☆Pixal☆ >We Are Compatible<

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Song: Strangers - Sigrid

Request: Yep! Crazy_Cartoon_Lover

Ages: 17

Relationship Status: Friends w/ crushes

Word Count: 628

Dramatically, you sighed, slumping down onto the soft sofa. "Hey, what's up?" Your best friend, Cole, came over, sitting beside you and slinging an arm around your shoulder. You rested your head gratefully on his shoulder, explaining how another attempt of confessing your feelings failed.

"It's just so frustrating! I've been trying for a year, but every time someone seems to interrupt, or she just doesn't understand! I wish it would just be easy!" You exclaimed at the end of your rant, throwing your hands into the air and accidentally hitting Cole in the face.

"I'm sorry!" You quickly apologised, but he shook you off.

"C'mon, there must be a way to confess, properly. Just use that big brain of yours and think," he stated, patting your head.

You pondered for a while, but nothing seemed to be a good idea. After fifteen minutes of thinking, you had nothing still.

"I've got not clue!" You complained, falling onto the back of the sofa.

"Wait! I've got it!" Cole claimed, jumping up.

"What? What? Tell me!" You cried, leaping up excitedly, hoping for anything that would help me confess.

"Why don't you ask her if you're compatible? She knows things like that, right?" He suggested, causing you to face palm.

"How've I never thought of that before? You're a genius, Cole! Thanks a bunch!" You thanked him, hugging him briefly before running out to find Pixal.

"Anything for my female best friend," Cole said to himself, going off to grab some cake.

Happy to have finally found a way to confess that may possibly work, you hurried around, looking for the female nindroid. Ever since you met Pixal, you'd fallen head over heels for her. And you'd often try to confess your feelings to her, but she'd either not understand or say you were really good friends. This plan was one you were almost 100% confident would work. Finally you found Pixal in her room, working on a new project.

"Hey, Pix!" You called out to her, making her turn her head in your direction.

"Greetings, Y/N," she smiled back. Ok, you can do this, you told yourself repeatedly in your head. You'd never been this nervous before. Shaking your head, you cleared your mind.

"So, I was wondering if I could ask you a question," you began.

"Of course," Pixal said, gazing at you curiously.

"Are we compatible?" You confidently asked, a blush growing on your face.

Pixal tilted her head. "Of course we are. We are good friends, are we not?" She innocently responded.

Calmly, you shook your head. "No, I mean in the other way. Like, how Jay and Nya are," you explained, your blush worsening. At this, Pixal seemed to grow flustered and averted your gaze.

"Well, perhaps we are," she murmured, but you heard her.

"W-we are?" You stuttered, hardly believing your ears. Pixal nodded, looking up to lock eyes with you as she stood up and made her way over to you.

"I believe we are." She stated, slowly getting closer to you. She stopped inches before you, your cheeks visibly red.

"Y/n, I love you," Pixal whispered. You smiled happily, glad that you could finally show your true feelings.

"I love you too, Pixal," you said back, voice only audible to her. Then she pressed your lips against her surprisingly soft ones. You raised your hands to her neck as she melted into the kiss. Moments later, you broke apart, gasping for air.

"I'm so happy to finally get that off of my chest," you said, a huge weight being lifted off of your shoulders. Pixal's eyes met yours again, and you could tell she felt the same way. She leaned in for another kiss, and you knew you were satisfied.

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