The Recuse (pt 2)

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With Penny and Brody

"Swift, can you hear me? Swift!" Penny asked, calling him through his watch.

"Pen-- ? I can ba--ly --ar --u. Are -ou --most --re?" (Penny? I can barely hear you. Are you almost here?) Swift asked. The communication was breaking up.

"The communication sequence is breaking up." Brody pointed out.

"We have to get to him! Now!" Penny exclaimed, going into overdrive.

"*static* wing *static* water *static* -ast. Hurry!" Swift exclaimed.

"Um... did you get any of that?" Brody asked.

Penny replayed the words in her head as she continued to drive, then gasp.

"The Flash-Wing is taking up water fast!" Penny exclaimed. "Come on Aqua-Wing!" Even at Turbo speed, the sub was not going fast enough for Penny's liking.

When they got to the intersection of the islands where Swift should be, Penny tried calling him again. But all they got was static. Penny looked around the area, frantically looking for her friend.

"Oh... Swift where are you?" Penny asked to no-one in particular.

"Penny! Over there!" Brody exclaimed, pointing to the orange flight vehicle that lay on the seabed.

"Swift! Great job, Brody!" Penny said, as she drove towards the vehicle.

When they got to the Flash-Wing and the Aqua-Wing's light shone onto it, Penny and Brody gasped at what they saw.

Swift was floating around, unconscious, in the water filled jet.

"Swift!" Penny cried out. She quickly put the sub on auto pilot, then she and Brody went to the sub's back exit to go help their friend.

They looked all over the jet for a way to rescue their friend.

"We're running out of time, we have to get him out." Penny cried out, as she looked at her unconscious friend inside his vehicle. Her nightmare was starting to happen. The very thing she didn't want to happen was happening.

"Brody, see if you can find something sharp to break the window open. I'll call Bea to find out if there's a way to open the hatch from the outside."

Brody gave a thumbs up and started to search the area.

"Bea! Come in!" Penny cried out into her watch.

At Headquarters

"It's Penny!" Bea exclaimed, answering the call.

"I'm here, Penny! Did you find Swift?" Bea asked.

"Yes, but... there's no time to explain. Is there a way to open the Flash-wing's hatch from the outside?" Penny frantically asked.

"Yes, there's a fail-safe latch on the left side corner of the hatch." Bea replied. "Penny, what's going on?"

Penny didn't respond.

"Oh dear. I have a very bad feeling Speedy." Bea said in a shaky voice.

"From the way Penny sounded, it's not good." Speedy said in a worried tone.

With Penny

Penny found the latch Bea was talking about. She tried pulling on it but it wouldn't budge. She was about to panic till Brody came back with a crowbar.

"This is what I was able to find." Brody told her.

"Perfect! Help me with the fail-safe latch!" Penny exclaimed.

With their combined strength, Penny and Brody were able to unlock the latch with the crowbar. Once it did, the hatch of the Flash-wing popped right off. Penny and Brody wasted no time and quickly grabbed their friend and brought him into the Aqua-wing.

They placed him on the floor of the Aqua-wing behind the seats.

"Swift! Swift please, wake up!" Penny cried out to her lifeless looking friend. She placed her ear to his chest and gasped.

"He's not breathing!" Penny cried out, tears starting to form in her eyes.

Brody quickly called headquarters.

"Speedy, Bea! Can you hear me!" Brody called out frantically.

"We're here Brody! What's going on?" Speedy replied.

"We rescued Swift, but he's not breathing. What do we do?" Brody asked.

"You need to get him back here as quick as you can. But first, check to see if he has a pulse." Speedy explained.

Penny was listening and checked for a pulse. She gasp. "He has a pulse!" She exclaimed.

"Good, he's alive. Ok, cadets. You'll have to perform CPR until he's breathing again. Once he's breathing get back here as soon as possible. I'll have the doctor ready and waiting." Speedy explained.

"What about the Flash-wing? What do we do with it?" Brody asked.

"We'll get the Flash-wing later. Right now, Swift's more important." Bea replied. They then ended communication.

"Um... so which one of us will perform the CPR?" Brody asked.

"I'll do it. Just help me position him right." Penny said in a shaky voice. Brody nodded and helped her. They removed his helmet and once he was in the right position, Penny began the procedure.

Minutes passed as Penny continued to give CPR and it didn't seem to be working.

"Please Swift. Don't do this to me. I can't lose you." Penny thought through teary eyes.

Just when she thought all hope was lost, Swift's body jerked forward. Penny quickly moved back a bit as the blue-jay turned his head to the side and began to cough up water and throw up a bit. Once he was done, he began breathing again.

"Swift?" Penny gently called to him as she gently caressed his cheek. Swift groaned and turned to the voice.

"P-pen--ny?" Swift mumble before he fell unconscious again.

Penny and Brody breathed a sigh of relief. They were still worried, but at least he was alive and breathing.

"He's finally breathing again." Brody stated.

"And that's what's important." Penny replied, still looking down at the unconscious bird. 

"Let's get him back to HQ so he can get proper treatment." She said, reluctant to leave his side. She went to the controls of the Aqua-wing.

Brody noticed her hesitance to leave Swift's side and couldn't help feel a little uneasy.

"Penny? Why don't you let me drive and you can watch over Swift." Brody suggested. Penny smiled at him.

"Thanks Brody. I appreciate it, but, it's best I drive. This is my vehicle and we need to get Swift back to HQ as quick as possible. I know I could coach you as we go, but now's not the best time." Penny told him.

Brody nodded and without another word, sat next to Swift to make sure he was ok on their way back to HQ.


Thank you for reading. Hope you enjoyed this chapter. More to come. Feedback is greatly appreciated.

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