Chapter 4

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"Don't think that I don't know, what they were doing sending us back here!" Caitlin snapped, as she and Harry made it back to STAR Labs. Once they entered the cortex, Gideon gave them the news that the power had gone out and that the emergency generators were up and running.

"I apologize that I don't have the patience to console you because none of you know if Allen is okay." Harry said, "Right now, we have much more pressing matters to deal with. We need to determine what is causing that darkness and now the power failure. Aliens maybe? But that helicopter... it was like the propeller had just stopped spinning and it fell from the sky. So whatever this thing is, it's effecting our energy sources."

"I just don't understand why Barry didn't manage to save us in time..." Caitlin vented out loud, not really listening to Harry. "Maybe he tried to save us, and we were already gone. But he would have found us by now. He's the fastest man alive." She said as she slumped into the chair at the computer desk. She was concerned for Barry's welfare and none of them were wearing communicators. She felt useless.

Astrid and Cisco reached the rooftop and were met by the helicopter burning up, setting the building a light. "Vibe, you need to get everybody out of the building, now!" Astrid demanded of him.

"No, I'm not leaving you, here!" Cisco yelled back, annoyed that she was risking her life again.

"Vibe, I can sense The Flash's thoughts here on the rooftop. He's in trouble, let me find him. Just breach to the floors and send the workers to safety, Don't argue with me!" Astrid snapped.

Cisco gave her a kiss on the lips, told her to 'stay safe' and breached himself to the lower floors, leaving Astrid alone to locate Barry. She ran towards the wreckage, covering her nose and her mouth within her shirt to avoid breathing in the smoke. The flames acted as a beacon, lighting up the rooftop around her.

"Flash! Where are you?" she called out, through her shirt. His thoughts were telling her that he was unconscious, but he was still close by. Fortunately, she couldn't sense anybody else around. "Flash! Wherever you are, I need you to wake up!" She demanded. She was trying to will him to do so, with her mind.

All of a sudden, something moving caught her attention and she knew that it was Barry, moving from under sheets of metal. "Flash!" she yelled out running over to him. She couldn't pull the metal off him as it was too heavy. It was resting on his leg. "Barry, you need to phase out!" she told him.

"Astrid! I can't!" He said, "I've lost my powers... and I think my leg is broken."

"What do you mean?" she asked, trying to move the metal. "How could you lose your powers? How could your leg be broken?"

Fortunately, Cisco had arrived just in time. "Vibe, he's over here!" Astrid called out, "We need your help, we can't move this metal!"

Cisco ran over to them and the three of them began pushing on the large metal, that had Barry pinned.

It finally budged, but it took all their strength to move it. Barry yelled out in pain as his leg hurt uncontrollably. Nonetheless, he leant on his friends for support as they assisted him up.

Astrid heard the thoughts the moment the woman arrived on to the scene, before they saw her. She pushed Barry on to Cisco to carry, and turned around to face the stranger.

"Who are you?" She demanded of the woman who was dressed in nothing but a very skimpy outfit, which looked like a two piece bathing suit with a black hood. They couldn't see her face.

Astrid saw it in the stranger's mind before it happened. The stranger threw a blast of darkness at the three of them. "Cisco! Barry! Get down!" Astrid yelled, as the blast came straight for them, fortunately missing the lot of them. When they looked up, the woman was gone again.

"That was some meta-human!" Cisco said, as he and Astrid helped Barry back up to his feet.

"She wasn't a meta-human, Cisco... well, not in the way that we are anyway. Her powers came from the bracelet that she was wearing!" Astrid replied.

"She took my speed!" Barry said frustrated.

"Seriously? that happens far too often..." Cisco said annoyed as he opened a breach with one hand and continued to assist Barry on the other arm.

"Hey, I didn't even touch her. I don't know how she did it." Barry said annoyed.

The flames around them were beginning to grow out of control at this point. They knew that they didnt have much time left.

"Let's just get back to STAR Labs and tell the others, before this place crumbles below our feet! Maybe Harry will have some ideas." Astrid said. She and Cisco escorted Barry through the breach back to STAR Labs.

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