☆Cole☆ >Compliments<

8.7K 221 404

Song: Ember - Katherine McNamara

Request: Yep! Masterofchange & AlyssaMoser9

Ages: 17

Relationship Status: Close friends

Word Count: 785

Notes: lets just agree that Cole has a good bod okay I'm weird xD

Thank you all so much for over 1k reads!! I didn't think these would get that many reads, so thank you!

"I still can't believe you would do that to me!" Cole sulked once again, walking away from you as you tried to catch up to him.

"Aw, Cole, c'mon, it's just a cake!" You called after him, making him turn back to face you. Earlier on you'd created an illusion of a cake and left it on the table for Cole. When he spotted it, he tried to eat it but failed and realised that you'd pranked him again.

"Just a cake? You don't know how much cake means to me," he pouted like a small child. Rolling your eyes, you sighed.

"Really? If it means that much to you I can make you a real cake." You suggested, and suddenly the light in his eyes returned.

"Thank you! You're the best," He said happily, running over and embracing you.

You returned the hug, muttering, "I know, I know," a smile upon your face.

You wandered into the kitchen and proceeded to get out all the stuff you needed to make the cake.

"Can I help?" Cole came over to you once you'd began preparing it.

"No." You responded, not looking up from what you were doing.




"I said no. You generally cannot cook or bake whatsoever. Now leave me in peace." You explained, flicking some flour onto Cole's face.

"Fine." He pouted, going to sit at the table as you prepared the cake.

When you finished, you turned to Cole, who was still sitting at the table. "There. Now leave it till it's done."

He perked up, grinning broadly. "It already smells delicious!"

"This is the best cake I've ever tasted! You're a great baker, N/N!" Cole exclaimed once the cake was done and you'd placed a piece in front of him, watching him devour it in seconds. At that, your face exploded into a hot blush.

"W-w-what? N-no I'm not," you stammered, nervous fiddling with the hem of your shirt whilst turning away from the earth ninja. A small smirk spread across Cole's features, unnoticed by you. He was going to have some fun with you tomorrow.

The next day, you entered the dining room where the other ninja sat. Oddly, Cole was smirking in your direction which caused you to wonder what he was going to do. You took your place at the table, next to Nya and Lloyd and opposite Cole, and less than a minute later, Cole made an unexpected comment. "Have a good sleep, beautiful?"

You dropped your fork in surprise. "W-what?"

Nya nudged you. "Ooohhh, looks like someone's got the hots for ya," she whispered into your ear, causing you face to light up brighter. "Nya!"

The others shot suspicious glances between you and Cole, wondering if they'd missed something recently.

For the rest of the day, whenever you bumped into Cole he would compliment you on the smallest things. To clear your mind, you decided to do some training. You made your way to the training room, and pushed open the door, stepping inside. What you were met with made the smallest blush appear on your cheeks. Cole was sitting, shirtless, lifting weights, a towel slung around his neck. When you entered, he looked up, meeting your flustered gaze. "Hey, princess. Like what you see?" He teased again, wiggling his eyebrows suggestively. Then you realised you had been staring.

"W-what? No! I'm sorry for not knocking! Uhh- I'll come back later!" You managed to get out, face now resembling Kai's gi.

"No! It's okay, I don't mind," Cole called to you as you reached for the door. Cautiously, you turned so around.

"You sure?" You asked, not being able to help yourself from admiring his well-built form.

"'Course!" You made your way over to him, and suddenly he stood up and grabbed your hand, pulling you closer to him.

"Cole? W-what're you doing?" You nervously asked, looking into his deep brown eyes.

"You know, everyone single one of those compliments I gave you are true, right?" He questioned, voice low.

"W-well, I'm sure they are, but why have you been complimenting me all day?" You responded cheekily.

"This is why." He said before pulling you into a warm, passionate kiss. Your eyes widened before you returned it, enjoying the obvious taste of chocolate cake lingering on his lips. Cole raised a hand to cup your cheek, carefully caressing it. After a few moments, you pulled apart.

"Does that explain why?" He asked, voice fanning your face softly.

"Well, I'm not so sure. You'll have to show me again," you replied, smile spread across your face. Cole grinned before leaning in and kissing you again, leaving you wishing this moment would never end.

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