chapter five: alone again.

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this is being uploaded from my mobile so theres no side picture (i'll upload it so you call can see narrry adorableness tomorrow when im on my computer) and idk how long this is going to be :/ so this chapter is dedicated to JJHoran21 aha yes we all want harry to realize what hes doding to niall ^.^ & a special shoutout to NothingLikeNebraska for saying that this should be one of the top fanfics on really not THAT good :/ #awkwarddd ... anywhooooo ONTO THE STORAAY :D


I wake up alone again in my bed with a killer headache, like I do every morning. My mom is downstairs and I can hear her banging around in the kitchen, making breakfast. I sit up slowly and open my desk drawer, pulling out the bottle of pain killers I keep stashed in there. I down two without water and put the bottle back into the drawer.

The downside to everything is that I remember every single detail of what I do when I'm drunk. It's like at the time my brain is shut down but the camera is still recording. I look around my room at the now bare walls. I had forgotten that the walls were painted light blue- I haven't seen the walls in years.

"Come on, honey!" My mom calls. I go through the motions of taking a shower and getting dressed. None of my homework is done but that's fine- I hardly ever do it anyways. The teachers have finally stopped asking for it and simply skip me when collecting.

How am I going to do the project with Harry now? He's never going to talk to me. I shrug. Then again, it's not like he was going to be very cooperative anyways. Yesterday he just sat there and passed notes to Cher.

I envy her to no end. She has Harry's full attention all the time. She's beautiful, sort of smart and she's just plain perfect. And here I am all wimpy and gay. No wonder Harry didn't want to be my friend anymore. I'm embarrassing to be around. I'm embarrassed to be myself sometimes.

When my mom and I go outside to get in the car I see that Harry's Range Rover has disappeared from the driveway like usual. For some reason a pang of something shoots through my chest. I don't know what I was expecting to find- he's already left to pick up Zayn, Andy and Josh like usual.

"You okay, honey?" My mom asks as she starts the car. I nod and hop into the passenger side. The ride to school is silent and I jump out like usual, making a beeline for my locker. I don't want to run into Harry at all today.

"What's the rush?" Liam asks as he and Louis appear moments after I do at our lockers.

"I don't want him to see me," I say. "We had a bit of an argument in the locker room after gym yesterday."

"About what?" Liam asks. "And don't worry about it. He isn't in school today."

"How do you know?" I ask. "His car was gone this morning."

"Zayn asked me to, uh," Liam scratches the back of his neck awkwardly. "Zayn asked me something and Harry came up. Apparently he isn't answering his phone and he didn't grab Zayn this morning."

"That was an awkward drive to school," Louis laughs.

"What?" I ask.

"Liam had to give Zayn a ride to school," Louis explains. "And he didn't feel the need to warn me."

"Sorry," Liam says. Only, he doesn't sound too sorry. I wave goodbye to the guys and make my way to first period. When the bell goes off and Harry still isn't at school two things cross my mind.

1. Is he okay?

2. How the hell am I supposed to do a two person project by myself?

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