Chapter Twenty-Eight

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Someone lightly shakes her, and she awakens to a soft whispering of someone to her left.

As she opens her eyes, she looks over and notices someone is talking to her. For a split second, she cries out in fear, but the face is kind, caring, and concerned.

"How are you feeling?" the lady asks.

Amy looks around the room. It is the same room she was in before: the one she was dreaming. Or is she in a dream now?

Maybe, which is a dream is a better question, she wonders.

"Ener eq gerdododt."

The lady, looks at her puzzled? "I'm sorry, can you say that again?"

"Ener eq gerdododt." Amy says slowly, not sure why for the nurse's confusion.

"Do you speak English? I'm sorry, I don't speak what you do."

Amy nods.

"You are speaking gibberish, Ms. I cannot understand you."

Amy, points at her hand, and moves it along, forming words, looking at the lady in between.

The lady seems to understand and leaves the room. Moments later she comes back with two items, one is thin white pieces of something, and the other is some type of tool.

The lady hands the items to Amy, but Amy only stares at them. Understanding her confusion, the lady takes the items, and shows the uses of these two strange items. One is for writing the characters down, and the other is to write the characters upon.

After Amy is given the two tools, she writes what she said before. Ener eq gerdododt, and hands the tools to the lady.

"I'm sorry, I do not understand your language."

Amy face reddens, and she can't understand what she hears. This lady speaks perfect Phorgine!

She swings her legs over to the left, and gets up not realizing she still has the thing in her nose, and her right arm still connects to the clear bag.

"No, please, stop! I cannot allow you to leave: you are still recovering. Please lie back!" The lady yells and rushes out of the room.

Since Amy notices the clear bag connects to her arm and the object in her nose, she pulls both objects which obscure her, and takes off past the nurse. She makes her way to the already open door, hesitates for a split second, and runs through.

She continues by proceeding to the right and heads down the hallway.

Outside of her room she realizes that all the walls here are white. There are doors to her right and to her left. She makes her way to the place with two doors and without thinking, pushes through them. After stepping through the two doors, and with doors causing her issues, she stops and realizes she went through another door. Also, she notices the strange lights right above her. One of them flickers with an unnatural glow.

At once, Amy sees a couple people in front of her. They seem to think her important and begin to chase her.

She doubles back through the double door and, not realizing how hallways and rooms work in this world, makes a quick left into the open door to her left.

Finding a room similar to when she first awoke in this world, she sees someone on the bed like he is asleep. Walking up to this person, she sees it is someone familiar. Except for his face, he has a white blanket covering him, and also has objects connecting to him.

She leans in to inspect, and realizes he has a similar thing in his mouth, and also a similar thing in his nose.

Even though she realizes this is Pete, she is emotionless and backs away because of the current situation.

She runs out of the room and proceeds to the left. The people who chase her, once far away, are now coming through the double doors behind her. She runs past her room, and through another set of double doors. As she scrambles through this new area, she hears voices. As she comes closer to the voices, she realizes there are a bunch of people cluttering in a room.

A few of them look up at her, but most of them have no interest in the commotion. Amy reasons, maybe it's that whatever is in their hands is more interesting. Looking over to her right, she sees a women around a wooden object.

This lady looks up at her and calmly speaks. "Are you okay?"

Amy ignores this person and continues on past the crowd of people. She is about ready to proceed through the exit, but realizes there are people coming in from outside. She turns away from them and continues on her way. Amy makes her way through a second double door on the far side of the room from where she enters.

I really need to get away, she thinks. She instinctively knows she needs to avoid capture.

She rushes through the doors and continues to look for another way out of this place. As she proceeds along, she continues to look over to her left, hoping to find another door out. As she presses on, past many doors, she spots a place to exit.

Coming to a exit, Amy opens it, and walks through feeling relief.

Almost outside the door, Amy notices that grass is everywhere, but she continues through it and runs. She hopes that no one has seen her go through this door.

Looking behind, she gasps at the sight of the same building she has been in multiple times. The same stone building she first found and marched around. The same building where this mess became more of a mess.

Turning around she walks up to the stone building and realizes there is no door.

With relief no one is chasing her, but with confusion, Amy ponders why she is back in this world. It's the world she knows, but she hopes she will have answers, especially in regards to seeing Pete.

She also wonders if there's a connection through walking through doors and appearing in new areas. In this area, this world, this place where she lives, there are no doors. In her world, if there is a "door," it's just a sheet or something covering it. Everything is open, everything except this building she looks at; this building made with stone. In this building is where she found the necklace and met the shadows. It is the same building where she remembered electricity.

As has been common for this journey of Amy's, she feels lost and full of confusion, and not sure at all what to do.

Thinking longer, she wonders if this is perhaps a good thing. Perhaps she needs to find another door; she can then reach the other world and get answers. Maybe this is how she finds her dad. Maybe this is how she finds her Father.

As Amy turns away from the stone building, she walks around the whole exterior hoping for some answers. All she wants is to find another door.

Not finding one around the building, she continues to walking on past it, and proceeds further than she has ever gone before. As she does so, she continues to ponder many things.

The sun, which sets to her back, sets off a soft glow on her arms. The light looks beautiful to Amy as it extends past her. It seems warm and it feels good.

The pleasant sensation dissipates, and Amy felt lost and lonely, but first and foremost, unsure of what to do.

Amy, continuing on her way, reaches an area of the grass field, and finds a tree in the middle of the plain. The sun looking down on the tree causes it to almost glimmer. It shines from the sun beating down on it: the radiant beauty came from the orange crescent light.

Amy walks up to the tree and realizes it's not just the leaves and the trunk that are glimmering, but there's something else in the distance leaning against the tree on the ground. It shimmers in light. It's her shield!

You cannot imagine the joy she felt when, yet again, she realizes she is not alone. There is someone with her, always with her. As Amy continues to walk up to the shield, she sees its beauty contrast the sun's light. Unlike the light Amy is accustom to see radiating from the shield, this is a brilliant white light. This light gives her peace, hope, encouragement that maybe, just maybe, everything is okay.

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