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As much as I hate to admit this, hanging out with Joshua Archer wasn't as bad as I first thought it could be

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As much as I hate to admit this, hanging out with Joshua Archer wasn't as bad as I first thought it could be. On his own, outside of school, he was capable of being a decent guy, someone who I quite liked being around, however, the second we're back in school, surrounded by his friends, Joshua Archer turned into a real asshat. 

This morning alone, he's catcalled at countless girls, flirted up a storm with some sophomore girl and even had the nerve to buddy up with another girl in our joint PSE class. To top it all off, he then had the nerve to ask if I wanted to sit with him and his friends for lunch. 

"Are you serious?" I scoffed the second he asked the question. 

Giving me a confused look, Joshua nods. "Well, I'm not kidding, if that's what you mean," he says. "I want to have lunch with you. Come on, I've crossed oceans of time to find you."

"Ok, first of all, you barely crossed the hallway from your locker to mine," I correct him, pointing at the eight-foot wide hallway. Slamming the door of my locker shut, I spin towards him, narrowing my eyes in an attempt to intimidate him. It must have worked. Joshua took a few small steps backward. "Secondly, I don't want to have lunch with you, Joshua. Lastly, and don't mistake this for jealousy because it's not, but you make this bet about making me fall in love with you and then you go and talk to every girl with a freaking pulse, you asshole. I thought you wanted to win this bet but right now, you are losing spectacularly."

Storming off, I heave out a heavy sigh, knowing that I was only partly annoyed with Joshua. Yes, he's been behaving like the fuckboy I always knew him to be but I had much more going on in my mind than just him and the inevitable way he was always going to make a mess of all this. 

Ever since Joshua told me about my mom being at Dad's house yesterday when he arrived, wearing what sounded like my dad's clothes, I've been wondering about the state of their relationship. Since I was born, all they've ever been is friends, co-parents. Before that, I don't even think they were even really together. They were friends with benefits long before friends with benefits was a thing. So, what the hell was going on with these sleepovers now and more importantly, how long had this all been going on for? 

I mean, would it even be that bad if they were suddenly dating? Dating, no. Screwing around, going back to being friends with benefits? Yeah, that would be bad, at least in my book. Dad is a whore; I love him but he's been with so many girlfriends that I've lost count while Mom is a serial monogamist, always wanting to be in a relationship but never quite making it, for reasons I've yet to understand. Dad will play with Mom's heart and she'll be broken when he inevitably breaks up with her and I'd end up in the middle, somewhere I have no intention of ever being. 

I think it's time we had a chat about this. I text both my parents, demanding a family meeting this afternoon, and they both agree, neither asking what the meeting was about. It felt as if a weight had been lifted off my shoulders once I knew that whatever secret they were hiding was going to be revealed tonight and I was finally able to join in with Mariam and Ashley's conversation. 

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