Advice from wise girl

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Why am I writing this from Annabeth's POV when it's a valdangelo fanfic? Because I can, so start being a pickle and dill with it! (That was really cheezy and stupid, sorry you had to witness that)

*Annabeth P.O.V*

I woke up in the middle of the night to a loud thud coming from the big house, I ran to the lobby to see Jason, Piper, Leo and Percy, all crowed around a bloody black haired boy, as I got closer I recognized the face... it was Nico.

I ran over and yelled "What are all of you standing around for?!" by now they were all looking at me "You two!" I looked at Leo and Jason "Go get Ambrosia and Nectar!" I looked at Percy and said "You! Grab his arms! I'll get his legs!" with that everyone looked at me for a moment, I walked over to Nico's body and grabbed his legs, and then I guess they realized I was serious and quickly did what I had asked.

After Percy and I had carried Nico to the Infirmary I had immediately started to clean all of the blood off of him, I had soon realized that barely any of it was actually his all he had was a couple of scratches here and there, he was just exhausted.

Just then Leo came into the room we had placed Nico in and put the nectar on the counter, "Well, how is he?" he asked, worry in his voice, it was strange, I had never seen Leo even show an interest in how Nico was doing after we won the war against Gaea, it had been like he didn't even know he existed, "I didn't think you cared." he looked at me with an emotion on his face I couldn't quite place. "Well I didn't until.." he trailed his words but that just made me want to hear the rest of what he stopped himself from telling me "Until what?" I was starting to get impatient "Until he stopped that minotaur from finishing me off." Wow, he must feel really guilty about it because he started getting this sad, annoyed look on his face.

"So will you answer my question already?" Leo broke my train of thought "Oh.. Uh, yeah, he's fine he just probably tierd himself out killing that minotaur. He's just exhausted." Leo sighed and looked relived.

"Hey do you think now would be a good time to talk?" he started pacing around the room "Yeah what about?" He paused for a moment but then asked his question "What would you say if I told you, I thought I was gay?" I was shocked... I couldn't believe he was telling me this. Me and Leo had really gotten close since the war against Gaea we started bonding over mechanics and after me and Percy came back from t-t-t... that place, we got closer than ever. Me not wanting to talk to anyone, and his being terrible with organic life forms really helped. We've kinda been best friends since. "Don't you think that's something that you need to decide yourself Leo?" I saw him looking puzzled for a minute, I was pretty sure he was expecting a straight answer, not another question "Well that's why I wanted to ask you, because I NEED a second opinion, I have some feelings for someone and.. I don't know." he stuttered.

"Wait, what?"

We looked back to where the voice came from... Well looks like the ghost king has finally awoken from his little nap, how much more inconvenient could he get?

"Nothing." I turned to Nico as I began talking "How you feeling?" Leo looked like he had taken the place of a tomato. I looked at him and mouthed the words 'talk later' he nodded and left, Nico finally answered me "Tired as Hades." I smiled slightly "Well he is your dad after all." he mirrored my smile, "Alright, well I'm going to go and get Chiron so you can tell him what happened." before he could respond I left for the big house, I walked straight to Chiron's room and hit the door three times, he opened it yawning, "Annabeth what is it?" I looked at him, noticed the curlers in his tail that I really wanted to ask him about it but decided that it was a question that was best un answered, "Our guest has finally awoken." he sighed "Alright, You should go get some sleep child, I will go talk to Mr. Di Angelo." with that he closed the door.

I walked out of the big house and towards the Hephaestus cabin and was about to hit the door when it opened revealing Leo "You ready to talk now?" he nodded in response and motioned for me to walk beside him. "So you think you're gay?" again he nodded, I was starting to think that this was going to turn into one of the conversations where I did all the talking, " Well it really isn't that hard, and it's more of a personal thing." he moved his lips to the side as he mulled this over, our walk came to a stop when we reached the dock by the lake, "Well why do you think that, you don't like anybody.... wait do you?" he nodded "Ohhh, well that explains a lot." His demeanor became agitated, "Well Leo, do you think that person is worth it?" He looked up at the stars while he was thinking, he eventually nodded, "Well then the answer is pretty clear."

"But Annabeth," he asked nervously, "what if you're not sure if the person loves you back... Or even likes you at all?"

"Well, just go with your heart and everything should turn out right." I knew that was the most illogical thing to say, but sometimes people don't need logical, they just need to hear what they're already thinking.

"Thanks Annabeth!" he looks at me smiling and runs off towards the infirmary.


HOPE YOU GUYS ENJOYED THE STORY!! I've given up on the idea of Thalico and have come to love Leico / Valdangelo/ Ghost Fire. If you liked it,  comment and tell me so, I can't read minds!! Also, PLEASE vote, for me, it's like getting a new puppy!! Also sorry it was short, I'll try and make the others longer!! Byeeeeeeeee!! :9

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