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Sheltered under her layers of duvets, Calista Grimson let a light sigh escaping her mouth, relieved that her last finals were finally over. Her first year in the famous University of California, Berkeley, went better that she had expected before joining the grown-up student world. Now that her first year of literature degree was behind her, she was more than delighted to lie down on her couch and sink in the depth of her dreams. Her eyes squeezed shut, the brunette sprawled her whole tanned body on the sofa, which remained in a shared dorm bedroom with her best friend, Theodosia Hawkes.

While the night was becoming silent, the sudden noise of a rock thrown at her window woke her up. She slightly opened her green eyes, pulling a face. When she weakly raised her body from all the soft blankets that had recovered her spine a few seconds ago, she was puzzled to discover her best friend's bed empty. Another rock hit the window. Calista groaned in discontent and led herself to the closest window, determined to identify the nuisance who had pulled her out of sleep after a tiresome day. She fiercely opened the curtains, her eyes wandering on the person below her on the grass.

"What the hell, Theo! You're supposed to be here with me, not outside." Calista complained.

"Oh come on, Cal! We are on summer holiday; we've got plenty of time to sleep. Now move your lazy ass and come down here with me!"

"And why would I do that?" she crossed her arms waiting for her answer.

"My sorority organised a funny game and I want you to take part in!" Theodosia said in a cheerful tone.

"You know I don't belong to any sorority so why would I do that?"

"Well as I said, it's fun and... since your break-up with Tobias The Douchebag, you keep being in the doldrums." She grumbled.

There was no point in denying that Tobias was a huge part of her life. He was her first and only boyfriend she dated for two years; therefore it was obvious she was not at the top of her form since they had split apart. People usually assumed that the handsome popular Tobias Breeland - also known as T. - had ruthlessly dumped Calista but in fact it was a mutual decision. Tobias was the kind of boy who would take your breath away just by laying your eyes on his pretty face. He was a tall muscular blond who became one of the most well-liked recruit in his fraternity. His popularity reached a point where he took different paths and was clearly becoming distant. Calista was mainly puzzled by his new behaviour but most of all struggling with her feelings. Her confusion revealed she would prefer to end this relationship instead of suffering from putting a lot into their non-existent chemistry.

On the spur of the moment, Calista felt dizzy because of the rush of memories getting to her mind. She sat on the edge of the window, skimming gently her temples as though she was trying to brush off a migraine. She was having a hard time getting over her former boyfriend, or at least what they used to have. She gave herself to him; he was her first kiss, her first time, and so on. The pain digging into her heart was restless; her heart would race every time his name was mentioned, her heartbeat getting alarmed on each syllable of his name.

The brunette looked up to Theodosia, a shy smile sketching on the corner of her lips, and said: "You know what? You're right! I do deserve to have a laugh. Hang on, I need to change." She closed the window and darted to her wardrobe seeking for a decent outfit. She decided to wear denim short, her 'peace out' shirt, plus her flannel and finally she slipped on her black Converse.


"You didn't explain me the game earlier." Calista noticed while walking by her best friend's sides.

"You'll see!" she exclaimed ecstatic.

Calista furrowed her brows but didn't insist; she wasn't in the mood of asking questions. Their walk to the main hall of the university went quiet. The brunette found herself thinking of her ex-boyfriend again.

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