Chapter 9

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August's POV (Day of Graduation, late afternoon)

I was sitting in in my living room smoking with Ze and Cierra and Smooky. We was just sitting there tired as fuck from the day, we had all been busy as hell. Everybody else went out to party but we wasn't with that shit tonight.

Smooky passed the blunt back to me and sighed. "So what's the plan." he asked.

"Music, money and good sex, is my plan." I said, they all laughed.

"Well that means Ze better get ready to throw it back." Cierra smirked at her.

She rolled her eyes, "I been ready."

We was sitting there talking when we heard Amiah, Christine, and Mama outside. "Shit!" we all yelled in unison. We quickly put our blunts out and started running around cleaning. Smooky and I flushed the weed down the toilet while Cierra and Ze sprayed the house down. When we heard the door being unlocked we sat down and acted natural. Ze laid her head on my chest and Cierra did the same to Smooky.

"Hey y'all." Mama walked in smiling. She ignored everybody and went straight for a giving Ze a big hug.

"Hey Mama." Ze smiled.

"Hey baby, how you doing." Mama asked, they went on and had they lil conversation.

"Hey August." Amiah smiled showing me her braces.

"Hey." I smiled back and kissed her cheek.

"I ain't seen you in like a week, where you been." she said sitting beside me.

"In the studio and getting ready for graduation mostly, but that don't mean I forgot about you." I said.

She nodded, "I see Ze is making you happy." she said smiling at her, they had only seen each other like 4 times but Ze and Amiah loved each other to death already. Which is a good thing, because Amiah hated all my other girlfriends.

"Yeah, what are we doing for your birthday." I asked her standing up.

"I don't know. Since it's in June I kinda wanna do a pool party or go to Six Flags, if Mama let me." she shrugged her shoulders.

I laughed. "If not I'll talk to her, I'll even pay for it."

"Yay!" she said giving me a tight hug. I laughed again but stopped when Christine yanked her away from me.

"Hey bae!" Christine said giving me a hug.

"Ew, move." I said pushing her off me.

"Christine." Zaliyah said crossing her arms.

"I only wanted to hug him." she said faking being nice. "How you been?" she looked up at me with puppy eyes.

"I been good, why you worried."

"Just asking." she smiled and gave me another hug but this time she ain't wanna let me go.

"Alright Christine, get off of August." Mama said tapping her shoulder.

"Aww." she whined. I couldn't stand her lil ass sometimes, that was Chris' lil sister but she got on my last fucking nerve.

"Aye August, we finna leave." Smooky called to me half way out the door.

"Alright cool, we'll talk later." I said shaking his hand. I gave Cierra a hug and they left.

Me, Amiah, Mama and Ze all sat down and talked for a little while. It was getting late, 7pm, and I could tell Mama was tired.

"You want me to drive y'all home, you look tired." I said grabbing my keys.

"Yes, please son." she smiled at me.

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