Chapter Twenty-One

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Pete awakens to the sound of no noise, and he gets up off what he is on, but falls to the ground. He still can't see, but Pete once more gets up and tries to walk around to see where he is at. He bumps into everything including chairs, tables, and some lamp. Finally, he finds the door and reaches it, opens it, takes one step and falls down the stairs.

When he reaches the bottom of the stairs, he scratches his head. He can feel a bandage on his forehead. He then feels around for where he is at; it is still another room. He stumbles around this room until he hears a voice.

"You had enough?"

Pete stops and looks toward the voice.

"I just had to be sure of where I am. Plus, I need a glass of water."

Pete hears the sound of his woman rescuer. "Okay, I am going to set a few things straight. First, don't leave the room again. Second, I will get you what you need, you do not need to get it yourself, especially in your state. Third, you lie to me again, I will kill you...just like the guy I killed in the forest."

Pete freezes and sits on the ground because of his lightheadedness.

The woman laughs, "He is dead, but he deserved it. Don't worry though, I probably won't kill you. That would be too easy anyways. Okay, so let's get you back to your bed."

As she helps Pete to his bed, a door swings open and a man yells.

"They're coming! Get out! Get out! Amy!"

"I'm up here, and we're coming now!"

"Who's coming? What's happening?" asks Pete.

"The damned! We need to go now!"

Amy takes Pete by the arm and pulls him down the stairs.

At the bottom of the stairs was the same man Pete encountered in the forest.

"Amy, leave that guy, he will just slow you down. In fact, he might be the reason they came here."

Pete realizes who this person is, the first person.

"No, we're not leaving him. He must be important then, and I will not be the one to get him killed."

"Have it your way, but I'm not coming with you then. You're on your own."

The man runs out the door. Amy and Pete are once again alone.

"Come on," says Amy. "Let's go."

Amy has to drag Pete outside. Pete waits for a second, expecting to hear the sound of gunfire, but instead all he hears is screaming coming from all around him. The whole town seems to be in a frenzy.

They run in a certain direction. Pete wishes he could ask what is going on, but instead he had to use all of his strength just to keep up.

To the best of Pete's knowledge, Amy weaves in and out of trees trying to get away from the destruction. When it seems like they make it far enough away from the commotion, she stops.

"Okay, Pete, do you know which direction you came from?"

"I don't know. I'm blind remember?"

"No, I mean which way were you walking when we found you?"

"I was following a stream down south. That is if the sun is in the same location as it is in my world."

"What do you mean your world?"

"I'm not from around here. I got here a few days ago and now I seem to be stuck here."

"Pete, that is how all of us got here. We all lived in the world you came from, and now we are all here. We are not sure why we are here, but what we do know for certain is that there is a dark, dark evil here. An evil you cannot imagine."

Encountering Darkness: The Great Pursuit (Book One)Where stories live. Discover now