1st Chapter: 3th July

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I woke up to the sound of the rain pouring against my room's window, aiming to destroy my perfect day. I looked outside and noticed the sun's light behind the vague and lonely cloud, joined into a visible rainbow. I could see our colors united, like we are, today and forever. I saw hope in that light, that we could spend the day together outside the confined house. I heard loud pitched voices from downstairs and wondered what was happening. 

It was Hanon and Hippo discussing over the last piece of the strawberry cheesecake. I rushed to them and before I could speak, Rina called me from behind me, causing the other two and Nikora, that was talking to some customers, notice my presence.
"Hello Luchia!" yelled Hanon, letting go of the plate, where the cake was placed, leaving it in Hippo's possession, "Happy Birthday!"

I smiled at the situation and Hippo's starving and content expression "Thank you, Luchia! Happy Birthday", he spoke while running away to the kitchen before Hanon's realization.

Rina, on the other hand, remained in the restaurant's space and wished for the best 18th birthday in a very patient and peaceful tone. I thanked her and reminded her of today's schedule.

"So this afternoon Kaito, Coco, Noel and Karen arrive from their homes and celebrate your birthday here, if the rain doesn't stop?"

"Yes, and if, hopefully, the rain stops we can go for a walk, or eat dinner out, somewhere near the beach", I thought out loud.

"I like the idea but I think Kaito has something planned for you, so keep your night free", Rina quickly showed regret with failed tries to disperse what she had said.
I looked suspicious of Rina's attempts and asked what was happening.
She looked at me, covering her happiness, with a very serious expression and simply answered "Surprise". She hugs me and leaves me alone with tourists that were having coffee that morning and  Nikora, busy attending the requests, in the restaurant.
I sat at the closest table to the open-wide window and wondered what Kaito was planning for me.


Time passed, while I tried to decide my outfit, and I joined my "family" at lunch in the kitchen. Everyone gave me their best wishes for the future in such an important age of the human race.
"Now you can learn how to drive", mentioned Nikora in a playful air.

Rina interveined immediately, "No do not. Don't be part of the pollution, Luchia!"
I laughed at her warning and agreed with her point of view. 

Without my permission, Hanon observed my clothes and asked, worried, "Do you need help in your outfit? If you want I can help you with that and do your makeup, you will need it!", winking at my wary expression.
I accepted it. But suspecting her intentions, I trusted her guidance.

By the end of the meal, the curtains blocked the sunlight, and before I could ask to turn on the lights, Taki-san brought a squared formed cake painted in white colors, exiting from the restaurant. My name was written in edible paper, along with "Happy Birthday" in all caps. The candles were already lit and carried my age, one and eight, by each other, holding the paper up. I smiled at the surprise: in the cake, a clone of my pink pearl, in a bigger shape, multiplied by six was above the yelling letters.

I captured everyone's look and thought how lucky I was to have the best friends by my side and the most supporting and helpful family in my life. My feelings and appreciation for them were visible on my face and thanked them for everything mentally, hoping that they would reply. I couldn't speak: my mouth was formed into an "O" that failed to create sounds. Instead, their beautiful voices sang through the kitchen's room into the restaurant and reunited to celebrate my birthday. I couldn't stop smiling and, when they ended the last verse and had to blow out the candles, my view was cleared with the sunlight and recognized Karen, Noel, Coco, Seira and Kaito's postures and hairs. The colors that marked us were all united and Kaito, my current boyfriend, the human I was destined to re-meet and love was here too.

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