Chapter Twenty-Seven

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Amy awakens in a startle. She breathes heavily, and the left side of her body is in extreme pain. There is a bright light above her, and she tries to look about. Amy, aware of a lady's voice from behind her, feels the lady push her down. Amy tries to speak, but something is in her mouth. The object comes out of her mouth too, and connects to something that is to her left.

"Doctor, she woke up! Doctor, doctor, get back here!"

The doctor walks back into the room, having just left.

"Whoa Caroline, the anesthesiologist put her out just an hour ago. Get him on the phone now."

"Yes, sir."

The lady that held Amy down walks away, and the doctor walks up to Amy and speaks.

"Everything will be okay, don't struggle. Just rest. Caroline, I need the nursing team back here now!"

"Yes, sir." Caroline is farther away now as Amy can barely understand her.

Amy points to her chest area, trying to get this person to understand she couldn't breathe. The man seems to understand, but Amy passes out again.


When she wakes up, she cannot make out the place she is at. Everything is a whitish tan color, but after a few moments, Amy's vision appears once again. In front of her there is a white wall and a white ceiling. She thinks it is unusual everything looks clean; there is no sign of a mess or how the walls and ceiling were created. The walls seem to have a covering, and to Amy, fake. She glances over to her left and sees a door. The first aspect that reminds her of the door is it looks like the doors from the place she came from. The stone building.

She sees a small table on her left that has a few items Amy can't place.

At once, the sunlight is gleaming through the open window to the right and Amy stares and observes how pretty the reflection is on the wall. She continues to watch as the shadows of clouds made their way across the sun's path and then realizes her predicament.

Her mouth is clear of the object from before, but now there is another object around her nose. She touches it and pulls it out, but after a few moments, puts it back into place, as it seems to help her to breathe.

Amy reaches across her body with her right arm, which is bruised, and touches her left arm, or tries to touch it, as it has a white hard casing. She knocks on it, and nothing happens. Again, Amy knocks on it and asks it a question, hoping it would answer, but again, nothing happens.

With confusion and in a daze, Amy tries to get up hoping to see what is happening, but her body only moves a little and she rolls back to her original spot on the bed.

Even as it is only a few minutes from when she awoke, she is bored and tries to talk, but nothing comes out. It is at that moment she realizes she did not speak to the white object on her arm, but only had the thought of what she wanted to speak. It is all in her head. She can only make noises, but she can't form words together.

Hoping for a bell, she looks around her room to see if there is any way to get a hold of anyone. Still there is nothing, just a white room, with one bed, one small table, one door, and some strange looking objects to her right, one of which connects to her nose.

So Amy waits, for what felt like hours, for someone to come into the room, but no one does.

The white light, illuminating across the wall in front of her, is now gone, becoming a dark orange color.

Silence fills the room around her. It is the first time in many years Amy hears no sound.

She looks at her right arm and pulls off the white strip of sticky material and notices there is something protruding. As she pulls at it, a burning sensation shoots through her right arm, and she stops for a second.

Hesitating, she quickly pulls it out and examines it. It is a curious item, a long pointy thing, and it has a small hole at the end. The other end connects to a long tube shaped thing and connects to a clear bag at the end. The bag has nothing in it and has strange markings on it, similar to the ones she found when she first came into this world.

Blood comes out of the spot where she pulls it out of her arm. She grabs her arm, and notices it is sore.

Amy pulls off the thing on her nose and swings her legs over the side of the bed to the left. She sighs and gets up.

Standing on her two legs, she walks towards the door. She shakes and stumbles against the wall next to the door. This is the first time she realizes she is weak and tired.

Amy falls into the door, puts her hand on the knob, and turns it. She tilts back a little, and the door swings open.

With the door open, Amy breathes in a deep breath and steps through.

Everything around her is bright, and she falls down shielding her eyes. Amy brings her face to the ground and notices something tickles.

It is grass, but even the grass is bright. Her eyes hurt, and can't stand the brightness, but the light is beautiful. Amy cannot stop herself from keeping her eyes open, but she shields her eyes with one hand, staring into the glimpses of light.

Out in the silence, Amy hears a voice, a gentle and soft, powerful, but caring voice calls to her.

"Rise up my child and follow me."

Amy pushes herself off the ground as the voice commands her. She asked the voice, "Can I stop shielding my eyes?"

"I'm afraid you cannot my child because we do not want you to see, but only listen. Listen to the words I tell you. Your Father is here, waiting for you. But, it is not your time yet, we want you back in the other world. Just remember that it is not because we need you, but because we want you. You are not special, you are chosen by us."

Amy strains to understand what this voice tells her, but nothing comes to mind, except that this must be god, she is in Imdagos, and she is bowing down to him whether she wants to or not.

"What do I do?" Amy cries out.

Hearing no response she repeats once again. "What do I do?"

As everything in the bright world fades, she finds everything is dark, but she is still talking, repeating, "What do I do?"

Her words remain soft and seem like they are distant.

In a flash, her eyes open to darkness. She tries to look around, but there is no light.

It is not the darkness that bothers her, but the sounds. From all around her, she can pick up screaming. The voices continue, with each distinguishable from one another, male and female, and they remain in pain. Amy hates the sounds and this place; she will do anything to get away. There are strange emotions running through her: pain, hate, fear, sadness, but the strongest one is the loneliness.

For the first time in a long time, Amy desires to be with people. With anyone, it didn't matter who. She feels empty and lost.

Amy tries to cry out to the surrounding voices, but she cannot...and then silence.

Encountering Darkness: The Great Pursuit (Book One)Where stories live. Discover now