Chapter 11

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Jungkook POV

It's been a long 4 months since Aviana was rushed in for that emergency surgery. I would love to say that it's been all rainbows and unicorns but the harsh reality is that life is a bitch going through menopause. It seems like for every good thing to happen these days, there ends up being two or more horrific things to step in and steal our smiles. I guess I should explain, huh?

Taehyung and I have been doing fine. More than fine really. He has actually been the glue that holds me together any more. In all honesty, if it wasn't for him... I would have lost my mind months ago. I would most definitely be locked away like Rapunzel, only instead of my kidnapper hold me hostage it would be psychiatrists and nurses trying to coax me out of the tower that would be my mind.

Anyway, let me get to the point. After Aviana had her emergency surgery I was sure to visit every chance I had. For the first week I was there everyday after school. Taehyung knew how much Avi meant to me so he had given me the week off to be with her. Small things like that made me fall even harder for him, I swear. Once I returned to work though, everything became so hectic that I wasn't able to get to see her as often as I would have liked to. I was only back to work for a few days when I was filled in on all the drama that I had missed. Jimin, that poor guy, had a major falling out with his parents. They refused to accept that he is gay. They were treating him horribly for years. He had us all fooled. His constant smiling and happy moods. You never would have thought that he was going through such a tough time at home. After talking to Jimin I found out that his parents started to treat him differently when he came out to them 5 years ago. He went from the apple of their eye to the dirt on the soles of their shoes. He could no longer do anything right no matter how good he was actually doing. His story truly broke my heart.

Namjoon had a relapse in his depression. Started cutting himself again. I didn't realize how bad he was taking all the stuff with Aviana. I feel like a terrible friend because I was so wrapped up in myself all these months. I should have been there for him. Maybe I could have saved him some scars.

Hoseok ended up in the emergency room twice. His mother is an alcoholic. I don't think I ever mentioned that before. From what I understand she blames Hoseok for her husband abandoning his family all those years ago. She has become more and more aggressive towards him and this last time he ended up with stitches over his eye.

Yoongi and Iame are doing good, I guess. Though it seems that Yoongi is becoming more clingy. I could tell you the rumors on that but I will just wrap it up with 'abandonment issues'.

Aviana is the story that hurts me the most. My best friend of all these years. My confidante, my heart, my sister. So many times I can remember her taking care of me when I was sick. She would bring me soup in bed and we would watch movies while I would rest my head on her lap and she would be staring blankly at the tv while her hand would stroke my hair. It was something that always made me feel better.

Now, here she was, in and out of the hospital several times a month because some dipshit doctor got cocky during her surgery. She has so far had seven emergency surgeries. Seven! And the tissue keeps dying. They continue to cut her intestinal tract shorter and shorter in an attempt to save as much of it as they can but so far, it doesn't seem to be working. Aviana knew she was in for a rough time. She told me a little over a week from that first emergency surgery that the doctors had told her that this was just the beginning. The doctor said this wasn't going to be an easy fix and that it might be difficult. I can see her losing hope when I look at her now. That beautiful spark of joy and happiness is fizzling out and there is nothing I can do to help her.

Last night I went to see Aviana at her house. I rented us a movie and we laid on her bed watching it together, I sat up as far as I could towards the head of the bed and placed a pillow on my lap. I patted it and Aviana put her head there. It was my turn to stare blankly at the television and let my hands run through her soft cotton candy pink hair. I watched as her eyelids become heavy and this beautiful soul drifted off to sleep. Tears stinging my eyes and I don't stop them from falling. 'What will I ever do if I lose you, Aviana. I don't know how to live without you.'

A/N Sorry it's a short chapter. More to come soon!

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