Chapter 19

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Emilie POV
     When I open my eyes I take in my new surroundings and look around to see bandages, medicine, other beds, Alby, and that girl. It doesn't take a genius to realize that I'm in the med-jacks hut. I sit up but when I do Newt suddenly walks in with a piece of cloth in one hand and bowl of water in the other. Once he sees me he sets his things down on a table nearby and rushes over to me and rests his hands on both my shoulders and gently pushes me back down.
"How are you feeling love?" He asks with worry clear in his voice.
"I'm fine Newt I just have a bit of a headache," I say as I place my hand on my forehead.
"Honestly love you were about to give me a bloody heart attack..." He looks at me with his eyes full of concern.
"How long was I out?" I ask as I sit up once again.
"Only for an hour or two. Clint and Jeff said that you passed out because of stress and exhaustion...."
     I stop listening to what he was saying and started to space out and let my mind wander until it suddenly wondered into the reason why I'm in here in the first place I remembered what happened and what I saw. Before I knew what was going on I started to have trouble breathing, tears start streaming down my face, and I started to shake violently.
3rd POV
"L-love what's wrong?!" Newt asks clearly worried by her sudden change. But she doesn't listen and starts to violently shake her head and yell out.
"You can never escape"
"PLEASE LEAVE ME ALONE!!!" she cries out making Newt and herself completely confused as to why she said that.
"Calm down stay with me alright love..." Newt musters up a calm voice he then gently grabs her face and makes her look at him.
"Calm down love take deep breaths" He takes deep breaths indicating her to try and match his.
"T-thats it keep your eyes on me and follow my breathing" Her breathing is ragged and strained but it eventually goes back to normal.
"Better love?" Newt asks as he tucks a loose strand of hair behind her ear. She doesn't say anything or even looks at him but just so that she doesn't worry him she gives him a small nod. Newt sighs in relief and gives her a faint smile.
"Come on you need to rest" Emilie shakes her head at him.
"Come on Emilie you have to rest I don't want you to pass out again" Newt urges her but she shakes her head at him again.
"Stop worrying about me I'm fine!" She says sounding a bit harsh but ultimately making Newt back off.
     She felt horrible she knows she's being selfish and is worrying Newt even more but she's scared to be alone with nothing but her thoughts. She's scared that if she's left alone that she will just end up remembering a lot more horrible and terrifying things. So without another word, she gets up from the makeshift bed and heads outside.
"Where's Thomas and Minho?"
"I don't know I think Minho is running the maze as usual but I have no idea where the bloody hell Tommy went. In all honesty, I can't find anyone today I can't find Winston, Zart, or Frypan" She hasn't known Thomas long but she knows him well enough to know where he and her other friends went without having to give it a second thought.
'The Maze...' Her eyes widen in horror when she realizes that they are trying to find a way out of here. She turns to Newt and was about to tell him where they are but someone else beats her to it.
"Newt!" Both Emilie and Newt turn to see a very angry Gally walking over to them.
"He did it again! He ran into the maze again but not only that he dragged nonrunners in there with him!" It was quite obvious who Gally was talking about but Newt acted like he had no idea what he was talking about.
"What are you talking about?"
"Thomas went back into the maze and took Winston, Zart, and Frypan with him!" He yells out in Newts face
"Gally calm down" Emilie warns him with a glare and he glares back at her.
"No as a matter, in fact, I call a keeper meeting to commence right now!"
"Gally you can't do that! Not without Albys or Newts approval besides the other keepers aren't even here!"
"Well, that's their fault for running into the maze!" He steps closer to her practically yelling into her face but she doesn't back off and yells right back.
"That still doesn't give you the right to-" Before she could finish what she was saying Newt pulls her away from Gally.
"Love, Gally is right we have to have this meeting there are some things we need to discuss before the doors close tonight"
"What is there to discuss yes I know me and Thomas broke the rules by running into the maze so just punish us by giving us more work or throwing us into the slammer or whatever but it's not right to have a keepers meeting without the other keepers"
"It's not about what you two did its other stuff and I know it's wrong but we don't have much of a choice there are things we have to decide on before those doors close"
"Alright fine... " Emilie gently whispered as she lets her shoulders slump in defeat.
"It'll be alright love" He entwines their hands together as if trying to reassure her.
"Come on let's take this to the council hall" We start walking towards the counsel hall until Newt sees Chuck close by.
"Chuck" He calls out and Chuck turns around to face us.
"Tell Cliff and Jeff to come by the counsel hall" Chuck nods and runs to find the two med-jacks and we proceed to head towards the council hall and once we get there Emilie and Gally start arguing again.
Emilie POV
"We have the serum for Alby we just have to give him time to recover" I argue towards Gally.
"We did give him the serum but he isn't responding to it you saw it yourself"
"You guys just gave it to him, of course, he isn't responding to it he needs more time for it to spread around his body" Gally than suddenly looks at me in the eye but not a hint of anger or frustration is shown for the first time ever he gives me a sympathetic and understanding look and speaks in a calming voice.
"I get it alright you don't want to lose a leader and a friend but we don't have a choice. If Alby was here you know he would agree with me" I wanted to say something but I couldn't think of anything else to say. Newt than turns to Cliff and Jeff who have been standing there quietly listening.
"Clint Jeff, how's he doing?" The two med-jacks give each other a certain look and I already know that it is not going to be good news.
"It's bad... it's getting worse" I look away from everyone as I silently pray for Alby to be okay.
" just keep an eye on him... thanks" With that the two med-jacks walk out the door and Thomas, Minho, and the other missing keepers barge in and Gally quickly stands up from his seat and glares at all of them.
"Oh it's nice of you to join us you boys enjoy your little field trip," He says with anger clear in his voice.
"What the hell Gally. You think you can call a keeper meeting without us!" Minho says with an equal amount of anger. 
"Last time I checked the Greenie wasn't a keeper you mind waiting outside" Gally gestures towards Thomas who was about to leave but before he even took a step Minho orders for him to stay.
"What's the point of all this?" He asks me and Newt in a much calmer voice. I sigh in clear frustration so Newt takes it as a hint for him to answer them.
"We have two hours before sundown we have to figure out what to do with Alby"
"You wanna banish him," Winston says in disbelief.
"No. No one wants to banish anyone but he's stung we don't have a choice" I let out a humorless laugh at Gally explanation and everyone turns to look at me a bit taken back but I just ignore them and glare at Gally.
"How many times do I have to tell that he just received the serum just a few hours ago he just needs time for it to spread throughout his body if you banish him tonight than you will be sending our leader to their death" I argue.
"And how many times do I have to explain it to you, he's stung you heard Cliff and Jeff he isn't getting any better, in fact, its gotten worse so there is no point we don't have a choice" I was about to argue back but someone else beats me to it.
"Yes, we do" We all turn to Thomas.
"You say something Greenie?" Gally glares at Thomas but it doesn't faze him.
"Yeah we have a choice we don't have to banish Alby"
"Right and hows that" Thomas responds by pulling a strange device out and hands it to Newt and me.
     At first, I was scared that they found something that could be related to my past but I let out a small sigh of relief when I see it's only the symbols we get on our supplies. But it's short-lived when Thomas goes on to explain that this thing could be a clue to our way out of here. I honestly didn't know what to say or do I wanted to tell them that we are a lot better off here than out there but how? I mean how do you tell someone who has been trapped here and suffered here for so long that you don't want to leave.
"You see what he's trying to do, right?" Gally scoffs at him
"First he breaks our rules... and then he tries to convince us to abandon them totally. The rules are the only thing that has ever held us together. Why now are we questioning that? If Alby was here, you know he'd agree with me. This shank needs to be punished" Everyone then looks at me expecting me to argue with him about How he should leave Thomas alone and let him find a way out of here, but for the first time ever I just stay quiet and look down at the floor. But that doesn't stop them from looking at me.
"You're right" Newt suddenly speaks up and everyone turns their attention towards him.
"Thomas broke the rules. One night in the pit, and no food or water"
"Oh come on, Newt!" Gally barks out. "One night in the pit? Do you think that's gonna stop him from going into the maze?"
"No. And we can't just have non-runners running into the maze whenever they feel like it. So let's just make this official. Starting from tomorrow, you're a runner" We all look at him-him in disbelief except for Gally he glares at Newt before leaving the council hall only to have Frypan go after him to try and calm him down.
"Thanks, Newt," Thomas says to him.
"Now that we have Greenie on board what about that shank over there" Minho indicates to me. Newt was about to say something but he stops himself and looks at me. After a few moments, he looks down to the ground and sighs.
"It's up to her... " He whispered. I look up at him completely surprised, I honestly thought that he would yell at Minho.
"I-i don't know..." Is all I can bring myself to say. I want to help and everyone escape this place but at the same time, I want to be selfish and stay here where I am safe. Everyone just looks at me surprised at my undecided response.
"Can you guys give us a second" Newt finally says and everyone leaves except for us. I look down at the ground as I hear him make his way over to me.
"W-what is it Newt?"
"Love to look at me" He whispered in a calm voice but I keep my head down to avoid his gaze. But before I know it he grabs my head and makes me look up at him.
"Please tell me what's wrong" He pleads and without even realizing it a tear slides down my cheek and soon many more follow. 
"N-newt I saw h-h-horrible things. Things that I n-never want to see again but they will always haunt me n-no matter how hard I try to forget" I finally cry out for the first time in a long time. Newt wraps his arms tightly around me as if trying to protect me from anything that can cause me harm.
"It's alright love, I won't force you to go back into the maze... "
     My heart dropped a little he thinks that I'm talking about the maze when I was actually talking about my memories. Granted I don't want to go back into the maze either but for a whole different reason. Not because I'm scared of it but because I want to be selfish and slow down the process of us getting out of here. 
"....But I want you really to think about it" I look up at Newt completely taken back by what he just said.
"I know your scared to go back out there I am too, but you are one of the strongest, bravest, and smartest people I know and I know that with you and those two shanks you will find a way out of here" I don't say anything and just tightly grip onto his shirt and bury my head into his chest.
"I know I'm being selfish by asking you to even consider this but I honestly think that you guys can lead all of us out of here. But whether or not you choose to become a runner I will support and protect you no matter what"
     I am the selfish one there is a chance for us to get out of here but because of my cowardliness, everyone else will suffer. Chuck, Alby, Minho, Winston, Thomas, and Newt will continue to suffer because of me. I have to tell him. He has to know the real reason why I'm so scared, I can't keep lying to him.
"Newt there's something I have to tell you..."
"What is it?"
"It's about my me-"
     Before I could even finish my sentence there was a loud painful scream just outside the council hall.

Hey people! I'm really sorry I haven't updated in a really long time. I was practically buried in school work college is hard don't go to it just kidding do go but really it is hard. But anyways I was able to finish it and now I have some free time so hopefully, I'll update one more time before I'm buried in work again. Anyways have a good day or night and I hope you enjoyed this chapter. Bye bye until next time.

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