chapter one: bad boy duo.

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this is my new story (: thanks for the support on The Beach House you guys and i hope that you'll show this story the same amount of love.! and this is very much a boyXboy story so if you don't like that then don't read.! thanks.(: also the boys are not in the band in this story and they live in the US because idk how schooling over in the UK works soooo yeah ^____^


"Bye, baby!" My mom says. I shush her and jump out of the car, trying to avoid being seen by other kids. I'm a senior who's mom won't let him drive himself to school. Why? I don't know. Appariently it's "not safe" or something dumb like that. What isn't safe is letting your 18 year old son not drivehimself to school his senior year. As long as he doesn't see me I'm-

"Well if it isn't Niall Horan," A silky voice filters to my ears. I know who it is without even having to look up. It's Harry Freaking Styles and his friend, Zayn Malik. They're the school's bad boy duo and have been out to get me since freshman year. Zayn I understood- he's hated me since the second day of kindergarten when I ran into him on the monkey bars. But Harry...I don't think I'll ever understand why he hates me.

You see, ever since we were three we were best friends. Our moms were childhood best friends and we lived right next door to each other. He practically lived in my house; he'd come over every day after school and we'd play video games and eat pizza. That was, at least, until we turned 14. On his birthday we went to the movies and saw some horror film. After that night our friendship started to fall apart. Then, the next thing I knew, he was best friends with Zayn and he stopped replying to my texts and calls. We haven't been friends since.

"Don't waste your time," Zayn laughs, crossing his arms over his chest. "The dweeb isn't worth it."

"He's right," I nod. "I'm not."

"Did I say you could talk to me, Horan?" Harry jumps off the hood of his black Range Rover and starts to make his way down the sidewalk towards me. He's two feet away from me when he stops and someone appears beside me.

"Leave him alone, Styles," It's Liam Payne: Quarterback for the varsity football team, class President, starting Pitcher for the varsity baseball team and star of the Crosscountry team.

"Still wasting your time on the pity party, Payne?" Zayn snickers. Another body appears beside mine.

"He said, leave him alone," Louis Tomlinson growls. Louis is the star of the drama club and he's recently recieved a full-ride scholarship to some performing arts school.

"How's your boyfriend, Tomlinson? Oh, wait, you don't have one." Harry and Zayn laugh.

"For the billionth time, I'm not gay!" Louis stomps his foot. Way to prove them wrong, Lou.

"Yeah, say that to the stripes and suspenders," Zayn chuckles.

"When you come to your senses, Payne, we'll be inside. With the right kind of people." Harry says.

"I think I find the right kind of people for myself, thanks," Liam says, his voice low and dripping with venom. Harry and Zayn scoff before turning and walking inside. Once they're gone I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding.

"Jesus, Niall," Liam says, letting out a breath as well. "One of these days they're going to kill you."

"You don't think I know that?" I ask, running a hand through my dyed blond hair.

"Who wants to know what amazing thing I know that Niall could use against him and get himself out of trouble next time?" Louis asks, jumping up and down like a little girl on Christmas. Liam and I both look at him with worried eyes. "Guess who Harry banged at Zayn's rave last friday?"

"Who?" Liam and I ask cautuiously in unison.

"Zayn's sister's best friend's mom," Louis stares at us. When Liam and I look at each other, both of us clearly confused, Louis rolls his eyes. "Ms. Flack our third grade teacher."

"Her!?" I stare at Louis. "Isn't she, like, fourty or something?"

"Thirty-two, actually," Louis laughs and holds the front door of the school building open for us. "But she does look fourty, doesn't she?"

"Why would anyone even think about doing something like that with her?" Liam shudders. "I thought she at least had standards." I laugh at this.

"Yeah," I roll my eyes and begin to unlock my locker. "Anything younger than her with a penis."

"So, Niall," Liam asks, clearly wanting to change the subject. "What class do you have first period?"

"AP Psychology with Harry and Zayn," I groan. "Why would a sadistic bully like him want to take Psychology, let alone an Advanced Plasement Psychology?"

"Because he's psychotic...?" Louis offers.

"Louis, being psychotic has nothing to do with do realize that, right?" Liam laughs. Louis, on the other hand, huffs.

"Whatever," He rolls his eyes. The bell signalling five minutes until first period sounds and I grab my notebook.

"Wish me luck guys," I say as I slam my locker shut and begin the walk of terror to room 213.

"Don't die!" Louis calls down the hall after me. I turn and salute him before walking into the classroom. 

"I make no promises," I mumble. 

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