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Elena: it's been one week and it time for the Sacrifice Ritual. Klaus got all the ingredients for the spell tonight.

I got out of bed and went into the shower for twenty-five minutes. I got out of the shower and put on my outfit for today.

 I got out of the shower and put on my outfit for today

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I went downstairs and poured me a glass of blood. I hop on my brother motorcycle and he drove towards the school. I got off and hug him and said be careful and ran to class. I went into a quiet area and cast a protection spell on my brothers for tonight.

After long hours school was over it's was summer break now. I got my summer projects from my teachers. I vamp-sped towards the house and when I got there someone snap my neck. I woke up and found I was in a cave trapped in a barrier.

Then my phone rung it was Elijah he said sorry about snapping your neck can't have you in danger and he hung up the phone. I got up off the ground and walked around the cave. I started to chant a spell and the barrier broke apart in the air.

The Sacrifice Ritual have already started I can feel the magic in the air. I vamp-sped towards the magic and saw the Sacrifice Ritual.

I stayed in the shadows the spirits told me not to interrupt the Sacrifice Ritual

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I stayed in the shadows the spirits told me not to interrupt the Sacrifice Ritual. [You know what happens in the show] The Sacrifice Ritual was over and I vamp-sped towards back to the house and saw Damon with a werewolf bite. Lia stayed and took care of him.

Katherine came with the cure and Stefan left with Klaus as part of the deal for the cure. I went upstairs and change into my PJs and hop into my bed and fell asleep dreaming about the spirits.

Next morning I woke up early and got into the shower for fifteen minutes. I got out of the shower and put on my outfit for today.

I packed a bag and went downstairs I poured me a glass of blood

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I packed a bag and went downstairs I poured me a glass of blood. I left the house and hop on to my motorcycle and drove towards the freeway.

I arrived in Portland and I parked my motorcycle and got a hotel room for the week

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I arrived in Portland and I parked my motorcycle and got a hotel room for the week. I went to a nearby cafe and ordered a toasted ham and cheese sandwich with salad and lemonade.

I finished my lunch and I went to where my brother and Klaus was staying for a week. I vamp-sped quickly it looked like they was frozen in time planted a tracker and listen device on my brother. I vamp-sped back to my hotel room.

I change into my PJs and hop on the bed drinking a blood bag and eating popcorn and watching a movie. I fell asleep dreaming of the other side.

Next day I woke up and got into the shower for twenty minutes. I got out of the shower and put on my clothes for today.

I went into my bag and pulled out a dark black bottle with blood then I finished my blood and left the hotel room

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I went into my bag and pulled out a dark black bottle with blood then I finished my blood and left the hotel room.

I went to a nearby bar and a glass of bourbon with a double cheeseburger and french fries. I finished my lunch and pulled out my phone and listen in on my brother.

It's was getting late I went back to the hotel and hop into the bed and fell asleep.

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