Chapter 6

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Zaliyah's POV (Saturday Night)

I had just finished putting on my make-up and getting dressed when August called me.

"Hey." I answered.

"Hey babe, whatchu doing."

"Just finished getting ready, where you at?"

"I'ma be there in like 5 minutes, so be ready."

"Alright, see you then." I hung up.

I grabbed my purse and put in some lip gloss, perfume, other hygiene stuff because of August sneaky ass, and some money just in case I needed it. I walked downstairs and my Mama and Daddy was right there watching TV.

"Ooh, look at you!" Mama smiled and pinched my cheek. I smiled and gave her a hug, I told her about my date and I knew she was just as excited as I was.

"Where you going?" Daddy asked walking over to us.

"On a date with my boyfriend."

"Boyfriend?" he raised and eyebrow. 

I blushed. "Yes, he's nice though and he take care of me."

"Hm, I wanna meet this boyfriend. He probably another one of them punk ass niggas." he mumbled.

"He's not!" I whined.

Mama laughed, "He's nice, Henry."

"If you say so." he sat down and started reading the newspaper.

I spent a few minutes making sure I looked good enough until I saw August pull up. I noticed he had went and got his Range Rover painted silver instead of red. I waited for him to ring the doorbell and I smiled, he was wearing green and red.

 I waited for him to ring the doorbell and I smiled, he was wearing green and red

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"Hey baby." I threw my arms around him and kissed his cheek. I knew it drove him crazy when I did that but I did it anyway just to make him mad and plus my parents were right there. I didn't want them to think we were into any nasty shit yet. 

"Hey." he smiled, "Good evening Mr. and Mrs. White." he hugged Mama and shook Daddy's hand.

"You take care of my daughter, you understand me boy." Daddy said.

"Yes sir."

"And if she says no, that means no dammit." Daddy said looking real serious.

August's face went blank. "Yes sir."

"Alright, have a good time sweetie." he kissed my forehead. I told them bye and we walked out holding hands.

"Yo parents don't play bout you." he said once we got in his car.

"Yeah I know, its only for protection."

"I know, so where you wanna go." he asked putting on his seat belt and pulling out the driveway.

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