5- My heart

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I wake up suddenly jolting myself up gasping, what was that?! "Oh, good morning" I hear a voice, I look around to see where the voice came from- Aiden. He stands near a marble bench putting down a plate, "you woke up in time" he says with a half smile. "Come and eat, it'll get your mind off from your death dreams" He says sitting down at a wooden table with his own plate, death dreams? Is that what is was. I saw an arrow then felt a piercing feeling in my chest- oh right, yeah my death. I get out from the couch and run my hand through my messy hair, only just remembering that it changed shade. I grab my plate and go to where Aiden was seated, "mind me asking, how long will I get these dreams?" I ask sitting down in front of him on the other side of the table. "For as long as you exist. Although you won't get them every night, they'll eventually wear off but you'll still get them occasionally. It's just fresh in your head so it'll be around for awhile" he explains casually eating, on our plates were a small cut piece of toasted bread next to some laid out eggs. "Sorry it's not much, I'd assume you got fancier feasts from where you came from?" He asks crunching into his toast. "No it's fine, I'd actually eat old crackers most of the time. Yeah we would sit at long tables in a huge room but we still didn't get much even then" I explain eating the eggs with a steel and twisted fork with a fancy ancient designing on the end.

Moments of eating in silence or asking a bunch of questions he excuses himself from the table and goes to put on another leather jacket and styles his hair as he walks through the halls, "I don't even like this jacket..." he mutters in a growl as he tries to find his shoes. "Are you going out?" I ask walking out to the living room, he looks up at me after he picks up his shoes from the front door, "oh my apologies, I forgot to mention before. I got to go to my job and don't have much time to get there, I'll be back soon though. You can go out and explore more if you'd like" he says slipping on brown leather boots with buckles. "Oh yeah sure" I say watching him out the front door, "bye!" He rushes off. "Right... now what." I mutter to myself looking around. What's his job? Oh wait! That tailor guy, when was I supposed to be there by? Oh well I'll go now. I don't really have anything to get ready in, so I'll just leave like this. I go to the front door and walk out, he didn't give me a key so I guess I'll leave it unlocked. I walk out onto the street, Aiden was no where to be seen. Oh great, he lives far out from the town so now I got to find where I'm going. I walk along the paths hoping it'd bring me out to the main part of town again. I would look out for tall buildings like the spawn point buildings but there's too much fog and tall trees. I turn around a corner to see an animal, this whole time being here Ive never seen one, I thought they go to a different place but I guess we share. It was a wolf, it had a dark grey fur coat with glowing red eyes and foam in the mouth. It looks up at me but it starts growling, it's a savage. "Great.." I slowly step back but it only starts following me. It slowly starts crawling up to me but suddenly it jumps at me, "GAH-" I jump to the side avoiding its attack but stumble over. It leaps at me again but I roll over in time, "I doubt I'd taste good, it's only dead meat" I let out trying to back up. I end up backing up into a tree, so it tries leaping at me again but I scooch over in the so it head butts into the tree, I giggle and stumble up to start bolting off. It shakes off and starts chasing me, I keep looking back to see if it's following but every time I do it catches up, I try jumping over old stone walls and cutting corners trying to lose it but it doesn't do much. I run through the forest hoping to find something useful or a spot I could lose it but as I cut another corner behind a tree, I end up running into someone who pushes me onto the ground out of the way. Then a huge bang echoes the forest- A gunshot. I look up to see the wolf on the ground with a pool of blood surrounding it, it was sad to look at. The person grabs my arm and helps me up, "what are you doing out here?" A familiar voices asks me, I look up to see Aiden. "What am I doing out here? What are you doing here?" I change the question stunned that I ended up running into him again, "and where'd you get the gun?" I ask with a lower voice looking down at the gun. "I was supposed to find this wolf, as you could probably tell it's a savage. People take those in to treat them" he explains. I look up at him lost of words, "you're a hunter?" I ask. He shakes his head but walks off, "no.. but I need to wrap him up before he wakes up. There's a stun point in ghosts that can knock them out for some time, avoid getting shot there. It's the heart or sometimes temple of the head or neck" he says wrapping the wolf's feet together and snout shut. "The heart..." I say looking down at my chest with a quiet voice, I put my hand over where my heart was. That's where I got shot. He looks at me with the wolf over his shoulder, "oh.. I'm assuming you got killed in that spot?" I tilts his head at me, I look up at him then look back down. "Right, don't tell people that. You'll find out why, I need to be on my way I have a timer. Thanks for leading the wolf to me!" He laughs sarcastically as he walks off the other way. Why can't I tell people about my heart?


Dun dun dunnnnn ahaha, nowwwww here's where the fun begins! So sit back with a mug of something with popcorn and wait for it.
Siren Is. Over. And. Out!~

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