Chapter 13

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A/N Hello lovelies. I just want to thank you all for reading this. It truly means the world to me. Thank you for all votes and comments as well.😁

Also, I wanted to give you fair warning that this chapter is going to be kind of short but it is a very necessary part of the story and I didn't want to take away from it by adding more to it. You will understand in a minute. One last thing, I am in the process of writing chapter 14 and will hopefully have it up by tomorrow. I'll be quiet now. Enjoy.


Dear Journal,

21 June 2015

        I have decided to start this journal because I don't feel I have many people left to open up to anymore. Yes, I have Taehyung but over the past 8 months that we have been together it seems as though he is pulling away from me. To be honest, it scares me, journal. But I will get into that later. I also still have Aviana but most of my fears and worries are for her. There is no way I could talk to her about it. Everything is such a mess. I should be happy and care free right now. I literally just graduated high school. I never have to see that place again but I can't stop my tears from falling. I've never felt so alone in my entire life. Maybe I should bring you up to speed a little.

        Taehyung and I have been dating just under 8 months as of right now. At the beginning he was great. We were great. We talked about everything. We'd go out together even if just to the cafe. He'd make me laugh. He'd make me blush. Oh, journal, things have changed so much since then. He seems distant. He has been that way for a good 3 months now. Rarely do we go for coffee. Hardly ever do we snuggle to watch a movie. I barely ever see him smile and it is even less that I smile myself. For a long time I thought I was just letting everything with Aviana bring me down but I am slowly realizing that this may not be entirely my fault. It scares the hell out of me, journal. I love him. As for Aviana, how can her situation not bring me down and break me apart? 10 emergency surgeries in 8 months. About 4 months ago, I got a call from her parents asking me to come to the hospital. I really thought the worst as I sat in the passenger seat of Taehyungs car that day. When we finally got there, her parents, several nurses, a doctor and myself sat in a large conference room. We had gathered to talk about her future. They would be putting a colostomy bag in. The doctor felt it would be the best chance at saving the bowel tract, however, it was unsuccessful. We had also found out that day that she would most likely not be able to come home for sometime after they put it in. She would live in a nursing home type facility where she could get round the clock care and physical therapy plus learn to care for the bag properly so when she did come home, she could do that all herself. She still hasn't left the hospital. She's had a few more surgeries since then and still, nothing seems to be working. I fear for her future, journal. I fear for mine as well because I will be nothing without her. This is all I can manage to write tonight. I am crying and my eyes burn. So I think I will just cry myself to sleep...again. Good night journal.


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