and a movie scene

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"Do you miss him?" Gigi asked Harry when he was running the treadmill. Harry frowned at the question.

"What?" Harry unplugs one of his earphones to make sure he's hearing right.

"It's been almost a week and Zayn hasn't shown up lately." Gigi shrugged and continue to push up.

"Hadid, we already know Zayn will be there later, so have Harry prepared." Perrie chuckled next to Harry.

"Stop, please. You're making me uncomfortable." Harry groaned and put on his earphones again.

It's Friday and Perrie, Gigi and Kendall invited Harry to work out with them. Other girls are at Starbucks and hanging out. Harry could have been with them, but he then remembered that he didn't visit the gym for months.

"Oh, look. It's Charlie." Kendall squealed then the girls turned around to see him lifting a barbell.

"You know what, Charlie is a hottie. Wonder why he doesn't hang out with Zayn's."

"Yeah. He's cool, too."

Harry suddenly remembered something in the mention of Zayn's name. He then stops and got out of the treadmill and sat down on the floor where Gigi is pushing up.

"Can I talk to you three?" He asked, grabbing his water bottle.

"Uhh, yeah?"

"Why suddenly so serious, Haz?"

"C'mon. Spill it."

Harry sighed and breathed heavily before speaking. "You knew it, right?"

The three girls furrowed and stopped what they are doing.

"Knew what?"

"That Friday night with Malik. You knew he'll come along and you didn't tell me." Harry hissed.


"Uhh, kind of."

"I'm out of that."

"Why? I thought you were my friends. Why did you have to keep it?" Harry asked in disappointment. His friends know that he was saving himself from falling again.

"Hey, wait." Perrie got up and sat beside Harry.

"Who told you? I mean, we didn't, Haz. We just knew it when he showed up."

"We didn't know that Zayn planned to be back. We promise."

"This is crazy." Harry stood up once again and walked to the dumbbells.

"Because you still love him, Harry."

"What? I don't. What makes you think
that I still do?"

"You're whole-body reaction. You're just in denial."

"In denial? Since when? Look, I have moved on since we graduated high school." Harry didn't lie. Partially. He did move on, but of course, the feeling is still there just no expectations and fantasies.

"Harry, girls' instincts are the best."

"Your eyes say it all."

"Your body, too."

"You know what, I don't get you. But tell you what, I have my world revolving. Just, stop this nonsense." Harry started lifting weights.

"Just trust us, Haz. Everything will fall in the right places."

"Yeah? Just like you, falling in Zayn's arms again."

Harry rolled his eyes as his friends squealed and giggled together. Of course, he does trust them. But for himself.

Warm Nights With Malik ✔️ ZarryWhere stories live. Discover now