Chapter 2 (Teresa POV)

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The bell rang signaling the start of second period. I sighed and threw my head back in frustration. I had P.E. next which meant we had to show the new kid around. I grabbed my books and left the class. I headed to the gym and was met by Newt, standing by the entrance.
"Where's min and the new kid?" I asked.
"Dunno and by the way rose is cool now. She just thought that it was a way of me breaking up with her. And just because she's cool doesn't mean I am." He simply explained.
"Rose got your nose I suppose?" I laughed nervously and scooted away from him just an inch. We stood there for another minute when Minho came into sight with Thomas by his side.
"Well go on now," Minho said and motioned for Thomas to enter the gym. "I don't know guys but he seems pretty cool and funny."
"I guess we'll have to see it to believe it," Newt sighed. We walked in together and Thomas laughed.
"Do you guys always stick together?" He asked.
"Yeah, we do," I said harshly. He smiled and looked around.
"So you guys going to show me around?" He asked.
"Those are the locker rooms. Boys on the left, girls on the right," Newt said.
"Bleachers," I said pointing to the long red benches.
"Basketball court," Minho said.
"Just your average gym," I said and smiled. The P.E. teacher blew the whistle.
"When your hear that you line up in front of the locker rooms," I explained. "Bye." I lined up in front of the girls locker room. The whistle blew once more and the lines filed into the locker rooms. I went up to my locker and unlocked it. I pulled out my P.E. Clothes.
"Have you seen the new guy? He's cute isn't he," a girl to the right of me asked.
I shrugged and started to pull on my P.E. clothes. "He does seem kind of annoying though, if you count that as cute," I said sarcastically. I finally finished and walked out of the locker rooms. I sat down on the bleachers and looked around the gym. Newt and Minho were always out before me . I looked around and saw that they were barely walking out of the locker rooms.
"Well look who took forever," I told Minho.
"Well Thomas had to go check in with the teacher to buy his P.E. clothes and well we left him in there. I guess that was pretty rude," He explained. I nodded and Thomas came out of the locker rooms. A couple of girls walked over to him and started to flirt.
"Isn't that your sister, newt?" I asked looking at the furthest girl with blonde hair.
"Shit, that is," He answered. He got up quickly and stormed up to them.
"What do you think he's gonna do?" Minho asked me. I shrugged my shoulders.
"He's out of hearing distance. Let's see what he does I guess," I answered. We watched as he stormed up to Thomas and the three girls and pushed Thomas away. He pointed at Sonya and yelled something inaudible. "Let's see here, I learned how to lip read on YouTube," Minho said and waited a couple of seconds. "" I turned to him and laughed.
"Yeah I don't think that's what he said," I replied. I continued to watch a very overprotective Newt. He grabbed Thomas by the arm and stormed back across the room. He practically threw Thomas on the bleachers.
"You hear me," Newt asked angrily. Thomas lazily nodded and kind of slumped back. Newt sat down with his arms crossed and his eyebrows furrowed.
"You've gotta stop being so overprotective of Sonya, Newt. I mean you guys are twins and you have a girlfriend. I don't think it's fair if she can't even flirt with a boy. She can take care of herself," I told him. I rarely hang out with Sonya. But as she was Newt's sister, I grew up with her too.
"I know but she still is younger than me, even if it is by only a couple of minutes. I will always be overprotective of her," he sighed stubbornly.
"Hey did you know min learned how to lip read?" I asked Newt. He shook his head.
"I don't think we need to go in this right now, 'Reese," Minho laughed angrily.
"Oh no I think I want to hear this," Newt laughed.
"Apparently you said-" I was cut of by Minho covering my mouth with his hand. I bit his hand and he removed it.
"What was that for?" He asked angrily.
"You put your hand over my mouth. You should know by now to never do that," I shrugged.
"I did that once...I had a bite mark for three months," Newt shivered. "That's was when we were seven. I'd hate to see how hard she bites now."
I smiled slyly and turned my head. "Hey guys where is Thomas?"
"Uhh I have no idea," Minho said scratching the back of his neck.
"Great barely two periods into the day and we already lost him," I said throwing my arms up.
"Relax guys he's over there flirting with some girls," Minho said.
I pushed him of of the bleachers. "Go get him!" I ordered. Minho sighed and walked over to Thomas. He grabbed him by his arm and pulled him away.
"You need to stay here," Minho said sternly. "We are not supposed to be your babysitters."
The teachers whistle blew and we all sat down on the bleachers.
"Alright we are going to be playing some one on one basketball today," the teacher said. I smiled to myself, it was my favorite sport plus I was really good at it.
"So I'm going to take attendance first. Teresa Agnes!" I rose my hand.


The teacher was done taking attendance. I sat there, hoping that I would get to play.
"I'm going to pick randomly so everyone gets to play. First one to three points wins. The winner stays until they loose a game.
'Ugh now there is a 5% chance I'll get to play.' I thought.
"Minho and Newt!" They smiled and got up from the bleachers.
The whistle blew and they started. I'm really getting tired of this whistle. Newt ran across the court and shot the ball. The ball spun around the edge of the hoop and fell in. They once again stood at half court. Minho was bouncing the ball and the whistle blew.
Newt once again stole the ball and shot it. It went straight threw the net and fell in. Minho bounced the ball and the whistle blew once again. Minho shot the ball and Newt blocked it.
He dribbled the ball actoss the court and shot it. He won. There was cheering from the stands.
"You SUCK Min," I told him as they walked back. He glared daggers at me.
"Thomas and Teresa!" I had a shocked face. They rarely had a girl and a boy go one on one. He might've put us together because I ask a lot of questions.


"Why?" I asked the P.E. Teacher.
"Because," He said.
"Why?" I asked a little more impatiently.
"Because girls are less athletic than boys," he said clearly irritated.
"MOST girls," I corrected. "Can't you at least put me one on one with a boy? It'll prove to you that most girls are better than boys."
"Will you stop asking so many questions?" He asked. I nodded my head with anticipation.
"Fine," he sighed and I cheered.


That was last week. I got up from the bleachers, as did Thomas. We walked to half court and the teacher threw me the ball and I passed it to Thomas.
"Don't worry, I'll go easy on you," He said sympathetically.
"That's cute," I said as the teacher blew the whistle.  I hit the ball out of his hand when it bounced. I dribbled the ball across the court and shot it in the net.
"You're pretty good at this," Thomas said clearly impressed.
"I don't know about pretty good. I'd say amazing," I told him.
The whistle blew once again and I took the ball. I tried to shoot it in the basket but it was blocked by Thomas.
He dribbled the ball towards the other hoop. It went straight in.
"You're not so bad yourself," I told him.
We were in the half court again. That stupid whistle blew again. I shot the ball and it went in.
Half court again. Thomas made it. It was 2-2.
"This shot wins," Thomas said. I nodded.
Thomas was bouncing the ball again. The whistle blew and I hit out of his hand. As I was about to shoot it, Thomas came and blocked my way. I was dribbling the ball with my back turned towards him, trying to keep the ball out of his reach.
"I don't feel like being the guy who lost against a girl for the rest of the year," Thomas whispered in my ear. His breath on my neck sent shivers down my spine. I pushed that away.
"It's too bad isn't it," I said as I took this chance to go past him. I shot the ball and it went into the net.
Minho and Newt cheered along with others. "Don't underestimate girls." With that I walked back to the bleachers.

A/N: ok so this is like the third time I've watched the death cure and it gets me every time. I mean I got my Thomesa moment, but then they had to go and do me like that. I was very mad with Wes Ball when I first saw the movie. Anyways, off the subject of my broken heart. I hope you guys liked it and there was a good enough Thomesa moment. Bye!!!!:)

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