Chapter 2

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August's POV (Early Friday Morning)

I woke up when I heard yelling. I sighed and slid on my joggers and went downstairs. I walked in the kitchen and my step dad was standing over my mom beating her.

 I instantly lunged at him and took him to the ground. I started blind punching, whatever I felt I just kept hitting him.

"Okay August baby, stop." my mother said. I backed away and saw that I had done pretty bad damage.

He stood up and sloppily made his way to the front door and collapsed in the front yard. I heard crying from upstairs and ran to my sister's room. I walked in and she only had a sheet over her, and it was covered in blood. She was crying profusely.

"Amiah, baby girl, what happened to you." I said crouching beside her.

"He.. he.. he forced... he forced himself.. on me.." she said through tears.

At that point my blood was boiling. Ain't even 7 yet and this nigga already got me willing to go to jail, but I can't do that cuz shit just gone get worse. Not only did he beat my mama, but he raped my sister.

I just lifted her up and sat her in the bathtub and let her wash herself up. I packed her a bag and gave her some clothes to get dressed. I went back to my mom's room and she was wiping her face.

"Ma come on, Ima take you to Auntie Pudding house."

"I already packed." she gave me a small smile. I smiled back and hugged her tight and kissed her cheek.

I drove to her house and dropped my mama off, Amiah was just laying across the back seat crying.

"You wanna come to school with me?" I asked her. She started smiling and she nodded quickly.

Once we got there I got out and walked her in. She loved being at school with me cuz everybody adored her, just cuz she my lil sister and she pretty. I was fine with it though, cuz if she like it I love it.

We walked around for a lil bit so everybody could see her, and she was way too excited when Chris pulled up.

"Hey Chris!" she ran up and jumped in his arms.

"Hey lil girl, how you doing."

"Okay I guess." she hung her head, he asked what was wrong and she told him what happened. Just hearing that shit made my heart pump and my blood boil.

"August we gone take care of that shit right?" he looked at me.

"Hell yeah, after school."

"Aight cool." he said. The three of us walked in and went to our first period. I sighed and sat down and started writing down the warm-up.

"Good Morning class." Ms. Kendrick said. I sighed again, this bitch really grind my gears.

"Who is that?" she turned her nose up and looked around. I knew what she was finna say and I swear before God I was gonna catch a charge if she looked at me.

"August is that you smelling like the marijuana?" she said. The class start laughing but I ain't see shit funny.

"No, what make you think it's me."

"Because it's always you."

"That's a lie, it was me twice this whole semester."

"It was you last Thursday."

"Last Thursday is last Thursday, is today last Thursday?" I said getting mad annoyed with her.

"No, but-"

"Alright then, so it ain't me."

"Mr. Alsina you've been very disrespectful lately. Is everything okay at home?"

"Everything is fucking peachy at home so mine yo business, you know what, fuck it." I said getting up and walking the fuck out. I walked to the side entrance and stared outside. I wanna leave this bitch so bad but I know I need that diploma.

I was sitting at the tables on 12th grade hall when the door opened. I looked up and Zaliyah walked in.

"Hey August." she smiled at me.

"Hey." I gave her a hug and held on to her. I took a deep breathe, she made me feel a lot better.

"Why you not in class." she asked as we walked down the hall.

"Ms. Kendrick bitch ass think I smell like weed, and it ain't me. See, sniff me." I said lifting my arms and holding my armpits towards her.

She covered her face and giggled. "I don't wanna smell you!"

"Bet you wanna do something else to me." I said under my breathe but loud enough for her to hear. She stopped dead in her tracks and slowly looked up at me with wide eyes.

I laughed, "I take it you calling me a lie, is that right?" I walked up on her. 

"I.. no.." she said looking all tense and nervous.

"Why you nervous, you ain't gotta be nervous around me." I said. She just stared at me with them pretty brown eyes.

We was just there staring at each other till we heard high heels and them keys, you know what that mean.

"Mr. Alsina and Ms. White, why aren't you in class?" Dr. Williams asked. She was my favorite person in the whole school. Basically the only person I like besides my friends.

We quickly backed away from each other and looked at her. She eyed us. "You weren't doing anything inappropriate, were you?"

"No, ma'am." I answered.

"You sure?" she asked.

"Yes ma'am, I just got here from the Archives building." Zaliyah said.

"And was August with you?" she asked. We both fell silent.

"Because if not, he will be suspended for skipping-"

"Yes, he was. I have both our passes right here." she pulled out 2 red slips of paper from her pocket.

Dr. Williams smiled. "Okay, make your way to class please."

We stood there together for a minute and I think she could tell I was curious. "You might think I'm a stalker but I always see you in the hallways in the morning and I was hoping to see you today so I wrote you a pass-"

"You wanted to see me?" I asked her.

"Yes." she looked down and back up at me.

I smirked. "You ain't gotta be ashamed, I think it's cute that you looking at me." She smiled and covered her face.

"Go to class lil girl." I said.

"Ain't nothing lil about me." she stuck out her tongue.

"Yeah I know.... that ass sure ain't." I said mumbling that last part. She turned back to me and gave me a little smile before walking away.

Author's note:

I know my chapters short asf but only for now, because its only the beginning. The next few chapters will be longer. Hope you enjoyed :)

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