chapter twelve: happily ever after.

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                             no one commented on that last chapter and i'm kind of sad about that :( i really love reading comments from you guys, i really do. they make my day! so i'll be uploading this and then the story soundtrack. i highly recomend listening to the songs because they all inspired this story (: thanks


As the bell signaling the end of school leaves I hop up out of my seat and walk to my locker. Just as I put the last of my books into my backpack Harry sneaks up behind me and wraps his arms around my waist, resting his head on my shoulder.

"I missed you," He mumbles, kissing the back of my neck.

"That was only one period," I laugh. "I saw you fifty minutes ago."

"I know, " Harry mumbles. "But it seemed longer than that."

"You wanna come over tonight?" I ask, closing my locker and turning to face him. "We haven't had a video game day in forever."

"Sure," Harry smiles and takes my hand. We walk hand-in-hand out to his car. I hop into the passenger seat of his Range Rover and he hopes in the driver's seat. "Is you're mom going to hate me?" He asks.

"Nah," I smile. "If anything she'll be happy. Be prepared to stay for dinner."

"I was planning on staying anyway," He laughs. "Your mom can cook almost as good as I can."

"Watch it, Curly," I laugh. "My mom's the best cook in the world."

"Way to make me feel good about my impecable cooking skills, Nialler," He laughs and pulls into his driveway, since my mom's car is in ours. We get out and walk hand-in-hand to my house. We walk up the front porch and I open the front door.

"Mom, I have company," I yell as we walk through the door. My mom appears out of the kitchen, drying her hands on a dish towel.

"Who did you- Harry Styles!" My mom's eyes light up like a christmas tree when she sees our hands.

"Mrs. Horan," Harry nods, smiling.

"Good to have you back, Harry," She smiles and embraces him in a tight hug. "I saw the video you made. It made me cry."

"How did you...?"

"It's on YouTube, honey," She smiles. "Close to a million views. Nice." Harry blushes a deep scarlet red and I laugh.

"You're cute when you do that," I say, giggling. My mom coos and hugs the both of us.

"I hope you know you're staying for dinner, Harry," She says, disappearing into the kitchen.

"I was already planning on it, Mrs. Horan," He yells as we walk up the stairs and into my room.

"Good boy!" She calls. I laugh and flop down onto my bed, pulling Harry with me. He immediately wraps his arms around my waist and pulls me to his chest. I smile and breathe in his scent.

"I missed you," I say. "I really did."

"I missed you too," He says, kissing my temple. I sigh and cuddle closer to his chest. This is the beginning of my happily ever after.


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