12. Coronation Part 1

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[Mal's POV]

We rehearsed the coronation about the 50th time already. I was really tired and all I wanted to do was to go back to bed. Then, the coronation started. The seats filled up rapidly, and I went to the carriage to meet up with Ben.

"Hi." I gave him a smile.

"Hey." he grinned back. One of the guards waved us towards the carriage. Trained horses started walking towards the hall where the coronation was held.

"Hey, I baked you a muffin. You know, for energy." he handed me a silver box with a glimmering blue ribbon wrapped around it.

[Ben's POV]

"Oh, but I can't wait." Mal unwrapped the muffin and took a bite.

"No, wait!" it was already too late, "So, are you still in lo- would you say you still have very strong feelings for me?"

"I don't know. Should we give the anti-love potion a few minutes?" she asked.

"Yea, I guess." I looked at her, "Since when did you know?

"Our first date. The Enchanted Lake washed away the potion."

"I can explain, I-"

"It's okay, I get it. You liked me and I was with Harry."

"Yea, mhm. So have you been faking it this whole time?"

"I didn't fake anything." Mal glanced at me, "Ben, I know you aren't evil."

I didn't say anything. The carriage arrived at the large double doors. Belle and Adam were in front of me.

"I, um, about yesterday, I'm really sorry about what happened." I said to them.

"I told Mal it wasn't going to be easy." Adam shrugged.

"And you also told me not to give up on whatever my heart is set on." she countered.

"Did I?" Adam stroked his chin, and Belle nudged Adam, "How very wise of me."

An attendant showed up and led me to the front of the hall. I arrived in time to see the double doors open. Mal started walking towards Fairy Godmother. It took her about a minute, since it was so long. When she arrived, Fairy Godmother lifted the wand above her head, and someone grabbed it. It wasn't me, surprisingly. It was Carlos.

"If you won't make me handsome, I will!" he shrieked, "Bibbity-bobbity-boo!" the wand shook. I ran from my position and took the wand in my hands.

"Ben, give it to me." Mal held a hand out, and walked towards me.

"Stay back!" I shouted.

"Ben-" Mal took another step forward.

"I said stay back." I yelled.

"Ben, I know you're not evil, I-"

"We don't have a choice, Mal." I yelled, the others appearing behind me.

"Let's go, Ben." Jane said.

"Do you really want to do this?" she said, "I can look into your eyes and instantly tell you're not evil." I opened my mouth to say something, but nothing came out.

"I, um, I choose good." I said awkwardly, "Jane, screaming at people and scaring them doesn't make you happy, Dude does. Lonnie, stealing doesn't make you happy, fencing does. Doug, learning horrendous makeup tips and acting dumb, doesn't make you happy, making dresses and learning does. I choose good." I put my hand in the middle of us.

"Me too." Doug said.

"Me.. three?" Lonnie said.

"Our parents are going to be real mad." Jane said shaking her head.

"They can't get to you here." Mal gave Jane a smile.

"I'm back!"a shrill voice sung. A cloud of green smoke appeared, making everyone cough and hack. The smoke shrunk until it was no more, and there was Maleficent. "Hello, Ben. Here, wand me." mother made a hand motion, "Come on."

I made as if to give the wand to mother, but threw it to Fairy Godmother instead.

"Bibbity boppity-" Fairy Godmother said.

"Boo!" Maleficent cackled. All the Auradonians freezed.

"Hold on, Ben. Maybe good is better than evil." Jane said. 

Maleficent laughed, "Do you hear yourself, De Vil? Old Cruella won't be proud." Jane winced at the mention of her mother. She grabbed the wand from my hand, "Aha!" just at that moment, Dude jumped onto Maleficent.

"Now I command, wand to my hand!" I shouted. The wand struggled as Maleficent held on tight to the wand. Eventually, the wand leap to my hand.

"It worked!" I said.

"Hardly think so." mother rolled her eyes, "Now give me the wand! This is really immature. Give me the wand!"

"Wait, maybe good is more powerful than evil." Jane said from behind me.

"Oh, please." Maleficent laughed, "You're killing me. Arf!" suddenly, Dude came out of nowhere and tackled Maleficent.

"Oh, get away from me, you horrendous creature!" she tried batting away Dude with no success. Lonnie jumped forward and grabbed the scepter from her hand. 

And that's it for now, folks! The last bit will be out probably in 2 days or so. 


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