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chapter eleven
( mermaid )

      ODEYA WALKED into her light blue and sat on the middle of her bed opening up her laptop from when she'd last placed it

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      ODEYA WALKED into her light blue and sat on the middle of her bed opening up her laptop from when she'd last placed it. The screen loaded within seconds and she scrolled over to Skype, hitting the call button on Lauren's username and waiting for her to accept it.

       "Lauren!" She exclaimed as the call went through, "What's happening?" she asked.

      Lauren for the first time seemed worried, it was odd seeing her so afraid. She never shook, she was always confident and sure of herself. Something had to be really wrong for her to act like this.

       "They know" she started, the iPhone she was skyping on shaking from how much her hands were trembling, "Lucas, Jaime everyone we were friends with knows about us, they know everything, Odeya" she finished.

       Odeya's mouth stood ajar, "H-how? when?" she asked determined this was just some joke. They had hid this secret for so long and now suddenly everyone was finding out?

       Lauren looked away for a second, "During class. Lucas knew and he threw water on me at lunch. I barely made it to the closet in time" she explained as someone knocked on her door aggressively. "I've gotta go. Can I text you some other time?" Lauren offered.

      Odeya nodded, "Lauren I swear to god if you do something that ends up with you getting hurt for me I'll kill you myself" she threatened with concern.

      Lauren nodded, gulping before hitting the end button on their call, Odeya's screen going black. She stood up, abruptly tossing her laptop on her bed with a thump, not being able to stop herself from flinging the glass cup across the room with her powers, shattering the glass all over her floor.

       Realizing what she did Odeya cover her mouth in shock, rushing over and beginning to pick up all the broken pieces of glass.

      "Everything alright?" Scott called out from her door.

      Odeya silently cursed as she slit her finger with a shard, the cut healing within seconds, that was a pro to being a mermaid. She healed in seconds almost as quickly as werewolves did. She struggled to reply "Y-Yep, just broke my cup" she lied, hyperventilating.

     Scott opened the door against everything his mind was telling him to do, he looked at her and then to the floor. "Here let me help" he offered, attempting to take some of the glass shards in her hand seeing the dried up blood "Are you okay?" he asked worried.

      Odeya nodded, wiping away any tears she'd shed before. "Just got a bit angry, it's nothing though, I promise" she excused lightly laughing to lighten the mood. Truthfully, she was not okay. Everything was going to shit. At least Odeya trusted her friends with her secret, the kids back in Mako were vicious. If they knew they were mermaids there was no telling what they would do. Odeya couldn't lose anyone else, especially Lauren.

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