Chapter 10

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Emilie POV
I was pacing around the room the peacekeepers had put me in I was terrified. I don't know how or why this happened to me. I kept hoping praying that this was nothing more but a nightmare but no matter how hard I tried I couldn't wake up. This wasn't a dream this was real.
All I wanted was to go home and help Daxten with the farm but from the looks of it, I might never come back. Just the thought of it made me want to cry. My brother, my animals, my home, my district I won't ever see them again.
Suddenly the door opens and Daxten comes running in and as soon as he does he tightly holds me. He is breathing heavily trying hard to sort press the sobs that are threatening to escape him. After a few moments, he looks me in the eye.
"You can do this alright. Your smart, fast, resourceful, you know how to fight, and hunt"
"Animals Daxten I know how to hunt animals no- not-"
"It's all the same"
'It's not the same' I think to myself.
"Just remember what we taught you alright. Everything we taught was in case of a day like this came"
"No one my age survives the games"
"There was one he was your age too 14. He is the youngest male tribute to have survived and you'll be the youngest female tribute I know it"
The doors once again open but this time it's three peacekeepers that come in.
"Times up" Is all they say. They grab Daxten and me and try to separate us and once they do they try to drag him out the room.
That's the last thing I hear him say before they dragged him out of the room and shut the door. That's when it all finally sinks in. I drop to my knees, lean my forehead against the door and finally let my tears fall.
"I am district 10 female tribute for the 72nd annual Hunger Games and there is no escape from this nightmare"
"Love wake up"
I wake up with a start and frantically look around but I see nothing it was the middle of the night. That's when I realize that I was breathing heavily and notice that my cheeks were wet with my tears.
"You were crying are you alright?"
"Yeah I'm okay"
I'm not.
"Are you sure?"
"Yeah it was just a bad dream"
It wasn't.
Normally when I have dreams like this I can never remember them but it been different lately. I can't remember everything but I can remember small things like I went to school and I have a dog or had a dog at least. But this dream was different too I was never able to remember something big. I have a big brother named Daxten and that we lived on a farm I was happy that I was able to remember something but I was also confused. What games and why do I get an uneasy feeling just thinking about it.
I could tell that Newt didn't believe me but he decided not to push it. He motioned me to lay back down with him he held me close to his chest and stroked my hair to try to soothe me.
I don't know why but for the past two weeks something about Newt feels different. I mean nothing really changed he still kisses me, hugs me, laughs with me, and talks to me like always but I don't know. Something just doesn't feel right I hope it's just my imagination.
"I love you" Newt whispered in my ear and then kisses the top of my head.
"I love you too" I snuggle up into his chest and fall into a dreamless sleep.
When morning came we did our usual routine. We woke up, got dressed, ate breakfast, and went straight to work. It was just like any other normal day in the glade, well almost. The whole entire day I couldn't help but think that I helped my brother out on the farm. Maybe he was the one that taught me how to be a butcher. I'm happy that I was able to remember something but the more I thought about it the more I couldn't help but wonder. What about our parents? How did I end up here? And where are they?
I want to tell Newt but I haven't seen him since our lunch break and I didn't want to tell him in such a crowded place so I decided to wait some other time. We all worked until we saw Minho and the other runners come back. I was about to leave with the other slicers but Winston stopped me.
"Hey, Emilie can I talk to you for a moment" I look out the barn door and see Newt making his way over here from the garden I then look back at Winston.
"Um sure I guess. Is something wrong?"
"No nothing is wrong it's just you seem a bit off today. Are you okay?"
"Oh um yeah I'm fine"
"You sure?"
"Yeah I just had a nightmare last night and I guess I let it get the best of me I'm sorry"
"Ohhh alright" He nods his head in understanding and then walks over to me and pats my back.
"Don't worry everyone here gets them and they get the best of us too sometimes so don't be sorry I understand and if you ever want to talk to someone about it just remember you have Newt, me, and everyone else in the glade" I smile at him I'm grateful yet guilty I didn't lie to him I did have a nightmare last night but at the same time I did because that wasn't the reason why I wasn't myself today.
"Thank you, Winston"
"Anytime shank" His friends soon call him over and he waves me goodbye and jogs over to them. I then turn to look towards Newt and see that he is almost here and I start walking over to him.
In my time here I made some really good friends Minho, Chuck, Alby, and Winston but that just makes me feel more guilty. I just can't bring myself to fully trust them and even Newt sometimes I can't help but feel cautious around him too. But I think I'm getting better I'm able to talk to him about the small bits of memories I can remember from my dreams it's just a working process.
"Hey love"
"Hey, Newt" He's about to hug me but I stop him.
"Don't hug me I'm covered in blood" I warn him but he just smiles at me.
"Alright then let'ss go get you some clean clothes and let you shower I'll stand by and guard the door for you alright"
"Thank you"
We get some clean clothes and head towards the showers. Newt stands guard for me so I can shower without worrying about anyone sneaking in. When I'm done I quickly dry myself off and I change into some clean clothes. I dry my hair with the towel and then let it loose so that my hair can air dry. I open the door and see Newt leaning against the wall.
"Can I hug you now?"
"Yes you can"
He hugs me and kisses my forehead he lets go and then he holds me and we start walking towards Minho, Winston, and Chuck who are at the edge of the dead heads. We were able to hear them laughing and making fun of each other.
"Come on Minho you're the keeper of the runners and you can't even hit the tree" Winston teases.
"'Runners' Winston 'runners' I run I don't throw small knives unlike you. You actually use knives and yet you did worse then me" Minho fires back.
"You only hit one tree and it didn't even have a target" Minho laughs at him and looks at Winston.
"At least I hit something"
"Hey I almost hit something too"
"Yeah, Chuck" Hearing this Winston turns to look at Chuck and gives him an apologetic look.
The two were so focused on insulting each other and Chuck was trying to keep a safe distance from them trying not to get hit again they didn't notice Newt and I. I couldn't help but laugh at them and be curious on what they were doing.
"What are you bloody shanks doing?"
Minho, Winston, and Chuck turn and finally notice us.
"Nothing just trying to hit those target signs on those trees over there with these" Minho brings up his hand and shows us a throwing knife.
"Those are supposed to be in the weapon roo,m," Newt said a bit surprised and angry.
"Relax Alby said we can use them besides they can't hurt anyone unless someone actually knows how to use them" Newt pinches the bridge of his nose and sighs at obviously annoyed.
"Alright fine" He finally says and relaxes a bit but still seems a bit nervous for some reason.
"Here try its fun" Winston hands Newt three of the small knives.
"Alright" He takes the knives from Winston and stands in front of the three trees that have targets painted on them. He throws them and misses every single one of them.
"Still better then Winston" Minho comments and I can't help but laugh.
"Shut it you shanks"
"Can I try?" I finally ask and they all turn to look at. Minho and Winston smile and Chuck jumps up and down seemingly excited but Newt seems a bit worried.
"I don't know love doesn't seem like a good idea, a," He says as he walks back towards me.
"Newt it'll be fine it's not like I'm going into the maze or something"
"Yeah, besides she can't be as bad as Winston. Well unless she actually hits Chuck" Minho said trying to encourage him but Newt glared at Minho.
He looked like he wanted to say something but was holding back. After a few moments, Newt sighs and steps aside so that I can walk in front of the three trees. Minho then gives me three throwing knives. They feel familiar when I hold them like I've used them before and that's because I have used them before.
3rd Person POV
"Vamos mi hija yo se que lo puedes hacer (I know you can do it). Just hold the knife like this aim at the target and just throw it"
The little girl holds the small knife just like the man showed her and then throws it at a tree just barely hitting the target.
"I did it papi! I did it! Did you see what I did?!"
"Oh, I sure I did mi hija! I sure did!"
The man happily lifts up the little girl off her feet and throws her up in the air.
Even though she just barely hit the target her and her father still seem quite satisfied and happy with her small accomplishment.
"Come on let's see if you can do it again"
Emilie POV
"Emilie you alright"
"Huh?" I look over and see Newt, Minho, Winston, and Chuck looking at me a bit confused and concerned.
"Y-yeah just kind of zoned out I guess"
Chuck and Winston seem to have believed me but Newt and Minho look otherwise. They didn't question me though probably because Chuck and Winston were here.
I focus my attention back on the knives and hold them just like my dad showed me. I take a deep breath and close my eyes I throw the knives without looking at the targets or even opening my eyes.
"Bloody hell" Is all I hear.
There is no more laughing, joking, or teasing for a moment I honestly thought I did hit Chuck but when I open my eyes I see something completely different. The trees I hit them all right at the center of their targets. We were all so stunned by the revaluation of what I can do none of us said or did anything.
Finally, after a while, Minho walks over to the trees and pulls out the knives, picks up the rest that was on the floor, and then grabs a black belt that I didn't notice up until now and tucks all the knives in it and finally hands it to me. I give him a confused look.
"Someone who knows how to use them should have them" I was about to take them but Newt stops me.
"No, she shouldn't" Newt walks over and stands between me and Minho and glares at him.
"Come on Emilie lets go"
He grabs my hand and takes me back to our room I was too stunned to say or do anything. When we reach our room is when I finally snap out of it.
"Why can't I have those throwing knives?" Newt doesn't look at me he just looks at the floor trying to think of a good excuse as to why.
"Because you don't need a weapon" I snap my head towards him and glare at him.
"What do mean I don't need a weapon? If anything I should need one more then anyone else here" I say as I take a few steps towards him.
"What makes you think you need one more than anyone else?" Newt lifts his head up but looks at everything else but me.
"Well in case you haven't noticed I am the only girl surrounded by a bunch of hormonal guys. Besides everyone here has some kind of weapon with them too"
"That's not true"
"Newt you have a weapon"
"No, I don't"
"Yes you do you have it strapped onto your back right now"
Newt glances back and sees his machete he runs a hand through his hair and finally looks back at me but his eyes still refuse to meet mine.
"Well its different for me!"
"I'm second in command I'm supposed to have this!"
"Why then?!"
"In case those bloody shanks get out of hand!"
"So you'd use your machete to hurt the other gladers!"
"No, I didn't mean it like that! You know I didn't mean it like that!"
"I know you didn't but what I don't know is why you don't want me to have those knives! It's not like I'm going to go out and go on a killing spree!"
"Emilie-" I cut him off.
"No Newt it's not fair why don't you want me to have them?! Why are you so against it?! What are you so afraid of?!"
"I CAN'T LOSE YOU!" He finally yells out and I look at him completely taken back by his response.
Out of all of his possible responses, I sure didn't expect that one. Newt places a hand on my cheek and his eyes finally meet mine. He gives me a sad look, he looks like he wants to say something but is trying to figure out how to. I then gently hold the hand that's resting on my cheek and give it a light squeeze and waits for him to continue.
"I can't lose you" He finally says.
"Before you came up here I had absolutely nothing I didn't care about anything or anyone not even myself. But all of that changed when you came up and gave me meaning again you mean the world to me and if something were to ever happen to you I could never forgive myself"
"Newt nothing is going to happen they are just knives"
"No they're not and you know it. I saw that look in your eyes it was the same look you had when you remembered your name. You remembered something from your past didn't you"
I don't say anything so he just continues.
"Don't get me wrong I'm happy that you can remember pieces of your past but I'm also scared"
"Emilie, we have been here for two years and no one has remembered a single thing before the maze and you have been here for a few weeks and already remembering more then any of us combined" I don't say anything because I honestly don't know what to say so I just nod and wait for Newt to continue.
"I don't know if it's the creators giving you your memory back or not but either way there is a chance they will take you away from me and if I lose you then I'll lose meaning all over again"
I tightly wrap my arms around Newts neck and whisper into his ear.
"Don't worry I promise to always be with you no matter what happens I'll be right by your side through the good and the bad" Once he hears this he quickly wraps his arms around my waist and holds me tightly against him as if trying to make sure that I'm really here and that no one will ever take me away from him.
"And I promise to always protect you no matter what or who I have to fight I promise to keep you safe"
Neither one of us said anything else
for a while, we just stood there holding each other.
"Which is why you should take those knives"
"What?" I pull away from the hug and loom at Newt not bothering to hide my surprised look from him.
"Your right you should take those knives you need them more than anyone else here, and in all honesty you don't really need me you can take pretty good care of yourself. Heck on your first day here you beat the crap out of Gally and me" Newt says jokingly as he sadly smiles while looking at the ground.
"Don't you dare ever say that again" I grab his face with both of my hands and make him look at me.
"I need you more than anything. I need you when I scream in the middle of the night and you hold me without even complaining, when I get caught up with work and ignore the bell when it's time for lunch and you come and get me, when you hold me in your arms I feel safe and protected as if no one could ever hurt me. Your the reason why I haven't lost my mind, the reason why I wake up in the morning, the reason why I haven't killed Minho yet" We both giggle at the last part.
"Not gonna lie love I sometimes feel like I'm going to kill that shank too"
"Plus your the only one I'll ever let see me cry, the one that I'll ever tell my secrets to, the one that I'll ever fully trust" When I said I trusted him I saw something in his eyes but I'm not sure what since it was gone as soon as it came. Newt once again held me tightly against his chest and whispered in my ear.
"I love you so much please don't ever forget that"
"I won't" We stayed in our room for the rest of the day.
I told Newt that I remembered living on a farm, that I had an older brother named Daxten, and that my dad was the one who taught me how to use throwing knives. He asked me how they looked but I couldn't remember anything like that not yet at least. I didn't tell Newt about the games. I thought they really weren't important but something was telling me otherwise. After a while, we both drifted off to sleep.
Newt POV
I couldn't go to sleep not after what she told me. I'm happy that she remembers her family and home I really am but I can't help but worry. After a while, I knew that I wouldn't be able to sleep so I carefully get up from the bed so I don't wake Emilie up and leave the room to go for a walk to try and clear my head.
As I'm walking I notice a light in the map room. I walk in and see Minho going over the sketches of the maps the runners drew today and a few lighted up torches.
"Looks like lover boy finally came to his senses," Minho says without looking away from the map he was looking at.
"Shut it you bloody shank"
"But am I right?" He finally looks up and looks at me.
"Yeah, your right" He gives me a serious look.
"So what was it?" He finally asks.
"What do you mean?"
"Come to Newt don't try to act dumb I know we saw the same thing. She remembered something didn't she" He calmly stated I clench my jaw debating whether or not I should tell him and Minho seemed to sense it.
"Newt it's me you can tell me it's not like I'll go out and yell it out to the whole glade" I sigh it's true.
"Her dad was the one who taught her how to use those knives. She remembered her dad teaching her how to use them when she was still a little kid" He looks taken back but quickly composes himself.
"That doesn't make any sense why would her dad teach her that especially since she was a kid"
"That's what I would like to know"
He doesn't say anything and just leans his back against the wall.
"So what now?" He asks
"Keep going about our days and hope for the best" Is all I can bring myself to say.

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