Getting Caught

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I wake up with strong arms wrapped around my waist that I know are Cato's. I turn over gently, careful not to wake him, to look at him. He looks so much younger when he's asleep, more at peace.

I know I have to tell him about the baby. I have to tell my parents too. I don't want any of them finding out when I'm in the arena. I feel my stomach start to roll as a wave of nausea overcomes me. I pull myself from Cato's arms and run to the bathroom. I immediately start puking my guts out into the toilet and I feel my hair being pulled away and held back. I guess I woke Cato up. He rubs my back soothingly as I finally stop throwing up. I stand up and flush the toilet and look around for a toothbrush. I see Cato pick something up from the corner of my eye. I feel him touch my hair again and realize he's pulling my hair back for me.

I feel the ponytail holder twist and my hair pulled through twice and my hair settles into a high ponytail. See? This is one of the many reasons I love him. After I finish brushing my teeth to get the taste out of my mouth, I turn back to Cato to see worry etched on his face.

"I'll explain later, ok?" I say, exhausted. "I just want to go back to sleep."

Cato doesn't say anything and scoops me up into his arms and carries me bridal style back to his... well, our, bed. He lays me down gently before climbing in next to me. He wraps his arms around my waist again and pulls me to his bare chest. I snuggle against his muscled chest and he sighs, burying his face in the juncture between my shoulder and neck. I hear Cato's breathing change and know he had fallen asleep and I soon follow.

Enobaria POV

I hope Clove is doing okay. I love her more than words can express and seeing her betrayed and in pain, nearly reduced me to my own tears.

I look up from the chair I am sitting in, in front of the TV at the sound of footsteps. My husband, Brutus appears from I assume our bedroom, looking grim. I assume he's thinking about yesterday as well. If Clove is is as bad of shape as yesterday, I don't see Cato living much longer, and I don't mean him being killed in the arena.

"Hey," Brutus croaks in that tired, not yet awake, voice that is so familiar to me.

"Hey," I say back, sounding sad, the fear for what's to come in the next few days running through my mind.

"I know, Baria, I know," he says softly, knowing exactly what is happening inside my head.

"Our girl, Brutus, our baby girl..." I whisper, fighting back tears. Brutus starts to make his way towards me and he sits down beside me.

"She'll be ok. She'll make it out," he says quietly in an attempt to soothe me. That's when the tears finally start falling.

"I-I," I start and can't continue as another sob cuts me off. Brutus doesn't say a word, he just pulls me closer like he never wants to let me go.

"Let's go check on our baby girl," Brutus suggests awhile later. I wipe my tears and take a few deep breaths, I can't let my daughter see me like this, it would only make things worse.

My husband stands up, pulling me up with him. He wraps his arm around my waist, hugging me to his side, as we move towards the hallway that leads to Clove's room.

We finally reach the door to Clo's room and I take a deep breath and wipe my eyes one more time before I knock on the door. We listen for a few moments and hear nothing. I knock again and say, "Clovey, it's me." No answer. I look to Brutus in worry.

"Clo, are you ok?" Brutus asks. When we don't get an answer, I turn to him and see the expression I know is written on my face. I turn the knob and push open the door. I look immediately to the bed and worry more upon seeing that it's unoccupied. It's even still made. I hurry in and look in the bathroom. Nothing.

"If that boy did something to her, he won't live to see the arena," Brutus hisses threateningly.

"Let's check his room," I say, already moving towards the door.

I hear Brutus follow after me as I rush towards the room where I both hope and fear my daughter is. I burst through the door, not even bothering to knock.

I'm both relieved and angry at the sigh that greet me. A shirtless Cato with his arms wrapped tightly around my daughter. Clove appears to be wearing his shirt. I look around the room and see a pair of athletic shorts that must be Cato's, the workout leggings Clove was wearing earlier, her shirt, and a sports bra strewn across the floor.

I look behind me and see Brutus appear behind me looking like he wants to tear that boy apart.

"What the hell?!" Brutus roars in a booming voice.

Cato jumps awake pulling Clove even closer to him protectively with one arm and reaching over to the bedside table for the knife lying there.

He holds the knife in his hand, his arm going back to throw in one quick movement. Before he does anything else, he looks up to see the parents of the girl in his bed looking dangerously at him.

Clove pulls herself away from Cato's protective grasp to look towards the doorway. Her face goes a few shades paler at the sight of us. Cato is still extremely tense and Clove leans up and whispers in his ear and presses her lips to his neck. All the tension leave his body as he puts the knife that was still in his hand back on the table beside them.

"You two have some serious explaining to do! Get dressed! Now!"

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