4- Aiden

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The corner of his lips curl, "good choice! You won't regret it" He lets out a small chuckle. He gestured for me to start walking beside him so I do so, "how big is this place?" I ask looking around. "This place goes on for days, with heaps of different towns and places like the waking world" he explains with his focus set on the path ahead of us. I look up at him, he's tall for his age... for what I assume his age is, what's his age? "Sorry to ask, sir- uh.. Aiden" I correct myself, he adverts his gaze upon me- he looks intimidating up there.. "how old are you? You don't age in these places right?" I keep asking questions, but he lets out a small chuckle again "no you don't, you can't produce anything new since you're not alive. So how you die is the form or state you're forever in until you fade from existence. And, to answer your question.. I'm around 600 years old, although I died at 19" he explains so casually as he looks back up. I nod "makes sense.." I look back down at my wrists. "Hey, why don't I show you something?" I look up at him to meet his gaze, "like what?" I ask cautious of what he means. "It's a pretty scene don't worry, trust me" He smiles, I look up at him for a few seconds before nodding my head. "Okay then let's go!" He tugs on my arm pulling me through the fog, since I'm a lot shorter I try to keep up without stumbling.

He pulls me through a forest that was nearby, the trees had a grey tint with purple reflection on the shiny leaves that are tons of feet above me. We kept running for a good solid minutes, "why are we running?" I let out in a huff. "So we don't miss it" he answers with his gaze in front of him. Not long after he stops on the other side of the trees, he catches his breath as he sits down on the side of a cliff. I walk up to where he was sitting to catch my own breath but to only lose it again once I see the view. My eyes widen and my jaw drops as I sit down, we were on a cliff over a scene that had a crystal clear river with stones along the sides, a few smaller trees with the taller trees on the side of the river, tons of purple and faded blue flowers but not to forget the purple sparkling mist and fog that decorated the land. He laughs beside me, "see I told you! Pretty huh" he smiles aback at the scene, I nod again smiling at how stunning this was. "They call it the land of the dead... but that doesn't mean it still can't be beautiful" he goes on as he sits back, I should feel terrified at how close to the edge over a huge drop, but it felt worth it. "So... how would we miss this?" I ask looking back at him, he looks at me with his intimidating neutral expression "it's a sunset." I raise an eyebrow at him and look back at the sky, I don't see a sun. The sky was a purple that had a yellow glow at the bottom with glints of stars above it, but where's the sun? "Okay okay, it's around the time you would have a sunset, but it's not a sunset" I look at him confused "Okay so, what do you have instead of a sun?" "Stars, stars die too. But we have a few close stars that light up the sky, even if they aren't as close as the sun is to the waking world" he explains but I don't get much of what he means. He gets up and brushes off "I know it's pretty and all, but we should get going", I look at him and nod. I get up, brush off and follow him back through the trees. "Since you don't have anywhere to stay, that's why I offered if you wanted to stay at mine" he explains once I catch up with him "oh.. heh yeah okay" I laugh with a half smile. He lets out a soft chuckle "dork..."

Time passes, it gets even darker then it was but there's a few street lanterns that light up some pathways. "This way" he corrects my direction from almost walking a complete different path. Not long after it starts raining, "ughhh this is what I was trying to avoid, hurry let's go. Soon later this'll become acid" he growls before he starts running, I raise an eyebrow but follow him swiftly. We bolt down the streets trying to avoid the rain, "right there" he points towards his house at the end of the street but before we could make it the rain starts burning into my skin "ow" I try wiping it off. 

We make it to his porch so we're undercover "ughh now this'll take hours to regenerate" he mutters to himself, "not to mention this was a new jacket" he throws off his brown leather jacket onto the floor to reveal his white undershirt. I look back at my clothes biting my tongue trying to ignore the pain, it continues to seep through my skin burning it's way to the bone. My clothes had a few holes in them but they already did so it only looks similar to before. I look back up at Aiden to see a side of his face burnt and melted revealing a few of his teeth, he looks down at me "You were hardly touched.. hurts though huh" he digs for a key in his pockets, "What was that?" I ask. "Acid rain, kid. At this time of day a mild acid rain pours for a couple of hours. Doesn't affect the buildings though, and don't worry about the nature it regenerates. So do we" He finally finds his keg and starts unlocking his door. I nod, what causes the rain? I've heard of some urban towns having this but I've never witness it since we didn't have the new machinery. He opens the door and gestures me inside, "Welcome.. it's a bit messy but I'll clean it" He says picking up a few things, "I just got frustrated from work" he explains casually. Okay, hint to self don't piss this guy off. I walk in taking a look around, it was still neat and well furnished. A wood structure with a fireplace, clean furniture and a warm lighting, looks like a cozy place. As I walk through I yawn, guess it's a bit too cozy. Aiden laughs, "you'd be exhausted after today, I'll grab some blankets for you to sleep. I remember the day I died and it was exhausting" he walks over to piles of clothes and blankets and picks up a brown wooly blanket and hands it to me, "sleep anywhere." I take the blanket and look around, how helpful... may as well sleep outside then. I walk towards the couch and sit down. By the time I look back up for Aiden he's gone, I shrug and lay down wrapping myself with the blanket. I was too tired to be curious.


Boring I know, but it the real story starts soon. Juuuuuust trust me~
      Is Aiden trustworthy?
               Siren is signing out!

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