Chapter 7

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Caitlin comforted Barry as he spoke to Joe on the phone. "Joe, I'm sorry. I can't have you, Iris or Wally here with me. This is going to be big." Barry spoke to his foster father.

"I get that, son. But, I just can't watch you kids throw your lives away again for this city. You shouldn't be made to do that." Joe was clearly in tears, as he spoke.

"We have no choice, if we don't do this, Central City will be destroyed. You need to go!"

"Barry, Central City is nothing more than a city. You're my kid. You're worth a whole lot more."

"don't say that, Joe!" Barry was trying to hold back his own tears. "I need to go. I love you, Joe!" Barry said.

"I love you too, Bar." Barry ended the call and sobbed into Caitlin's shoulder. The two of them were sitting in one of the empty offices. Fear and adrenaline took over them. He stopped sobbing and held Caitlin by the head, "I love you, Caitlin." He said, the two began kissing, passionately.

Harry, Cisco, Ralph, Batman, John Diggle, Oliver and Astrid gathered in the cortex, surrounded by torch and candlelight.

"Okay, so we have our team!" Astrid announced, she looked over at Batman. "Are you sure that you're willing to work with a group of meta-humans? We know just how much you love our kind."

"I'm here, aren't I?" Batman asked her, sternly, in return.
"So, the question is how do we stop the Overmaster who is willing to destroy Central City with an army at his fingertips?" Harry directed the group.

"I would suggest we ask Gideon... Who claims to be from the future and seems to have all the answers... But with no power to the system... That's not an option." Cisco said.

"Harry, you seem to know a lot about The Overmaster... What are you hiding from us?" Astrid asked him.

"As much as I would prefer to keep that to myself, I get that this isn't the time. The only other time that I knew of the Overmaster... He caused a lot of trouble, and there was only one team who were able to stop him."

"One team?" Batman asked.

Harry shook his head he wasn't going to give that up. "The Overmaster not only recruits villains to do his work, he also has a variety of powers. One of them being Mind Control, He's also immortal." He looked over at Astrid as he spoke, who seemed unphased by this news.

"Chances are that he will send out his minions to do his dirty work... When they fail, he will come and finish the job. So, let's bring it on. We lure out his minions, we fight them. He will send out more... we fight them too. Then we will fight him and bring him down!" Astrid said.

"We need to be prepared." Oliver replied, "Dr Wells, you must know what we're up against. How do we stop these villains?"

"I can create more anti-telepathic tech to stop the mind control. Fortunately, we have enough batteries." Cisco said.

"But doesn't this... Nightfall... absorb energy? That includes kinetic energy. Just like the generators." Batman said. "Wouldn't she be able to use that against us?"

"She could but it's a risk that I'm willing to take. If they can get into our heads they can cause us to turn on each other... and I don't think our Jedi, here should be forced to remove the effects from the lot of us." Cisco replied.

"I agree." Oliver replied, "Do it, Cisco."

"You guys... She's here!" Astrid said, "...and she's brought friends!" The group looked around them. Nightfall emerged from the darkness, and with her she was joined by Fastball, Crowbar and two other men and a woman in a bird suit

"Fastball." Cisco said with a cocky grin, noticing the man dressed in yellow, that he had fought a few months back, "Are you ready to play ball, again?"

"Fastball? I like it, Vibe was it? You haven't met our other companions yet... Let me introduce you to the rest of our team, Shrike, Shatterfist and Black Mass." Fastball replied.

The group stared at the group that stood beside Nightfall, the light was dim but not so dark that they couldn't see who they were up against.

Black Mass was a man of African-American descent who was clearly above 6ft and very muscly.

Shatterfist was of Korean descent, he had horns protruding from his temples.

While, Shrike was the woman dressed in the winged suit.

"Well, we've enlisted a little help too..." Cisco began.

"Vibe, shh." John Diggle said. "If the lot of you want to fight... we will do this."

"Sure, fine by me!" Fastball said, "Let's PLAY BALL!"

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