2- End of War

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My eyes slowly open adjusting to the light. It wasn't that bright yet, it's only dawn- perfect time to leave the trench. The crew planned to split up so we have a team move around to a pre-trench behind the enemy's, we finalised it yesterday before we returned to our camp. I yawn as I stretch out my arms, I look to my left to see Raven fast asleep. I go to wake her up but hesitate after remembering last time... yeah that wasn't a pleasant nose bleed... I grab my gun and poke her with the end far enough to not get hit, she jolts up but looks at me for a second before calming herself down. "You scared me! You dumb blue head!" She whisper shouts as I laugh, I lower my gun "Should we go?" I ask trying to stop laughing. She sighs as she runs her hand through her long and knotted black hair, "yeah I'll go wake up the rest.. you should prepare ammo" I nod before she crouches through the trench. I watch her off before heading off my own way to the storage containers.

It got brighter as the day went on, eventually falling into months. Months of gun fires, blackouts, cuts, bruises the whole lot! Pain would scar your body as you had to move around, shoot and crawl. My knees were painted black and purple just from falling over, ducking and uppercutting people's jaws. That's always funny to watch but you face the consequences afterwards. Months pass almost feeling like years, I'm only lucky to be alive right now... The amount of close calls I've encountered, geez. I sprint through the tall grass, dodging tall palms and stumbling over rocks I meet again with Raven to discuss our plan... my plan. "Jay, you really want to follow this plan? We're not cadets anymore" her voice filled with nervousness as she looks around with her gun raised. "Yes, trust me! They'll thank us soon enough for doing this" I smirk, "fine... just don't get too cocky" she starts to crouch through the grass and shrubs as I follow close behind. We pop our heads through a bush peering on the enemies camp, they have a whole tent set up? First cool hats now a whole damn tent with comfy sleeping beds?! Raven looks at me "so you're gonna sneak through the back?" She raises an eyebrow, I look at her "yeah I'll crawl through the ventilator, that space there" I point out. "Then I'll sneak around and try to gather as much information as I can" I finish off, she looks at me worried "promise me you won't get caught?" I look at her and give her a reassuring smile, she lets out a pained sigh "I'll be on watch and try to shoot from afar" she crouches off pushing past branches and leaves. I look back at the camp "you better not get caught, Jayviel... I can't compromise the mission now."

I crawl through the vent as quietly as possible and cautiously peep around the tower and stacks of crates, looking around I see a desk with stacks of paper and ink cartridges with a fancy lil feather sitting inside the jar. I duck further behind the crates after I hear a couple of men walking past with thick black and silver lined guns in their hands, I hold my breath after watching one trip over a pebble. I wait for them to pass to scurry over to the desk, looking around as I stand up I read through some of the papers... wait what?! I jolt my head around after hearing a gunshot "YOU!" echoes the tent, I gulp before making a run for it. I charge out through the front entrance only to have a bullet grazing the side of my leg, I grunt wanting to collapse but no stopping now. I bolt into the forestry trying to lose them through the trees and tall grass, I look around for Raven but not long after I spot her on the other side of the trees running after me with a disappointed expression. Whoops. I slow down my pace once I realise that I've lost them, I look around to check but I couldn't see anyone. Either that or they're lost in the fuzziness of my vision. I lean up against a tree to catch my breath, looking down at my leg I notice the whole area stained red, the material of my uniform stuck to my skin. I grumble trying to ignore the pain, I look back up to look out for raven but to notice her running towards me... She's screaming in tears seconds later after a piercing stab strikes through my chest. My eyes widen as I let out a gasp of air, dropping to my knees I look down to see an arrow sticking out of my chest: right where my heart is. I clutch my chest trying to breathe, the pain swarms trough my entire body, my lunges are burning and my throat is aching from the gasping. Slowly my vision goes from dizzy to blurry.. then eventually dark. The sight of Raven leaves me, "NO! STAY WITH ME!" She yells desperately, I look up at her for the last time "raven... bombing" I choke as I cough up blood, "they're gonna bomb the area.. go" I let out with my last breathe. She shakes her head sobbing, slowly fading into the darkness that consumes me...


There we goooo~ BUT it's not over!! Stay tuuuuned to see what happens next!.. I sound like a narrator from an old film, well anyways enjoy! I will try to continue on without ditching it for weeks again WHOOPS

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