Chapter 3 (Teresa POV)

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I walked into the math classroom with Newt.
"You guys looked like you were flirting with each other on the court," Newt said with a knowing look.
"We weren't," I simply said. We took our seats in the back of the class when the teacher walked in.


"So where was Thomas' fourth period class? We need to show him around the cafeteria," I asked. Minho and Newt shrugged. "Oh god, we lost him again!"
"He is right there," Minho pointes. I looked over to where he was pointing.
"And he is flirting with your sister again." I muttered. Newt looked furious.
"This guy is getting on my last nerve. TOMMY!" Newt yelled. Thomas looked over here. He looked very confused until he saw Newts expression.
"I think you should run!" I yelled to Thomas. He started to run and Newt chased after him. Me and Minho just stared after them.
"So you wanna go get lunch?"  Minho asked me.
"Sure!" I replied.


"Come on," I told Thomas. We had 6th period English together. We walked into the classroom. I sat in my usual seat in the back and Thomas sat in the empty seat behind me.
"You know you can sit anywhere, right?" I asked him.
"Yeah but I want to sit here," he answered stubbornly. I rolled my eyes and turned towards the teacher.

"Do you have a pen I can borrow?" Thomas whispered to me. I reached down into my bag and pulled out a pen. I handed it to him and focused on the lesson. "Oh, you know what I meant a pencil." I rolled my eyes.
I pulled a pencil out of my bag and handed it over to him, taking back the pen.
"Can I borrow a piece of paper too?" He asked again. I turned towards him.
"You're getting on my last fucking nerve, you know that?" I told him. He just winked at me. I took a deep breath and turned back around.
"So...are you going to give me the paper or not?" He asked again.
"No! I quietly yelled. He gave me the puppy dog eyes and quivering lip. I tried to refuse it but he was just to cute.
"Ugh...fine," I said. I pulled the paper out of my folder and handed it to him.
"Thank you," He told me. I ignored him and started to write down notes.
"Wow, no 'your welcome' or anything," He said. I ignored him again. He started to tap me on the shoulder. I grabbed his hand before he tapped me and threw his hand on his table.
"Don't! touch me," I warned him and he threw his hands up in surrender. I turned back around and waited for the school day to end. I felt his eyes stick to my back for the rest of the class.
A/N: sorry for the short chapter. I just needed the day(in the story) to get over with. I promise the next chapter will be longer. Bye peoples!!!

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