2nd Chapter: A Change of Opinion

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Maybe I should’ve said no... At dawn of the next day, I woke up to a noisy alarm clock...pipipipipi... it wouldn't shut up with my attempts to turn it off. Piipiippiip- and before pausing and repeating itself again, I threw it against the wall. Finally, it shushed and I could resume my favourite activity. Five minutes later, my phone screamed, breaking the silence in the room. I reached it with my left hand, opened my eyes slowly to not be blasted by the phone's light and looked at the screen: "Kaito ❤❤ is calling you". I accepted his call and a voice replied:

"Wake up, Luchia, I am waiting for you downstairs", and, with that warning, the call ended. I found the strengths to get up and get ready. When I finished my quickest bath and tried to dry my tail, I heard a knock on my door and a voice that followed:

"Luchia do you need help?", it was Hanon's voice. I responded yes, she opened the door quietly and walked to the bathroom." Are you comfortable in that position?"

"Of course not... Help me get dry please..." and with that said, Hanon grabbed another towel from the cabinet and started drying my tail, my tummy, my arms and the rest of my body, until my tail disappeared into two legs and I was able to get out of the bathtub. "It's so much easier to be underwater... no need to shower every time you leave the house because there was no need to, since we lived in clear water, free from impurity. Here anything gets you dirty", I shared as I spread a cream in my legs that would avoid transforming into a mermaid again anytime soon.

Hanon looked at me and commented on my complaint: "Well, we don't belong here..."

Instant regret grew on my conscious as I decided to stare at her, picturing our goodbyes to the human life we had here. She corresponded my look. One day, we will leave the surface, "We don't belong here..." the words resonated in my head, over and over...

"Cheer up!", Hanon returned to the present and poked my shoulder, "It's not like we are leaving tomorrow. We need to enjoy the present!"

Once again, I gained the energy and started to get dressed. Hanon, still by my side, looked at my wardrobe and gave a light slap on my back.

"Well, this is going to be a challenge.", she noticed my surprised and wandering reactions, " You don't remember, I see, I promised you that I would help you pick an outfit."

My expression was cleared of doubt and as she would switch between clothes and rooms to choose- as she would often say- "the perfect outfit", her expression would often change at the sight of each piece but, finaly, Hanon decided "The one" for this occasion: a cute summer pink skirt (short) and a see through shirt with another fresh white shirt beneath. It was confortable.
I thanked for her hard work and walked downstairs.

"You took so long!", Kaito stated when he saw me entering the kitchen," Let's go before the bus leaves the stop." He observed briefly my choice of clothing , but didn't say anything. I eat cereal with milk, grabbed my backpack and left the hotel with Kaito by my side.

"Give me your hand", he asked nicely while we walked against the darkness.

As I tried to walk at his pace, I reached his hand and held it tightly. The weak lights from the streets wouldn't complete it and his body. We were walking to the unknown.


On the other end, I am glad I said yes. The trip to the hot springs was comfortable, amorous and more importantly, I was able to rest my head. Kaito offered to me his lap to sleep on and, as his fingers played around my blond hair, I fell asleep to the silence shared in the bus with the pairs of morning travellers, like us. I woke up to his whisper in my ear: “Luchia, time to wake up”. I looked into his eyes and felt a warm feeling in my cheeks. The sun had risen as well and cleared my vision. My eyes distinguished the colours and the contrasts between the bus’s space and Kaito’s presence. This warmth and light helped me straighten my head against the bus’ seat. I could feel and hear the crackling noises from my neck, back, arms, hands, legs and feet as I tried to feel free from the old posture.

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