5th Chapter (1/2): The Deal

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The rest of the morning was comfortable in Kaito's arms. My conscience was more relaxed with his words and confidence. Strong and determined, we were planning to stay this way and until after another obstacle or the mission separated us in distance but never in our hearts and mind. Even if one day I'll have to leave and abandon this reality we will remain together. Together. Maybe this is an illusion. We are so blind to each other and maybe we don't see it. This is what it means to be in love.

I woke up, minutes before lunch, in a good mood, knowing he would be standing by my side. Kaito laid on his tummy, his head facing the ceiling. Supported by my arms in the hard mattress, I raised my face to look at his eyes. They were open, accompanied by a very mysterious glamour in his expression. I wondered what he thought as he scanned the white dimension in front of him.

Suddenly, he turned his eyes to me and answered my insatisfaction.

"Good afternoon, Luchia. I was wondering what we are going to today"

"Stay in the hot springs, why do you ask that?"

"Don't you want to investigate the city? We are still away from home and I have never been here so I am actually curious to explore and discover its culture. What do you think?", he decided to seat on the mattress, and I repeated, depending on the wall for a straight posture.

I understood his curiosity, but we had come for the hot springs not the city and I was looking forward to entering into the hot water again.

"I wouldn't mind if we can return to the water by the end of the experience."

"Alright, let's make a deal then, after lunch we leave the hot springs and walk around the city. Afterwards, we arrive at our room and stay on the water until before going to sleep. In the morning, we have to leave at 10:30. Understood?"

I replied affirmative and decided to get up, to dress and clean my face. Kaito, on the other end, continued seated on his side of the bed and took out his phone from the smaller pocket of the backpack he bought and opened his browser to search the most visited and valuable places of the city.

I took out the other outfit I had on my backpack and left to the bathroom, still sparkling in crystal. As I dressed my clothes, holding onto the sink to not fall, a question surfaced that made me wonder. Has any mermaid fallen in love with a human? I remembered the fairy tales from Ariel, the mermaid that sacrificed her tail and voice to be with the man she loved. As I read about the subject, mermaids are mystical yet treacherous creatures that wonder on the depths of the oceans, looking to find their next prey, humans. If the research was based on real-life experiences, then humans were our main source of energy, my antecessors would attract the lone sailors with their voice and looks and when reached, they would pull them into the water and drown them as they immerse deeper and deeper into the ocean. My antecessors would stay underwater and weren't able to walk on the land like I and the other princesses can. Meaning through the passage of various generations and different yet similar species of mermaids, mermaids were developed into what I and my friends are today. Like Humans, we suffered quite the physical and psychological change. From Apes to what we now know as humans and mermaids were part human part fish. Now the question was why did we have this physic- why are we part human and part fis?-, were we a transformed from a fish or were we created in labs by humans and if we were why aren't we supposed to fall in love with humans and live alongside them, in society, and instead hiding in the darkness and protecting the world in secrecy.

The question remains and the answer is unknown. I wonder If I am even real. Humans' Fairy Tales are even questioning my existence. I giggled at the thought. I am flesh and bone like them, yet I don't exist to them. What was even the point in this line of thoughts? To conclude that I am a mermaid that turns into seafoam if ever spoken the truth about her being to the person she loves without no specific excuse to why this "rule" actually exists? I wonder.

Ready to leave, I ran back to the room and grabbed the cream that doesn't mix with water and passed it through my face. I returned to the bathroom and with a wet towel, I refreshed my face, carefully.

Without turning into a mermaid, I unconditionally commemorated this achievement in my mind and thanked the person that invented it and to Hannon that shared this product with us. Maybe the creator is a mermaid and this cream is a facade to reach consumers from his species.

Kaito was up and ready to go waiting for me to leave.

"I noted all the places we should visit on my phone. Are you ready to go?", he asked after I put the cream in my bag.

"Do you have a map? To keep track of where we are going?"

"Don't worry about that", he comforted while walking towards me, "I have GPS and the city is easy to orientate from what I heard about".

By my side, he took one last look at the room and held my hand, as a heads up, "Let's go".

He opened the door with the other and leaving his used clothes behind, using the backpack to take the most important documents and wallet, we walked through it and locked the wooden door, before we gone to the cafeteria, lunch and left the hot springs. Let's meet the city then.

~~End of Chapter 5 (Part 1)~~

From Author: It's a teaser xD
Hey, I hope you guys like today's part of the chapter.
I'll publish the rest on my Shoujo Animo so if you are interested to read earlier check it out later in the day.
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