Chapter 3

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Sitting at the break table I can't seem to stop staring at my paystub. I know Taehyung said not to get excited over a quarter raise in my pay but I can really see a difference in it. I can't help but smile. I am getting so close to being able to get that old ford for sale down the road from here. It's not the prettiest to look at, but that car runs like a champ. Thankfully Mr. Choi agreed to let me make weekly payments until it was paid in full. Then I can finally stop taking the bus to and from school.
I look up to see Taehyung walking towards his office, my heart hitched just a bit but was quickly squeezed to what felt like a stand still when I noticed the petite blonde attached to his arm. Blinking a few times to try and clear my sight, it wasn't a mistake, she was definitely arm in arm with him. I've never seen his smile as bright as it is like that before. I wonder how long they have been together. The couple seems to be very comfortable with each others company. She looked up at him from her 5 foot 2 frame giggling and Taehyung gives her a small hip bump. I slump into my chair. What chance could I possibly have now?
The mystery woman takes a seat outside the door when I over hear Taehyung's deep sultry voice tell her that he will be out in a minute and to wait there for him. I scroll through my VLive news feed trying not to look at her. I am excited when I see that Stray Kids have finally made their debut but I can see the woman just over my screen cross her legs and start rummaging through her purse and that catches my attention. My eyes lift up, taking in her subtle features. She has high cheekbones, a cute button nose hanging above her full pink lips. Typical blonde hair and blue eyes. Her hair fell perfectly into a pixie cut. I can't help but let out a sigh in defeat. I noticed while she was standing next to him that she had a slim waist but was also quite busty. If this is the type he liked, there was absolutely no chance for me. I guess in a way it's a good thing. He is however, my boss.
Taehyung reemerges from behind the door, "Okay, ready?" The female smiles at him and stands up placing her hand in his. The two of them heading past me when Taehyung stops short. "Oh! Hey, Jungkook. I would like to introduce you to my girlfriend, Sohee. Sohee, this is Jungkook, he is a cashier here."
I give her a quick nod and respond with, "Its a pleasure." Which honestly, it wasn't. Up close she even smelled nice. That was a shot to my heart. I look over to Taehyung with a small pout on my face. He appears to be beaming at the prize gripping his hand. 'Ugh! Why!? I wish I were her.' I think and then it dawns on me. 'Did he say Sohee? As in Jimin's Sohee?' My eyes shot straight to her ears like an inconsiderate prick. Sure enough, I can see the thin tubing run its way up and around to a danty box that hung on the back of her ear. I decided then that it would be a good time to excuse myself and head back down to the registers. "It was nice to meet you Sohee but I need to get back to work now." Taehyung spoke up, letting me know that he was leaving early and that he had left Iame in charge for the rest of the shift since she had seniority over all of the cashiers. 'Great. Just great' I groaned internally. Trying to keep up with Iame is like having both feet tied together while trying to catch a rabbit.
I managed to survive the rest of my shift somehow, but couldn't shake the image of the toothy box smile Taehyung wore the entire time she was in his presence.
Up in the locker area, I am gathering my things as the rest of the staff starts piling in. Mindless chatter and laughing takes over the small space but I can't help to smile. Namjoon passed me, patting my back. Hoseok, who works in the Korean BBQ Pit that was located near the entrance of the building, came in as giddy as a child in a candy store. That guy is always so happy, you can't help but smile along with him. You can hear Jimin trying to squeeze his way through the small crowd as he tries to get to his locker. "Excuse me!" his voice rings out slightly higher pitched that usual. Iame and Aviana stand off in a corner chatting away quietly.
My guess is that Iame is waiting for her boyfriend, Yoongi. They have been together for the longest time, though I still can't figure out how. With her high energy and Yoongi's very laid back personality, they are complete opposites.
I lean against my locker just listening to the sea of voices. A smile plastered on my face. This is my group of friends. I am proud to be friends with each and everyone of them.
Saturdays it is required that we all work at The Store so that we can restock shelves and make sure that the entire place is cleaned to perfection. We aren't open on Sunday so Mr. Kim, who is actually not related to Taehyung but rather Jin, can open the doors on Monday with a feeling of pure pride. Jin owns and runs the Korean BBQ Pit. His father never supported Jins love for cooking but eventually agreed to let him open the eatery feeling it would be a great lesson to watch his son fail. In turn, Jin named his business Dad's Joke and since then he's made it the best Korean BBQ joint in the state. With everyone distracted talking, I decided it was a good time to grab Jimin's attention.
"Hey Jimin!" Catching him off guard.
"Ah, Kook. You scared me," he mocked heart palpitations by placing his hands over his chest and gave out his cute little Jiminnie giggle, following up with, "I gotta jet. I am meeting up with Taehyung and Sohee for dinner. You should come!"
Well if that's not a dilemma, have something to eat with the guy I absolutely adore and his girlfriend or...
"So are you in or not?" Jimin's voice breaks through my thoughts.
"Im in. Let's go!"

My psychology class is almost over for the day but I honestly haven't heard a word that the teacher has said. Instead I find myself reflecting on the night I joined Jimin, Sohee and Taehyung for a meal. Though it was more than a week ago, I find myself lost in thought an awful lot over it.

My heart skipped a beat, I swear I felt it clearly. Taehyung stood against the outside wall near the the 24 hour cafe, his arm was gently wrapped around Sohee's petite waist. I swallowed hard trying to regain my composure which incidentally had completely disappeared the moment he locked eyes with me. All he had said to me was 'Hey Jungkook! I didn't know you were coming,' but I lost all self control. One who wasn't really paying attention would have thought that he had gotten on one knee and proposed, that's how red I was, the smile of a 5 year old that just got away with something plastered on my face. After that 'top 10 moments of utter embarrassment', I was able to relax a bit. Sohee sat across from me which was better so I wouldn't end up stumbling over words every time he licked his lips thoughtlessly waiting to place himself back into the conversation. It had also placed me on the outside of the booth which was perfect incase a fast get away was necessary.
I really learned a lot about the 3 of them that night. Some information was really exciting, helping me understand some of their dreams. Making me feel kind of bad for being jealous of Sohee. She really was a sweet girl. I learned how Sohee and Jimin became friends. I assumed his career in American Sign Language was brought on by his friendship with the girl who suffered from diminished hearing. When in fact, he knew it was his calling before they even met. I also learned that Taehyung had done his fair share of traveling even though his family is not considered 1st class citizens, his parents worked hard, shop cheap and save their money in order to afford nicer things. They seem to live the no pain no gain life. It's definitely a matter of want vs. need. You don't need it, you don't get it. It's sorta smart though. Live simply so you can afford the finer things.
Other information was crushing. Matter of fact, when Jimin started opening up about his life at home, I began to clench my fists. I had never had so much of an urge to participate in a violent act, as I had at that moment. Jimin came out to his parents when he was about 10 years old and since then his parents treat him horribly. I don't understand how anyone could turn their backs on their children so easily. Just because he can find love in someone that you can't, doesn't mean anything at all. Maybe I am biased since I am crushing so hard on my manager that is the same sex as me, but its still doesn't make sense for his parents to call him the things they do. As Jimin was explaining this to us, I felt compelled to place an arm over his shoulder so he knew that everything was ok. He doesn't need that family. He has us at The Store. A place where we welcome everyone and judge no one.
As the meal came to an end I started thinking it would be wonderful if we could have a party. Invite the entire night staff and their significant others. Problem was, where would we have it? I cant bring them to my house. That's just completely out of the question.

The vibrating of my cell phone in my pocket pulls me out of my thoughts. I pull it out to see who it was. I am pretty sure my face froze in a sort of 'oh shit' stare when I saw that it was Taehyung. Sure, we had exchanged numbers at dinner but I didn't expect him to actually use it.

Kim Tae: Jungkook!
Answer me!
It's not work related...

Me: Dude, I'm in class. I can't get
caught texting.

Kim Tae: Then don't get caught.
Can you meet me at the
cafe later?

Me: Yeah. Sure. When? I can ditch
last period if you need to meet sooner.

'How pathetic do I sound? Aish.'

Kim Tae: LOL Nah. It's ok. 4:00?

Me: See you then. :)

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