Chapter 5

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As the breach appeared inside the cortex, Caitlin's attention was immediately brought to her friends assisting Barry out if it.

"What happened to him?" she demanded of her friends.

"He's lost his powers, and we think his leg is broken." Astrid said immediately, as she and Cisco laid their friend down on the medical bay bed, so Caitlin could assess him.

"I'm fine, Caitlin." Barry said, clutching his leg. The truth was he was hurting all over and his wounds weren't healing.

"Barry, you have burns all over your face! Your wounds aren't healing. You're going to have to remove your suit and put on this gown, so I can check the full extent of the damage." Caitlin said using a tone that meant business.

"I don't have my powers so I'm going to need a little privacy," Barry said as he looked over at Cisco and Astrid, who were still standing by his bedside, concerned for him.

"Yeah, we will just be going." Astrid said, taking Cisco by the hand. They left closing the curtain behind them, and went in search for Harry who was still in the cortex.

Once Caitlin had helped Barry out of his suit and into the medical gown, she administered him with some pain relief in the form of an injection, making him grimace in pain.

"Sorry," she said softly. "I was so worried about you, Barry. How did you lose your speed?" she asked as she begun dressing his bleeding wounds to his face first.

"I'm not sure. There was this woman, she was flying around the helicopter. She shot some sort of blast at me and when I ran to her... I didn't even need to touch her. It was like she was just absorbing them through the air, It's hard to explain!" Barry said.

Caitlin smiled at him, trying to assure him that everything would be okay. The truth is, she wasn't sure if they would be.

"I can't move my leg, Caitlin. I think it really is broken." Barry said after a few moments. "The pain relief has kicked in, but my leg just isn't moving."

"Let me see." She said, directing her attention to his shin.
She picked up a mini portable X-Ray device, an invention that Cisco had built a while back, and run a scan over Barry's leg. The bone was most certainly broken.

Barry saw the image, the exact moment that she did.

"Caitlin... I can't seem to heal my own body."

"I know, Barry. It's just a broken bone. I can help with that. It's going to be okay." She replied, optimistically, placing the X-Ray device on to the bed beside him. She picked up some bandages, ready to dress his leg.

Barry took both of her hands in his, making her drop the bandages on to the floor. "No, Caitlin. What happens if I don't get my speed back? If I'm no longer the Flash? Will you still love me?"

Caitlin looked up at him and smiled. She sat beside him on the bed and said, "Barry, It might have been you becoming the Flash that brought us together, that made us meet. But It was you being Barry Allen, that made me fall in love with you. I saw the man behind the mask. I've already told you that. Even if you weren't the Flash... We would still make it work. I think that you and I might have the makings of something real, Mr Allen." she said with a grin.

"Even if you have to continue wearing your necklace to keep Frost at bay?" Barry asked her.

"That especially... You're a speedster with a broken leg... so we both have our faults." Caitlin laughed, "But in all honesty, the way that Harry was acting earlier... I think that he is really concerned about this darkness. For something to be able to absorb light and your speed..." Caitlin's voice trailed off.

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