Chapter 2

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Taehyung looks in my direction so I avert my eyes back to the register and try giving Mrs. Wang her total without so much as a stammer. "O-okay, your total today is, ummmm," I can feel his eyes against my back, "it's uh, $32.17." I can't help but glance back to sneak a peek of the handsome manager. Thankfully, he was busying himself with another cashier, Aviana, so he doesn't see me. 'Man, does he have a nice body.' Not an ounce of fat. Smooth tanned skin. I know many girls that strive to achieve that type of perfection but none that could ever hold a candle to Kim Taehyung.
Aviana, is one of the greatest people you could have the pleasure to ever meet. She grew up in an apartment building not for from my parents run down farm house but her parents eventually bought themselves a house of their own a meer block from the school we attend. Never once did Aviana ever look down on me for my tattered clothes or home. She was the one and only person that met me with a smile and never let me go. To say that she is a friend or even best friend doesn't seem to do our relationship justice. Aviana is my sister. I don't care that we don't share a bloodline, the bond we have is stronger than that and I will do everything I can to protect it and her.
Now that Mrs. Wang has left there is no one else to attend to so I try to find something to help pass the time. I see Namjoon walking by with a cart full of supplies that he is about to stock on the shelves. I would ask the manager if I could go out on the floor to assist but I haven't fully been able to find my voice around him since the day of the interview.
"Hey Joonie!" I say with more enthusiasm than needed.
"Hey Kook! What's happening man?"
Namjoon holds the position of stock boy. The name does not seem to quite fit the duties he performs for Mr. Kim. The position he holds should be labeled Slave Boy. 'Joon do this, Joon do that.' I honestly don't know how that boy does it.
After I started working here, about six months ago, Namjoon and I became quick friends. I knew getting this job was going to be good for me. Since I had to wear a specific uniform here, I would look like everyone else and no one would be the wiser to our unfortunate financial situation and so, it seemed to work. I pushed aside my own self resentment and made first contact with Namjoon. All it took was a simple, 'Hey, can I help you with those boxes?' he has been talking to me like an old friend ever since. Actually, now that I think about it, everyone that works on my shift is quite friendly. Seems like for the first time in my life, I can say I have an actual group of friends. As long as I keep them away from my house, it will stay that way.
Other than myself and Aviana, there are two other night cashiers. Jimin and Iame. Iame is a little wild for me personally. She can't seem to sit still. Always fiddling with something or pacing around when it's slow. Almost like she has a permanent sugar high. On days when I am feeling less determined to act like an adult, she can drive me crazy.
Jimin on the other hand is outspoken and charismatic. Doesn't seem like anything could get under his skin. If you ask me, he is a genius. On top of working and high school classes all day, he is taking college classes to become a sign language interpreter. Must come in handy because his best friend, Sohee is hard of hearing. Jimin is a senior in my school though I have never seen him around. Probably because I keep my head down and do my best to be invisible there. We don't have any classes together and since I am never in the cafeteria for lunch, it really leaves little room for us to bump into each other.
I am finding my time working at The Store to be some of the best times of my life. I won't lie. I'm forming great friendships, making money and crushing hard on my manager. Okay maybe that's not the best thing but it is definitely not something I can stop myself from feeling and personally, I don't want to either.
Looking at the clock I noticed that it's now fifteen minutes until closing. I start to clean the register and stock up the bags for the ladies that work in the morning. They might be older, but man are they a fiesty bunch. I do my best to make sure that their morning runs smoothly each and every time I work. It's just who I am.
"Jungkook." I hear from behind me in a deep sultry tone. The sound of Taehyung's voice instantly giving me goosebumps, "Close up the register and come to my office please."
"Ummmmm, Sure," I reply, not looking at him, "Ill be right up."
'Oh boy. This can't be good.' I search my mind for anything I could have done wrong that would merit a visit to his office but I keep coming up empty.
After counting out my drawer and placing the till in the safe marked #2, indicating which register it belonged to, I trudged up the stairs, once again making the left and then the right and finding myself standing outside a closed door.
I take a moment to concentrate on my breathing, reminding myself that he is my manager. Telling myself over and over again, 'Keep it together, Jungkook! Keep it together! And for the love of God, do NOT stare at his lips again!'
I take in a sharp breath and exhale before reaching up an unsteady hand to knock gently on the door in front of me. I decided that knocking lightly would be better since it is quiet up here and I didn't want to blast him out of his desk chair.
"Enter!" is all that can be heard behind the solid oak that stands between me and him...
I push open the door, clearing my throat and keeping my eyes to the ground.
"Have a seat, Jungkook." I do so obediently, trying not to get lost in the depths of his voice, "I don't know if you are aware but you have been here six months already and it's time for your first evaluation." I watch nervously, as Taehyung pulls a file out from his desk. He flips through a few pages and I have to wonder if all employers do this just to make the employee in the room sweat a little because it is definitely working on me. "Hmmmmm." Taehyung growls out almost silently while reading. 'What could possibly be so interesting in that file,' I have to wonder. "Looks like everything is going well for you," he finally spits out with a small smile on is face. "How are you feeling about the position? Any issues or concerns?"
'Shit! I just looked him in the eye! He has me locked. Look away Kook! Look away!' but no matter how hard I try to listen to myself, I can't seem to pull my attention from the hazel orbs, noticing now that they appear to have small flecks of gold hidden around the irises. 'His beauty is without fail, completely unfathomable. How can someone like this exist on earth and not be an angel sent straight from heaven?'
I am snapped out of my own thoughts when I hear Taehyung exclaim quite loudly, "Aish!" As the images in my head blur out and come to focus on reality, I see that Taehyung is now wearing a nice wet cream color, his coffee all over him. Jumping up I run to the restroom that's here on the second floor and grab him some paper towels. At first I hadn't realized that I began trying to wipe the liquid off of him and when it dawned on me I voiced a chuckle of embarrassment and sopped up the still warm beverage from the desk and floor, slowly shaking my head at my own stupidity. 'What the hell was I thinking? What power does this man have over me?' "I just dont get it."
     "Um, what don't you get?" I hear Taehyung say in a questioning tone.
     "Uh. Ha! Nothing. N-nothing at all. E-everything is good." I managed to stammer out feeling my ears begin to heat up from embarrassment. 'Ugh. This guy is going to be the death of me yet.' After the spill was cleaned up and Taehyung had changed into a fresh white button up shirt that he happened to have on a hanger in the corner of his office, I settled back into my seat. "Was there anything else, Mr. Kim?" I asked not once letting my eyes leave my fingertips while I spun my silver ring around the base of my index finger.
"Oh yes. That. I wanted to let you know that you have been doing well and as a result I find that you are in a good position for a raise. Now don't get to excited, it's only a quarter more an hour but your work ethic and reliability are superb and you deserve it." I thought he was finished speaking but as I went to stand to extend my hand and thank him, he began to speak again, "and please, I beg of you, don't call me Mr. Kim. Just call me Taehyung. Mr. Kim is a man that is much more different than myself. Okay?"
With a big toothy smile, I reply with a nod and "Thank you, Taehyung. I promise to keep doing my best. I won't let you down."
     I return home with a little more pep in my step than usual. Entering the house I retreat straight to the solace of my bedroom, shutting off any lights on my way to indicate to my parents that I made it home safe without having to actual bother them.
Laying on my bed in the sweats and t-shirt that I had placed out before school this morning, I breathe in a breath of the crisp November air that flows swiftly between the walls. Thankfully the fall we are experiencing this year is warmer than usual, so these moments have actually been sweet and satisfying. 'Taehyung.' I can't get the images of him in his coffee soaked shirt out of my mind. The way it clung to every perfect proportion of the man. With that scene on replay in my mind, my eyes become heavy with sleep and I drift away into a world where I can be anyone I want. A world where I can love him and feel his love being returned. A world that is far from the reality of this world. A place where my dreams become my reality, if even only for a little while.

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