7- Missions

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                                                          173  years later
Sirens echo the streets along with the iconic flashing red and blue lights, I laugh as I slide across the bonnet of the car bannered with the word 'police'. Gunshots and tazers miss me as I run down the street with my tongue poking at them. Growls of frustration fade behind me, I look forward and start giggling. Cars and bikes chase me down the streets, but they lose me once I cut a sharp corner. I pull out a device from my pocket of my black leather jacket and hold it in front of me, a hologram of a map flashes above it. The corner of my lips curl, "X marks the spot." I follow the coordinates and put the device away, I lead the cars into a forest but they all suddenly break to a stop, that doesn't mean the bikes won't stop. So I'll just have to see if they'll follow me after this... I jump over logs and rocks but stumble through loose leaves all over the ground. The bikes start catching up to me so I turn around and jump onto them and do a flip off landing behind them. I turn around to watch them drive off the cliff, I let out a chuckle before pulling out the device "delivery belongs to... the caves? Okay sure.. totally not sketchy" I look down at the hologram of the address. I raise an eyebrow but shake my head and proceed on, shouldn't be too far from here.

I look around and spot a tall mountain, "so there's a secret entrance? How am I supposed to find an invisible entrance" I raise an eyebrow as I read the note Aiden gave me. He knows these people, but I don't see why not he just does it himself if he's getting the prize. I walk to where the destination proceeds me, I look around putting the device away. "You hoo!~ delivery for Mr... wait what kind of name is that?!" I squint my eyes at the name. A hatch door opens up at the bottom of the mountain that was once invisible, don't tell me I'm going down that... I walk over to it, a man wearing brown ripped leather with a bald head and an eye patch. Like it said, 'totally not sketchy'.. he gestures his fingers towards me to come over. I narrow my eyes at him but shrug it off, "I'm guessing Aiden sent you?" His deep intimidating voice asks, I look down at him with my hands in the pockets of my black leather jacket "sure did... wheres the offering?" I ask tilting my head with a neutral expression. He nods and turns back to the another figure running up to him, it was too dark to see what they looked like. He grabs the piece of rolled up paper from the figure and hands it to me. I smirk, "Thanks ma dude" I go to grab it but he pulls it back "mine first" his voice growls, I roll my eyes and pull the chain out from my jacket and toss it to him "now give me" I hold out my hand. He places the paper in my hand and furrows his eyebrows at me, I open the paper to read it and nod since it's the correct paper. I look back down at him as his eye is narrowed on me angrily "wheres the charm?" He growls. I tilt my head "it isn't there?" a smirk grows on my face. He growls "Where is it?!" He yells, I chuckle before I start running. He roars angrily, "GET HIM!"

I kept running but I turn back to see he side of the mountain open up to a bunch of people wrapped in dark ripped material covering most of their faces running towards me, they had spikes on the knuckles of their gloves. I should get gloves like that... some are even heading towards me on motorbikes. My eyes widen as I bolt towards through the trees. I hear the engines of the motorbikes grow louder towards me, so I jump up to grab a branch and swing around it so I land on one of the bikes. I land on the back of the seat, the rider turn around towards me but I grab his head and twist it so he falls off unconscious. I grab the handles and take over the bike. I giggle to myself trying to catch the bikes balance, it was swerving past trees only just scraping the bark. I only just started getting the hang of riding the bike but it starts to slow down, it was coated in a visible red aura. I raise a brow "you've got to be kidding me..." I look behind me, the motors roar as they land from jumping hills. I growl gritting my teeth but then swerve the bike to its side knocking over several other bikes with riders. I fall onto the ground rolling to be stopped by a tall cliff knocking the air out of me. I sit up but to be kicked in the face against the cliff, I groan as I look up at the figure pinning my head to the cliff. His snarl revealed the holes in his teeth, mine was filled with the blood dripping from my nose. "Where's the charm?!" Spit flies from his growl, his head now on my level. I spit out the blood that ran from my nose, "I don't have it" the corner of my lips lift. Unlike mine, his sink further down his face "of course, you're Aidens.. I shouldn't be surprised" he growls to himself. The back of my head starting aching from being pushed up against the rocky cliff side. I raise a brow waiting for what he had to do next, Although I look behind him to notice the rest of his gang started approaching. I look back up to the gang leader- I'm not even going to try and pronounce this guys name. He let out a soft chuckle before standing up straight, his eyes started glowing familiarly- which means he's going to be using whatever power he holds. "You're going to regret this.." his voice gruff, I giggle with my own eyes starting to glow "will I?" His eyebrows furrow down on me but not long after he started screaming. His body coward inwards as he started yelling into his hands. I start laughing as I stood up "don't worry.. won't last long" I pat him on the back before running off again. I took another route behind a rocky structure so his gang couldn't follow me.

I turn sideways to fit through the narrow pathway that leads back to town. I climb up a few rocks before jumping over branches that then opened up to a clearance. "Phew" I land into the thick towers of dry grass, I look around "now where's that- there he is" the corners of my lips curl as I start approaching the figure leaning against a tree. He's adjusting his gloves, has there ever been a time where he hasn't? "Seriously, do you shower with those gloves on? I've never seen you without em" I step over a stump to meet Aidens gaze. "What about you with those bandages" his head lifts up from his gloves as he drops them to his sides. I purse my lips "ya got me.." my eyebrows flicker before I start searching my pocket for the note. I sigh with relief once I found it- I would've been more then dead if I lost it. I pull it out and hold it in front of me. A smirk forms along his face, "what a good boy.." he takes it to open it up and read it. Once he read it, he smiles "cool.. you've got another mission. It starts at the crack of dawn tomorrow, details will be on the device" he explains turning away to start heading back to town. "Don't take so long next time" is what he leaves me with before fading away into the fog. My jaw drops before I scrunch my nose at him, "do the missions yourself then..." i mutter to myself starting to head back to my hideout.

I pull myself up a branch to then stand up, I look around me to find the sun setting. I sigh before jumping off the branch onto a rock platform. Walking along, I pull out my device to open up the menu to the missions. One new mission... I go into it but as I read through it, my eyebrows lower. "He wants me to what? Gather summoning crystals?" I shake my head, "is he insane? Why doesn't he do this himself?! I have to get through security just to fetch him a bunch of damn crystals...?" I groan putting the device away... and I can't be late to fetch him those. My head droops before I grab a vine to swing myself down a valley. Sliding along the dirt walls I stop in front of a tunnel, I look around the wall to find a panel. I click a few buttons to then light up the tunnels wall torches. Set up by magic- like any device I own and created. I walk through the halls to be greeted by my cave hideout. I chuck the device onto my work station desk before throwing myself onto an old couch I got ages back. In front of me was a broken tv I tried to fix with magic tools, it's not as good as the screen I built into the wall to do work on... but hey it works. I stretch over and kick the box so it turns on, the screen filled with static but eventually started playing shows of old dancing. Men and women kicking their feet out with their arms hooked onto each other's. I dig my chin into the couch watching it, eventually accidentally slipping into darkness i call sleep.

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