Josh has stumbled into my house at the crack of dawn, my day has just got exponentially longer. Turning on the shower so the water can run warm, I brush my teeth while Josh watches me through the mirror. When he makes a suggestive comment about watching me while I shower, I flip my middle finger at him and promptly slam the door shut. 

Even with the door separating us, I heard him say, "Swoon, I'll catch you." It was followed by an obnoxious laugh from him, and a second middle finger gesture from me. Douchebag.

In less than twenty minutes, I'm showered and dressed in a pair of skinny jeans and an oversized knitted sweater, making my way to the kitchen, where Josh no doubt is waiting, possibly making friends with my father. Naturally, my dad is laughing along with whatever bullshit Josh is feeding him and my mother, who is also randomly here, is practically swooning over him. I swear, she batted her eyelids at him. 

Sitting next to Josh, I pour some cereal into a bowl, add a splash of milk and grab the spare spoon. Digging in, I listen to my mom as she questions Josh on what he has planned for me today, with it being Sunday and all. Seeing Josh frown, Mom then explains that Sunday means church and as her daughter, I am expected to go. 

"Not that she's dressed to go," Mom says, clearly unimpressed by my choice of clothing this morning. "Are you skipping out again, Eliska?"

I shake my head, giving in to her. "No, Mom, I'm not," I tell her, appeasing her with an extra bright smile. "I didn't want to ruin my dress, that's all. I wouldn't even dare skip out on you and Grams."

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