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chapter one
( mermaid )

         ODEYA STILINSKI SLAMMED the door to her old jeep she had named elektra when she had first gotten it

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ODEYA STILINSKI SLAMMED the door to her old jeep she had named elektra when she had first gotten it. She wrapped her clammy hands around the key necklace clasped around her neck, the engraves rubbing against her skin as she softly tugged at the tiny leather strap. She fidgeted with the key for a moment's hesitation, knowing nobody was home from the lack of cars on the tiny driveway. God she'd forgotten how small the house looked. It had been nearly a year since she was here, everything felt different, she felt different. The town that used to feel so big when she was younger now seemed tiny. A couple buildings that used to be a restaurant and a library were now renovated and made into something else. It felt odd coming back here changed while everything else stayed the same.

The brunette pushed the tiny key into the door slit, twisting it just enough until it was for sure unlocked before looking back at her car and hitting the lock button twice for safety. She wouldn't be letting anyone take her baby as she just got home.

The screen door shut loudly behind her as Odeya took in the surroundings of the old home she'd once lived in. Lacrosse equipment splattered on the living room floor, her father's files full of unsolved cases spewed across the kitchen table in accompany to a bottle of scotch. Even the marked frame with her and Stiles's changing heights still remained. One thing Odeya hadn't missed was the body odour reeking throughout the house. She scrunched up her nose in disgust muttering a quiet Stiles in annoyance. He could never keep up with his hygiene and lacrosse only made it worse.

Dropping her bags onto the floor dramatically, she fished out the keys in her pocket, exiting the house and unlocking her jeep, taking off to In-and-out.

She ordered for herself and her father, absentmindedly forgetting to get Stiles anything. She chuckled lightly and drove to the pickup window receiving the two bags of food before paying and driving off, some station talking about another animal attack playing in the background.

It really had been a year since she last saw her family, which felt crazy. Before she had left Beacon Hills the thought of ever leaving the town terrified her. She'd grown up here, never expecting to ever be anywhere else. Hell, when she was nine she decided she'd end up working in the station with her Dad. But now being back all she could notice was how claustrophobic it was. She was used to open space, oceans to swim in, warm weather all year around. Odeya had to admit coming back here it already felt like something was pulling her in, telling her to stay, and she wasn't sure wether she liked that or not.

Pulling up to the station she grabbed both bags in her hands and then attempted to carry her phone and car keys while opening the door by herself. Unfortantly becoming a Mermaid hadn't improved her coordination. With luck on her side deputy Parrish was nearby and watched her struggle before opening the door for her.

Odeya sent him a small nod of gratitude and muttered a Thanks, Jordan with a playful grin. He was only a few years older, and before Odeya left she'd caught a tiny crush on the boy. Jordan sent her back a smile before asking if he could help her with anything and the brunette shook her head, continuing to pass through the station to her dads office. God it felt weird to be back here, like nothing had changed.

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